Publikationen aus dem Bereich Physikalische Geodäsie und Weltraumverfahren

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  • Alonso, I.;… Müller, J.;… Schilling, M. et al. (2022): Cold atoms in space: community workshop summary and proposed road-mapEPJ Quantum Technology, 9(1):30. Springer
    DOI: 10.1140/epjqt/s40507-022-00147-w
  • Biskupek, L., Singh, V.V., Müller, J. (2022): Estimation of Earth Rotation Parameter UT1 from Lunar Laser Ranging ObservationsGeodesy for a Sustainable Earth: 2021 Scientific Assembly of the IAG, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
    DOI: 10.1007/1345_2022_178
  • HosseiniArani A, Tennstedt B., Schilling M., Knabe A., Wu H., Schön S., Müller J. (2022): Kalman-Filter Based Hybridization of Classic and Cold Atom Interferometry Accelerometers for Future Satellite Gravity MissionsIn: International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Freymueller, J. (Ed.), Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1007/1345_2022_172
    ISSN: 0939-9585
  • Knabe A., Schilling M., Wu H., HosseiniArani A., Müller J., Beaufils Q, Pereira dos Santos F. (2022): The Benefit of Accelerometers Based on Cold Atom Interferometry for Future Satellite Gravity MissionsInternational Association of Geodesy Symposia. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1007/1345_2022_151
    ISSN: 0939-9585
  • Singh, V. V., Biskupek, L., Müller, J., Zhang, M. (2022): Earth rotation parameter estimation from LLRAdvances in Space Research, 70, 2383-2398
    DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2022.07.038
  • Zhang, M., Müller, J., Biskupek, L., Singh, V. V. (2022): Characteristics of differential lunar laser rangingAstronomy & Astrophysics, 659, A148
    DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202142841
  • Biskupek L., Müller J., Torre J-M. (2021): Benefit of New High-Precision LLR Data for the Determination of Relativistic ParametersUniverse, 7, 34
    DOI: 10.3390/universe7020034
  • Müller J. und Schilling M. (2021): Neue Messmethoden für die gravimetrische ErdbeobachtungZfV - Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement, Heft 4/2021, S. 280-289
    DOI: 10.12902/zfv-0368-2021
  • Singh V.V., Biskupek L., Müller J., Zhang M. (2021): Impact of non-tidal station loading in LLRAdvances in Space Research, 67, 3925-3941
    DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2021.03.018
  • Van Camp M., dos Santos F. P., Murböck M., Petit G., Müller J. (2021): Lasers and Ultracold Atoms for a Changing EarthEOS, 102
    DOI: 10.1029/2021EO210673
  • Falk R., Pálinkáš V., Wziontek H., Rülke A., Val’ko M., Ullrich C., Butta H., Kostelecký J., Bilker-Koivula M., Näränen J., Prato A., Mazzoleni F., Kirbaş C., Coşkun I., Van Camp M., Castelein S., Bernard J.D., Lothhammer A., Schilling M., Timmen L., Iacovone D., Nettis G., Greco F., Messina A.A., Reudink R., Petrini M., Dykowski P., Sękowski M., Janák J., Papčo J., Engfeldt A., Steffen H. (2020): Final report of EURAMET.M.G-K3 regional comparison of absolute gravimetersMetrologia 57 (1A), p. 07019
    DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/57/1A/07019
  • Heine, N., Matthias, J., Sahelgozin, M., Herr, W. , Abend, S., Timmen, L., Müller, J., Rasel, E. (2020): A transportable quantum gravimeter employing delta-kick collimated Bose-Einstein condensatesEuropean Physics Journal D
    DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2020-10120-x
  • Lin, M., Denker, H., Müller, J. (2020): Gravity Field Modeling Using Tesseroids with Variable Density in the Vertical DirectionSurveys in Geophysics, 41:723-762
    DOI: 10.1007/s10712-020-09585-6
  • Müller, J., Wu, H. (2020): Using quantum optical sensors for determining the Earth's gravity field from spaceJournal of Geodesy 94
    DOI: 10.1007/s00190-020-01401-8
  • Philipp D., Hackmann E., Lämmerzahl C., Müller J. (2020): The Relativistic Geoid: Gravity Potential and Relativistic EffectsPhysical Review D, 101(6):064032
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.064032
  • Schilling. M, Wodey, E., Timmen, L., Tell, D., Zipfel, K., Schlippert, D., Rasel, E., Müller, J. (2020): Gravity Field Modelling for the Hannover 10 m Atom InterferometerJournal of Geodesy 94(12):122
    DOI: 10.1007/s00190-020-01451-y
    arXiv: 2003.04875
  • Timmen, L., Rothleitner, C., Reich, M., Schröder, S., Cieslack, M. (2020): Investigation of Scintrex CG-6 Gravimeters in the Gravity Meter Calibration System HannoverAllgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten - avn, Vol. 127(4), S. 155-162 Weitere Informationen
  • Weise, A., Timmen, L., Deng, Z., Gabriel, G., Rothleitner, C., Schilling, M., Voigt, C. (2020): Observing ocean mass variability with spring gravimeters – storm surge induced signals on the North Sea island HelgolandAllgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten - avn, Vol. 127(4), S. 163-173 Weitere Informationen
  • Wu, H., Müller, J. (2020): Towards an International Height Reference Frame Using Clock NetworksInternational Association of Geodesy Symposia. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
    DOI: 10.1007/1345_2020_97
  • Zhang, M., Müller, J., Biskupek, L. (2020): Test of the equivalence principle for galaxy's dark matter by lunar laser rangingCelestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 132:25
    DOI: 10.1007/s10569-020-09964-6
  • Lin, M., Denker, H., Müller, J. (2019): A comparison of fixed- and free-positioned point mass methods for regional gravity field modelingJournal of Geodynamics, Vol. 125, p. 32-47, 2019
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jog.2019.01.001
  • Mai, E., Müller, J., Oberst, J. (2019): Application of an evolution strategy in planetary ephemeris modelingAdvances in Space Research, vol. 63, p. 728-749
    DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2018.09.011
  • Müller, J., Murphy, T., Schreiber, U., Shelus, P., Torre, J., Williams, J., Boggs, D., Bouquillon, S. Bourgoin, F. Hofmann (2019): Lunar Laser Ranging – A Tool for General Relativity, Lunar Geophysics and Earth ScienceJournal of Geodesy, Vol. 93, p. 2195-2210
    DOI: 10.1007/s00190-019-01296-0
  • Müller, J., Pail, R. (und die DGK-Abteilung Erdmessung) (2019): Erdmessung 2030zfv 1/2019, S. 4-16, 2019
  • Pail R., Bamber J., Biancale R., Bingham R., Braitenberg C., Cazenave A., Eicker A., Flechtner F., Gruber T., Güntner A., Heinzel G., Horwath M., Longuevergne L., Müller J., Panet I., Savenije H., Seneviratne S., Sneeuw N., van Dam T., Wouters B. (2019): Mass variation observing system by high low inter-satellite links (MOBILE) – a new concept for sustained observation of mass transport from spaceJournal of Geodetic Science, Vol. 9(1), p. 48-58
    DOI: 10.1515/jogs-2019-0006
  • Trimeche, A.; Battelier, B.; Becker, D.; Bertoldi, A.; Bouyer, P.; Braxmaier, C.; Charron, E.; Corgier, R.; Cornelius, M.; Douch, K.; Gaaloul, N.; Herrmann, S.; Müller, J.; Rasel, E.; Schubert, C.; Wu, H.; Pereira dos Santos, F. (2019): Concept study and preliminary design of a cold atom interferometer for space gravity gradiometryClassical and Quantum Gravity, Vol. 36, No. 21, 215004
    DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/ab4548
  • Wu, H., Müller, J., Lämmerzahl, C. (2019): Clock networks for height system unification: a simulation studyGeophysical Journal International, 216(3):1594-1607
    DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggy508
  • Denker H., Timmen L., Voigt Ch., Weyers S., Peik E., Margolis H. S., Delva P., Wolf P., Petit G. (2018): Geodetic methods to determine the relativistic redshift at the level of 10-18 in the context of international timescales – A review and practical resultsJournal of Geodesy 92: 487-516
    DOI: 10.1007/s00190-017-1075-1
  • Grotti, J., Koller, S., Vogt, S., Häfner, S., Sterr, U., Lisdat, C., Denker, H., Voigt, C., Timmen, L., Rolland, A., Baynes, F.N., Margolis, H.S., Zampaolo, M., Thoumany, P., Pizzocaro, M., Rauf, B., Bregolin, F., Tampellini, A., Barbieri, P., Zucco, M., Costanzo, G.A., Clivati, C., Levi, F., Calonico, D (2018): Geodesy and metrology with a transportable optical clockNature Physics, 14, 437–441
    DOI: 10.1038/s41567-017-0042-3
  • Hofmann, F. and Müller, J. (2018): Relativistic tests with lunar laser rangingClassical and Quantum Gravity, vol. 35, p. 035015
    DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/aa8f7a
  • Hofmann, F., Biskupek, L., Müller, J. (2018): Contributions to Reference Systems from Lunar Laser Ranging using the IfE analysis modelJournal of Geodesy, vol. 92(9), p. 975-987
    DOI: 10.1007/s00190-018-1109-3
  • Leßmann, L. and Müller, J. (2018): Analysis of non-tidal ocean loading for gravitational potential observations in northern EuropeJournal of Geodynamics
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jog.2018.05.008
  • Mehlstäubler, T.E., Grosche, G., Lisdat, C., Schmidt, P.O., Denker, H. (2018): Atomic clocks for geodesyReports on Progress in Physics Vol. 81, No. 6, 064401
    DOI: 10.1088/1361-6633/aab409
  • Philipp, D., Woeske, F., Biskupek, L., Hackmann, E., Mai, E., List, M., Lämmerzahl, C., Rievers, B. (2018): Modeling approaches for precise relativistic orbits: Analytical, Lie-series, and pN approximationAdvances in Space Research: 62, p. 921-934
    DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2018.05.020
    arXiv: 1708.04609v2
  • Timmen, L., Falk, R., Gabriel, G., Lothhammer, A., Schilling, M., Vogel, D. (2018): Das Relativgravimeter-Kalibriersystem Hannover für 10e-4 Maßstabsbestimmungenavn - Allgemeine Vermessungs Nachrichten, Vol. 125(05), S. 140-150 Weitere Informationen
  • Weise A., Kersten T., Timmen, L., Gabriel G., Schön S., Vogel D. (2018): Ein integrativer geodätisch-gravimetrischer Ansatz zur Erkundung von Subrosion im Erdfallgebiet Hamburg-Flottbek - Oberflächendeformation und MassentransferAllgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten (AVN), 125(7), pages 245-255, Wichman VDE Verlag, Berlin
  • Douch, K., Schubert, C., Wu, H., Müller, J., Pereira Dos Santos, F. (2017): Simulation-based evaluation of a cold atom interferometry gradiometer concept for gravity field recoveryAdvances in Space Research
    DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2017.12.005
  • Guéna, J., Weyers, S., Abgrall, M., Grebing, C., Gerginov, V., Rosenbusch, P., Bize, S., Lipphardt, B., Denker, H., Quintin, N., Raupach, S., Nicolodi, D., Stefani, F., Chiodo, N., Koke, S., Kuhl, A., Wiotte, F., Meynadier, F., Camisard, E., Chardonnet, C., Lecoq, Y., Lours, M., Santarelli, G., Amy-Klein, A., Le Targat, R., Lopez, O., Pottie, P.-E., Grosche, G. (2017): First international comparison of fountain primary frequency standards via a long distance optical fiber linkMetrologia, 54, 348–354
    DOI: 10.1088/1681-7575/aa65fe
  • Müller J., Dirkx D., Kopeikin S.M., Lion G., Panet I., Petit G., Visser P.N.A.M. (2017): High Performance Clocks and Gravity Field DeterminationSpace Science Reviews, 214(1):p. 5, online first November, 30
    DOI: 10.1007/s11214-017-0431-z
    arXiv: 1702.06761
  • Pálinkáš, V.,Francis, O., Val'ko, M., Kostelecký, J., Van Camp, M., Castelein, S., Bilker-Koivula, M., Näränen, J., Lothhammer, A., Falk, R., Schilling, M., Timmen, L., Iacovone, D., Baccaro, F., Germak, A., Biolcati, E., Origlia, C., Greco, F., Pistorio, A., De Plaen, R., Klein, G., Seil, M., Radinovic, R., Reudink, R., Dykowski, P., Sȩkowski, M., Próchniewicz, D., Szpunar, R., Mojzeš, M., Jańk, J., Papčo, J., Engfeldt, A., Olsson, P. A., Smith, V., van Westrum, D., Ellis, B., Lucero, B. (2017): Regional comparison of absolute gravimeters, EURAMET.M.G-K2 key comparisonMetrologia Vol. 54 (1A), pp. 07012 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/54/1A/07012
  • Schilling, M., Timmen, L., Kumme, R. (2017): The gravity field in force standard machinesProceedings of the IMEKO TC3, TC5, TC22 Joint Conference, 30.05.-01.06.2017, Helsinki Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.15488/3073
  • Lisdat, C., Grosche, G., Quintin, N., Shi, C., Raupach, S.M.F., Grebing, C., Nicolodi, D., Stefani, F., Al-Masoudi, A., Dörscher, S., Häfner, S., Robyr, J.-L., Chiodo, N., Bilicki, S., Bookjans, E., Koczwara, A., Koke, S., Kuhl, A., Wiotte, F., Meynadier, F., Camisard, E., Abgrall, M., Lours, M., Legero, T., Schnatz, H., Sterr, U., Denker, H., Chardonnet, C., Le Coq, Y., Santarelli, G., Amy-Klein, A., Le Targat, R., Lodewyck, J., Lopez, O., Pottie, P.-E. (2016): A clock network for geodesy and fundamental scienceNature Communications 7, Article number: 12443
    DOI: 10.1038/ncomms12443
  • Schilling, M., Timmen, L. (2016): Traceability of the Hannover FG5X-220 to the SI UnitsIn: Freymueller J.T., Sánchez L. (eds) International Symposium on Earth and Environmental Sciences for Future Generations. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, vol 147, S. 69-75. Springer, Cham Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1007/1345_2016_226
  • Voigt, C., Denker, H., Timmen, L. (2016): Time-variable gravity potential components for optical clock comparisons and the definition of international time scalesMetrologia 53: 1365-1383
    DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/53/6/1365
  • Francis, O., Baumann, H., Ullrich, C., Castelein, S., Van Camp, M., de Sousa, M.A., Melhorato, R.L., Li, C., Xu, J., Su, D., Wu, S., Hu, H., Wu, K., Li, G., Li, Z., Hsieh, W.-C., Pálinkás, V., Kostelecký, J., Mäkinen, J., Näränen, J., Merlet, S. ,Pereira Dos Santos, F., Gillot, P., Hinderer, J., Bernard, J.-D., Le Moigne, N., Fores, B., Gitlein, O., Schilling, M., Falk, R., Wilmes, H., Germak, A., Biolcati, E., Origlia, C., Iacovone, D., Baccaro, F., Mizushima, S., De Plaen, R., Klein, G., Seil, M., Radinovic, R., Sekowski, M., Dykowski, P., Choi, I.-M., Kim, M.-S., Borreguero, A., Sainz-Maza, S., Calvo, M., Engfeldt, A., Agren, J., Reudink, R., Eckl, M., van Westrum, D., Billson, R., Ellis, B. (2015): CCM.G-K2 key comparisonMetrologia Vol. 52 (1A), pp. 07009 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/52/1A/07009
  • Hofmann, F., Müller, J., Biskupek, L. (2015): Lunar Laser Ranging: Das Erde-Mond-System und Tests der Einstein'schen GravitationstheorieZfV, Jg. 140, S. 337-345
    DOI: 10.12902/zfv-0087-2015
  • Lin, M., Denker, H., Müller, J. (2015): Regional gravity field modeling by radially optimized point masses: case studies with synthetic data.International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Online First: 1-7, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.
    DOI: 10.1007/1345_2015_92.
  • Löcher, A., Hofmann, F., Gläser, P., Haase, I., Müller, J., Kusche, J., Oberst, J. (2015): Towards Improved Lunar Reference Frames: LRO Orbit DeterminationIn: T. van Dam (ed.) REFAG 2014, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, vol. 146, pp. 201–207, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
    DOI: 10.1007/1345_2015_146
  • Schilling, M., Gitlein, O. (2015): Accuracy Estimation of the IfE Gravimeters Micro-g LaCoste gPhone-98 and ZLS Burris Gravity Meter B-64Proceedings of the IAG Scientific Assembly,01.-06.09.2013, Potsdam; International Association of Geodesy Symposia Vol. 143, pp. 249-256, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
    DOI: 10.1007/1345_2015_29
  • Shabanloui, A., Müller, J. (2015): Mass Variations in the Siberian Permafrost Region Based on New GRACE Results and Auxiliary Modeling.In: Jin S., Barzaghi R. (eds) IGFS 2014. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, vol 144. Springer, Cham
    DOI: 10.1007/1345_2015_186
  • Shabanloui, A., Müller, J. (2015): How reliable is the mass variation in the Siberian permafrost region as observed by GRACE?68th Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference Proceedings, p. 646–651.
  • Timmen L., Engfeldt A, Scherneck H.-G. (2015): Observed secular gravity trend at Onsala station with the FG5 gravimeter from HannoverJ. Geod. Sc., 5:18-25
    DOI: 10.1515/jogs-2015-0001
  • Voigt, C., Denker, H. (2015): Validation of GOCE Gravity Field Models in GermanyNewton's Bulletin 5: 37-48 Weitere Informationen
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2014): Cross-overs assess quality of GOCE gradients.In: Observation of the System Earth from Space - CHAMP, GRACE, GOCE and future missions (eds. F. Flechtner, W.-D. Schuh und N. Sneeuw), Geotechnologien Science Report No. 20, in Springer "Advanced Technologies in Earth Sciences" (serie editors: U. Münch, L. Stroink, V. Mosbrugger, G. Wefer), p. 123-129, 2014
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-32135-1_16
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2014): Validation of GOCE gravitational gradients in satellite track cross-oversIn: Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet (eds. C. Rizos, P. Willis). IAG Symposia Series, Springer, Vol. 139, p. 399-405
  • Lin, M., Denker, H., Müller, J. (2014): Regional gravity field modeling using free-positioned point massesStud. Geophys. Geod. 58:207-226
    DOI: 10.1007/s11200-013-1145-7
  • Müller, J., Hofmann, F., Fang, X., Biskupek, L. (2014): Lunar Laser Ranging: Recent Results based on Refined ModellingIn: Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet (eds. C. Rizos, P. Willis). Proceedings of the IAG General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, June 28 - July 2, 2011, IAG Symposia Series, Vol. 139, p 447-452, Springer
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37222-3_59
  • Reubelt T., N. Sneeuw, S. Iran Pour, M. Hirth, W. Fichter, J. Müller, P. Brieden, F. Flechtner, JC Raimondo, J. Kusche, B. Elsaka, T. Gruber, M. Murböck, B. Doll, X. Wang, V. Klein, M. Lezius, K. Danzmann, B. Sheard, E. Rasel, C. Schubert, W. Schäfer, A. Rathke, H. Dittus, I. Pelivan (2014): Future Gravity Field Satellite MissionsIn: Observation of the System Earth from Space - CHAMP, GRACE, GOCE and future missions (eds. F. Flechtner, W.-D. Schuh und N. Sneeuw), Geotechnologien Science Report No. 20, published in Springer "Advanced Technologies in Earth Sciences" (series editors: U. Münch, L. Stroink, V. Mosbrugger, G. Wefer), p. 165-230
  • Voigt, C., Denker, H. (2014): Validation of Second-Generation GOCE Gravity Field Models by Astrogeodetic Vertical Deflections in GermanyEarth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet, Proceedings of the IAG General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, June 28 - July 2, 2011, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Vol. 139, Springer, 291-296
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37222-3_38
  • Voigt, C., Denker, H. (2014): Regional Validation and Combination of GOCE Gravity Field Models and Terrestrial DataObservation of the System Earth from Space - CHAMP, GRACE, GOCE and Future Missions, GEOTECHNOLOGIEN Science Report No. 20, Springer, 139-145
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-32135-1_18
  • Elsaka, B., Raimondo, J., Brieden, P., Reubelt, T., Kusche, J., Flechtner, F. Iran Pour, S., Sneeuw, N., Müller, J. (2013): Comparing seven candidate mission configurations for temporal gravity field retrieval through full-scale numerical simulationJournal of Geodesy
    DOI: 10.1007/s00190-013-0665-9
  • Gitlein, O., Timmen, L., Müller, J. (2013): Modeling of Atmospheric Gravity Effects for High-Precision ObservationsInternational Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 4, p. 663-671
    DOI: 10.4236/ijg.2013.44061
  • Mai, E.; Müller, J. (2013): General Remarks on the Potential Use of Atomic Clocks in Relativistic GeodesyZeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement, Heft 4/2013, 257-266
  • Margolis, H. S., Godun, R. M., Gill, P., Johnson, L. A. M., Shemar, S. L., Whibberley, P. B., Calonico, D., Levi, F., Lorini, L., Pizzocaro, M., Delva, P., Bize, S., Achkar, J., Denker, H., Timmen, L., Voigt, C., Falke, S., Piester, D., Lisdat, C., Sterr, U., Vogt, S., Weyers, S., Gersl, J., Lindvall, T., Merimaa, M. (2013): International timescales with optical clocksJoint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium, Vol. 2013, 908-911 Weitere Informationen
    ISBN: 978-1-4799-0342-9
  • Vey, S., Steffen, H., Müller, J., Boike, J. (2013): Inter-annual water mass variations from GRACE in central SiberiaJournal of Geodesy, Vol. 87, Issue 3, p. 287-299
    DOI: 10.1007/s00190-012-0597-9
  • Biskupek, L., Müller, J., Hofmann, F. (2012): Determination of Nutation Coefficients from Lunar Laser RangingIn: Geodesy for Planet Earth, eds. Kenyon, S., Pacino, M.C. and Marti, U., IAG Symposia Series, Vol. 136, Springer, 521-526
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-20338-1_63
  • Heiker, A., Kutterer, H., Müller, J. (2012): Stabilization of satellite derived gravity field coefficients by Earth rotation parametes and excitation functionsIn: Geodesy for Planet Earth, eds. Kenyon, S., Pacino, M.C. and Marti, U., IAG Symposia Series, Vol. 136, Springer, 537-544, 2012.
  • Müller, J., Hofmann, F., Biskupek, L. (2012): Testing various facets of the equivalence principle using lunar laser rangingClass. Quantum Grav. 29, 184006
    DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/29/18/184006
  • Müller, J., Naeimi, M., Gitlein, O., Timmen, L., Denker, H. (2012): A land uplift model in Fennoscandia combining GRACE and absolute gravimetry data.Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 53-54, p. 54-60
    DOI: 10.1016/j.pce.2010.12.006
  • Schilling, M., Müller, J., Timmen, L. (2012): Einsatz der Atominterferometrie in der Geodäsiezfv, 3/2012, 137. Jahrgang, S. 185-194, 2012. Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.15488/3097
  • Steffen, H., Müller, J., Petersheim, N. (2012): Mass variations in the Siberian permafrost region from GRACEIn: Geodesy for Planet Earth, eds. Kenyon, S., Pacino, M.C. and Marti, U., IAG Symposia Series, Vol. 136, Springer, P. 597-604, 2012.
  • Timmen, L., Gitlein, O., Klemann, V., Wolf, D. (2012): Observing gravity change in the Fennoscandian uplift area with the Hanover absolute gravimeterIn: Deformation and gravity change: indicators of isostasy, tectonics, volcanism and climate change vol. III, Pure Appl. Geophys. (PAGEOPH), Springer Basel AG.
    DOI: 10.1007/s00024-011-0397-9
  • Timmen, L., Falk, R., Gitlein, O., Wilmes, H. (2011): The measuring offset of the absolute gravimeter JILAg-3 (LUH) with respect to the FG5 instruments no. 101 (BKG) and no. 220 (LUH).In: V. G. Peshekhonov (Ed.-in-Chief): Terrestrial Gravimetry: Static and Mobile Measurements, Int. Symposium, The State Research Center of Russian Federation Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC, 72-77, St. Petersburg.
  • Francis, O., van Dam, T., Germak, A., Amalvict, M., Bayer, R., Bilker-Koivula, M., Calvo, M., D'Agostino, G.-C., Dell'Acqua, T., Engfeldt, A., Faccia, R., Falk, R., Gitlein, O., Fernandez, Gjevestad, J., Hinderer, J., Jones, D., Kostelecky, J., Le Moigne, N., Luck, B., Mäkinen, J., McLaughlin, D., Olszak, T., Olsson, P., Pachuta, A., Palinkas, V., Pettersen, B., Pujol, R., Prutkin, I., Quagliotti, D., Reudink, R., Rothleitner, C., Ruess, D., Shen, C., Smith, V., Svitlov, S., Timmen, L., Ulrich, C., Van Camp, M., Walo, J., Wang, L., Wilmes, H., Xing, L (2010): Results of the European Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters in Walferdange (Luxembourg) of November 2007Mertikas, Stelios P. (ed.): “Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation”, IAG Symp. 135: 31-36, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
  • Hofmann, F., Müller, J., Biskupek, L. (2010): Lunar laser ranging test of the Nordtvedt parameter and a possible variation in the gravitational constantAstronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 522, L5
    DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201015659
  • Ihde, J., Wilmes, H., Müller, J., Denker, H., Voigt, C., Hosse, M. (2010): Validation of Satellite Gravity Field Models by Regional Terrestrial Data SetsSystem Earth via Geodetic-Geophysical Space Techniques: Advanced Technologies in Earth Sciences, 2010, Part 3, 277-296,
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-10228-8_22
  • Kenyeres, A., Sacher, M., Ihde, J., Denker, H., Marti, U (2010): EUVN_DA: Realization of the European continental GPS/leveling networkIn: S.P. Mertikas (ed.), Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation, International Association of Geodesy Symposia 135, 315-320, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg
  • Koch, C., Müller, J., Christensen, U., Kallenbach, R. (2010): Bestimmung der Topographie und Lovezahl von Merkur aus simulierten Daten des BepiColombo-Laseraltimeterszfv, Heft 3/2010, 135. Jahrgang, S. 173-178
  • Merlet, S., Bodart, Q., Malossi, N., Landragin, A., Pereira Dos Santos, F., Gitlein, O., Timmen, L. (2010): Comparison between two mobile absolute gravimeters: optical versus atomic interferometersMetrologia 47, L9-L11.
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  • Müller, J., Jarecki, F., Wolf, I., Brieden, P. (2010): Quality Evaluation of GOCE GradientsIn: Flechtner, F., Gruber, T., Güntner, A., Mandea, M., Rothacher, M., Schöne, T., Wickert, J. (eds.), System Earth via Geodetic-Geophysical Space Techniques, Springer, New York, pp. 265-276, 2010.
  • Pettersen, B. R., M. Bilker-Koivula, K. Breili, A. Engfeldt, R. Falk, O. Gitlein, J. G. O. Gjevestad, W. Hoppe, D. I. Lysaker, J. Mäkinen, O. C. D. Omang, A. Reinhold, L. Timmen (2010): An Accuracy Assessment of Absolute Gravimetric Observations in FennoscandiaNordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research 7:1 (2010) 7–14
  • Denker, H., Barriot, J.-P., Fairhead, R., Forsberg, D., Ihde, J., Kenyeres, A., Marti, U., Sarrailh, M., Tziavos, I.N. (2009): The development of the European Gravimetric Geoid model EGG07Sideris, M. (Ed.), Observing Our Changing Earth, Proceedings of the IAG General Asembly, Perugia, Italiy, Juli 02-13, 2007. IAG Symposia Series Vol. 133, 177-186, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg/New York
  • Heiker, A., Kutterer, H., Müller, J. (2009): Combined Analysis of Earth Orientation Parameters and Gravity Field Coefficients for Mutual ValidationObserving Our Changing Earth. Reviewed Proceedings of the IAG General Assembly, Perugia, Italien, 2.-13. Juli 2007, ed. by M. Sideris, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg/New York, IAG Symposia Series No. 133, S. 853-859 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-85426-5_98
  • Jarecki, F., Müller, J. (2009): Robust trend Estimation from GOCE SGG Satellite Track Cross-Over DifferencesObserving Our Changing Earth. Reviewed Proceedings of the IAG General Assembly, Perugia, Italien, 2.-13. Juli 2007, ed. by M. Sideris, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg/New York, IAG Symposia Series No. 133, S. 363-369 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-85426-5_43
  • Müller, J., Biskupek, L., Oberst, J., Schreiber, U. (2009): Contribution of Lunar Laser Ranging to Realise Geodetic Reference SystemsGeodetic Reference Frames, ed. by H. Drewes, IAG Symposia, Vol. 134, Part 2, Springer, P. 55-59
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  • Oja, T., Timmen, L., Gitlein, O.: (2009): a raskuskiirenduse mõõtmised Suurupi ja Tõravere punktidel absoluutgravimeetriga FG5-220GEODEET 38/39, Eesti Geodeetide Ühingu Väljaanne, S. 16-27, 2009.
  • Pettersen, B., Müller, J. (2009): Small Instrument - Big Task, A Historical Account of how a Repsold Universal Instrument came to serve at the Arctic end of the Struve Geodetic ArcZeitschrift für Vermessungswesen (zfv), Heft 06/2009, 134 Jahrgang, S. 348-356, 2009
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  • Schneider, M., Müller, J. (2009): 1609-2009: 400 Jahre Keplersche GesetzeZeitschrift für Vermessungswesen (zfv), Heft 05/2009, 134. Jahrgang, S. 306-313
  • Steffen, H., Gitlein, O., Denker, H., Müller, J., Timmen, L.: (2009): Present rate of uplift in Fennoscandia from GRACE and absolute gravimetryTectonophysics 474, S. 69-77 Weitere Informationen
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  • Steffen, H., Müller, J., Denker, H. (2009): Analysis of mass variations in northern glacial rebound areas from GRACE dataSideris, M. (Ed.), Observing Our Changing Earth, Proceedings of the IAG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, July 02-13, 2007. IAG Symposia Series Vol. 133, 501-510, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg/New York
  • Steffen, H., Müller, J., Denker, H. (2009): Analysis of Mass Variations in Northern Glacial Rebound Areas from GRACE DataObserving Our Changing Earth. Reviewed Proceedings of the IAG General Assembly, Perugia, Italien, 2.-13. Juli 2007, ed. by M. Sideris, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg/New York, IAG Symposia Series No. 133, S. 501-509 Weitere Informationen
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  • Steffen, H., Petrovic, S., Müller, J., Schmidt, R., Wünsch, J., Barthelmes, F., Kusche, J. (2009): Significance of secular trends of mass variations determined from GRACE solutionsReviewed proceedings des ETS2008-Meetings. Journal of Geodynamics Weitere Informationen
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  • Voigt, C., Denker, H., Hirt, C. (2009): Regional astrogeodetic validation of GPS and levelling data and quasigeoid modelsSideris, M. (Ed.), Observing Our Changing Earth, Proceedings of the IAG General Assembly, Perugia, 2.-13.7.2007. IAG Symposia Series No. 133, 413-420, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York
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  • Wolf, K. I., Müller, J. (2009): Accuracy Analysis of External Reference Data for GOCE Evaluation in Space and Frequency DomainIn: Observing Our Changing Earth. In: Sideris, M. (Ed.), Observing Our Changing Earth, Proceedings of the IAG Genereal Assembly, Perugia, Italy, Jule 02.-13., 2007. IAG Symposia Series Vol. 133, 345-352, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg/New Xork
  • Gitlein, O., Timmen, L., Müller, J., Denker, H., Mäkinen, J., Bilker-Koivula, M., Pettersen, B.R., Lysaker, D.I., Svendsen, J. G.G., Wilmes, H., Falk, R., Reinhold, A., Hoppe, W., Scherneck, h.-G., Engen, B., Omang, O.C.D., Engfeldt, A., Lilje, M., Strykowski, G., Forsberg, R. (2008): Observing Absolute Gravity Acceleration in the Fennoscandian Land Uplift AreaV. G. Peshekhonov (Ed.-in-Chief): Terrestrial Gravimetry: Static and Mobile Measurements (TG-SMM2007), Int. Symposium, Elektropribor, St. Petersburg, S. 175-180
  • Kopeikin, S. M., Pavlis, E., Pavlis, D., Brumberg, V. A., Escapa, A. Getino, J. Gusev, A., Müller, J., Ni, W.-T., Petrova, N. (2008): Prospects in the orbital and rotational dynamics of the Moon with the advent of sub-centimeter lunar laser rangingAdvandes in Space Research, Vol. 42, p. 1378-1390, eprint Weitere Informationen
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  • Müller, J., Soffel, M., Klioner, S. (2008): Geodesy and RelativityJournal of Geodesy, Vol. 82, No. 3, 133-145 Weitere Informationen
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  • Soffel, M., Klioner, S., Müller, J., Biskupek, L. (2008): Gravito-Magnetism and LLRPhysical Review D 78, 024033
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  • Steffen, H., Denker, H., Müller, J. (2008): Glacial isostatic adjustment in Fennoscandia from GRACE data and comparison with geodynamical models.Journal of Geodynamics, Vol. 46, P. 155-164 Weitere Informationen
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  • Timmen, L., Gitlein, O., Müller, J., Strykowski, G., Forsberg, R (2008): Absolute gravimetry with the Hannover meters JILAg-3 and FG5-220, and their deployment in a Danish-German cooperationZeitschrift für Vermessungswesen (zfv), Heft 3/2008, 133. Jahrgang, S. 149-163
  • Wolf, K. I. und Müller, J. (2008): Accuracy Analysis of External Reference Data for GOCE Evaluation in Space and Frequency DomainObserving Our Changing Earth. Reviewed Proceedings of the IAG General Assembly, Pergia, Italien, 2.-13. Juli 2007, ed. by M. Sideris, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg/New York, IAG Symposia Series No. 133, S. 345-352 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-85426-5_41
  • Gitlein, O., Timmen, L. (2007): Atmospheric Mass Flow Reduction for Terrestrial Absolute Gravimetry in the Fennoscandian Land Uplift NetworkIn: P. Tregoning, C. Rizos (Eds.): Dynamic Planet, IAG Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 22-26 Aug. 2005, Volume 130, S. 461-466, Springer, 2007.
  • Jarecki, F., Müller, J. (2007): GOCE Gradiometer Validation in Satellite Track Cross-OversReviewed Proceedings of the 1st Int. Symp of IGFS, Harita Dergisi, Vol. 18, P. 223-228 Weitere Informationen
  • Müller, J., Biskupek, L. (2007): Variations of the gravitational constant from lunar laser ranging dataClassical and Quantum Gravity, vol. 24, p.4533-4538
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  • Müller, J., Neumann-Redlin, M., Denker, H. (2007): Determination of Mass Variations in Northern Europe from GRACE DataReviewed Proceedings of the 1st Int. Symp of IGFS, Harita Dergisi, Vol. 18, P. 424-429
  • Müller, J., Neumann-Redlin, M., Jarecki, F., Denker, H., Gitlein, O. (2007): Gravity Changes in Northern Europe As Observed by GRACEIn: P. Tregoning, C. Rizos (Eds.): Dynamic Planet, IAG Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 22-26 Aug. 2005, Volume 130, S. 523-526, Springer, 2007. Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-49350-1_76
  • Müller, J., Williams, J., Turyshev, S., Shelus, P. (2007): Potential Capabilities of Lunar Laser Ranging for Geodesy and Relativity.Dynamic Planet. P. Tregoning, C. Rizos (eds), IAG Symposia 130, P. 903-909, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg/New York, gr-qc/0509019
  • Voigt, C., Denker, H. (2007): A Study of High Frequency Terrain Effects in Gravity Field ModellingProceed. 1st International Symposium of the International Gravity Field Service, “Gravity Field of the Earth”, Harita Dergisi, Special Issue 18, pp. 342-347, Ankara, Turkey, 2007 Weitere Informationen
  • Abrikosov, O., Jarecki, F., Müller, J., Petrovic, S., Schwintzer, P. (2006): The Impact of Temporal Gravity Variations on GOCE Gravity Field Recovery.Observation of the Earth System from Space. J. Flury, R. Rummel, C. Reigeber, M. Rothacher, G. Boedecker, U. Schreiber (eds.), P. 255-269, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg/New York
  • Denker, H. (2006): Das Europäische Schwere- und Geoidprojekt (EGGP) der Internationalen Assoziation für Geodäsie.ZfV 131, p 335-344 | Datei |
  • Denker, H., J.-P. Barriot, R. Barzaghi, R. Forsberg, J. Ihde, A. Kenyeres, U. Marti, I.N. Tziavos (2006): The European Gravity and Geoid Project EGGPProceed. 1st Symp. Internat. Gravity Field Service (IGFS), Gravity Field of the Earth, Istanbul, 28 Aug. - 1 Sept., 2006
  • Jarecki, F., Wolf, I., Denker, H., Müller, J. (2006): Quality Assessment of GOCE GradientsObersavtion of the Earth System from Space. J. Flury, R. Rummel, C. Reigber, M. Rothacher, G. Boedecker, U. Schreiber (eds), P. 271-286, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg/New York
  • Timmen, L., Gitlein, O., Müller, J., Denker, H., Mäkinen, J., Bilker, M., Pettersen, B. R., Lysaker, D. I., Omang, O. C. D., Svendsen, J. G. G., Wilmes, H., Falk, R., Reinhold, A., Hoppe, W., Scherneck, H.-G., Engen, B., Harsson, B. G., Engfeldt, A., Lilje, M., Strykowski, G., Forsberg, R. (2006): Observing Fennoscandian Gravity Change by Absolute GravimetryIn: F. Sansò, A.J. Gil (Eds.): "Geodetic Deformation Monitoring: From Geophysical to Engineering Roles", IAG Symp. 131, S. 193-199, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006.
  • Bouman, J., Koop, R., Haagmans, R., Müller, J., Sneeuw, N., Tscherning, C. C., Visser, P. (2005): Calibration and Validation of GOCE Gravity Gradients.In: A Window on the Future, Proceedings of the 36th IAG General Assembly, 23rd IUGG General Assembly, Sapporo, Japan, 2003, ed. by F. Sanso, IAG Symposia series, No. 128, P. 265-270 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1007/3-540-27432-4_45
  • Denker, H. (2005): Evaluation of SRTM3 and GTOPO30 terrain data in GermanyIn: C. Jekeli, L. Bastos, J. Fernandes (eds.): Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions - GGSM2004, IAG Internat. Symp., Porto, Portugal, 2004. IAG Symp., Vol. 129, 218-223, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2005 | Datei |
  • Denker, H. und Roland, M. (2005): Compilation and evaluation of a consistent marine gravity data set surrounding EuropeF. Sanso (ed.): A window on the Future of Geodesy - Sapporo, Japan, June 30 - July 11, 2003, IAG Symp., Vol. 128, 248-253, Springer-Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg/New York | Datei |
  • Denker, H., Barriot, J.-P., Barzaghi, R., Forsberg, R., Ihde, J., Kenyeres, A., Marti, U., I. N. Tziavos (2005): Status of European Gravity and Geoid Project EGGPC. Jekeli, L. Bastos, J. Fernandes (eds.): Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions - GGSM2004, IAG Internat. Symp., Porto, Portugal, 2004. IAG Symp., Vol. 129, 125-130, Springer Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg/New York, 2005 | Datei |
  • Denker, H., Barriot, J.-P., Barzaghi, R., Forsberg, R., Ihde, J., Kenyeres, A., Marti, U., Tziavos, I. N. (2005): Status of the European Gravity and Geoid Project EGGPIn: C. Jekeli, Bastos, L., Fernandes, J. (eds.): Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions - GGSM2004, IAG Internat. Symp., Porto, Portugal, 2004. IAG Symp., Vol. 129, 125-130, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg/New York | Datei |
  • Francis, O., van Dam, T., M. Amalvict, M. Andrade de Sousa, M. Bilker, R. Billson, G. D'Agostino, S. Desogus, R. Falk, A. Germak, O. Gitlein, D. Jonhson, F. Klopping, J. Kostelecky, B. Luck, J. Makinen, D. McLaughlin, E. Nunez, C. Origlia, V. Palinkas, P. Richard, E. Rodriguez, D. Ruess, D. Schmerge, S. Thies, L. Timmen, M. Van Camp, D. van Westrum, H. Wilmes (2005): Results of the International Comparison of the Absolute Gravimeters in Walferdange (Luxembourg) of November 2003.In: C. Jekeli, L. Bastos, J. Fernandes (Eds.): "Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions - GGSM 2004" in Porto/ Portugal, IAG Symposium, Vol. 129, 272-275, Springer, 2005.
  • Gitlein, O., Denker, H., Müller, J. (2005): Local Geoid Computation by the Spectral Combination MethodIn: C. Jekeli, L. Bastos, J. Fernandes (Eds.): IAG International Symposium Volume 129, "Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions - GGSM2004" in Porto/ Portugal, pp. 179-184, Springer, 2005.
  • Jarecki, F., Müller, J., Petrovic, S., Schwintzer, P. (2005): Temporal Gravity Variations in GOCE Gradiometric Data.Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions. C. Jekeli, L. Bastos, J. Fernandes (eds.), IAG Symposia 129, P. 333-338, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg/New York Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1007/3-540-26932-0_58
  • Müller, J., Timmen, L., Gitlein, O., Denker, H. (2005): Gravity changes in the Fennoscandian land uplift area to be observed by GRACE and absolute gravimetryIn: Jekeli, Bastos, Fernandes (Eds.): IAG International Symposium Volume 129, "Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions - GGSM2004", Porto/Portugal, S. 304-309, Springer, 2005. Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-49350-1_76
  • Roland, M. und Denker, H. (2005): Evaluation of Terrestrial Gravity Data by Independent Global Gravity Field ModelsReigber, Ch., Lühr, H., Schwintzer, P., Wickert, J. (eds.): Earth Observation with CHAMP - Results from Three Years in Orbit, 59-64, Springer-Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg/New York | Datei |
  • Roland, M., Denker, H. (2005): Stokes integration versus wavelet techniques for regional geoid modellingF. Sanso (ed.): A Window on the Future of Geodesy - Sapporo, Japan, June 30 - July 11, 2003, IAG Symp., Vol. 128, 368-373, Springer-Verlag Berlin/Heideberg/New York | Datei |
  • Roland, M., Denker, H. (2005): Combination of marine and altimetric gravity data for geoid determinationIAG Internat. Symp. Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions - GGSM2004, Porto, Aug. 30-Sept. 3, 2004, CD-ROM Proceed., Porto | Datei |
  • Denker, H., J.-P. Barriot, R. Barzaghi, R. Forsberg, J. Ihde, A. Kenyeres, U. Marti, I.N. Tziavos (2004): Status of the European Gravity and Geoid Project EGGPNewton's Bulletin, No. 2, 87-92, Toulouse, 2004
  • Timmen, L., O. Gitlein (2004): The capacity of the Scintrex Autograv CG-3M no. 4492 gravimeter for "absolute-scale" surveysIn: P. M. L. de Menezes (Ed.): Revista Brasileira de Cartografia (Brazilian Journal of Cartography), No. 56/02, 89-95 (invited paper), 2004.
  • Wolf, K. I., Müller, J. (2004): Prediction of gravitational gradients using simulated terrestrial data for GOCE calibrationProceedings of the 1st workshop of International Gravity field Research, Graz, ed by. B. Meurers and R. Pail, P. 31-36
  • Müller, J. (2003): GOCE gradients in various reference frames and their accuraciesProceedings of session G1 The new gravity field missions (CHAMP, GRACE, GOCE): from measurements to geophysical interpretation of the EGS General Assembly, Nice, France, 2002, Advances in Geosciences, Vol. 1, P. 33-38
  • Müller, J., Jarecki, F., Wolf, K. I. (2003): External calibration and validation of GOCE gradientsProceedings of the 3rd Meeting of the International Gravity and Geoid Commission, ed. by I. Tziavos, Thessaloniki, Greece, P. 268-274
  • Obendorf, H., Müller, J. (2003): CHAMP Accelerometer and Star Sensor Data CombinationFirst CHAMP Mission results for Gravity, Magnetic and Atmospheric Studies. C. Reigber, H. Lühr, P. Schwintzer (eds.), P. 26-31, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg/New York
  • Timmen, L. (2003): Precise definition of the effective measurement height of free-fall absolute gravimetersMetrologia 40, 62-65
    DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/40/2/310
  • Meyer, F., Seitz, F., Müller, J. (2002): An Algorithm for Reliable Normal Point Calculation of Noisy LLR MeasurementsLaser RAdar: Ranging and Atmospheric Lidar Techniques III, SPIE-Proceedings, Vol. 4546, No. 29, P. 154-159, U. Schreiber, C. Werner, G. Kamerman, U. Singh (eds.)
  • Müller, J., Chapront, J., Ries, J. G., Williams, J. (2002): LLR and Tidal EffectsBulletin D'Informations Marees Terrestres (BIM), ed. by B. Ducarme, Vol. 134, P. 10553-10557
  • Müller, J., Tesmer, V. (2002): Investigation of Tidal Effects in Lunar Laser RangingJournal of Geodesy, Vol. 76, P. 232-237
  • Oberndorfer, H., Müller, J. (2002): GOCE Closed-loop SimulationEarth's Gravity and Magnetic Fields from Space, Journal of Geodynamics, Vol. 33, No. 1-2, P. 53-63
  • Oberndorfer, H., Müller, J., Grunwaldt, L. (2002): On the potential of a combined use of CHAMP Star Tracking and AccelerometryIAG Symposium 125: Vistas for Geodesy in the New Millenium, J. Adam and K.-P. Schwarz (eds.), P. 162-166, Springer Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg/New York
  • Oberndorfer, H., Müller, J., Rummel, R., Sneeuw, N. (2002): A Simulation Tool of the new Gravity Field Satellite MissionsAdv. Space Res., Vol. 30, No. 2, P. 227-232
  • Schuh, H., Ulrich, M., Egger, D., Müller, J., Schwegmann, W. (2002): Prediction of Earth orientation paramaters by artificial neural metworksJournal of Geodesy, Vol. 76, P. 247-258
  • Kuroishi, Y., Denker, H. (2001): Development of Improved Gravity Field Models Around Japan.M. G. Sideris (ed.): Gravity, Geoid and Geodynamics 2000, GGG2000 IAG Internat. Symp., Banff, Alberta, Canada, July 31 - August 4, 2000. IAG Symp. Vol. 123, 317-322, Springer-Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg/New York
  • Sneeuw, N., Dorobantu, R., Gerlach, C., Müller, J., Oberndorfer, H., Rummel, R., Koop, R., Visser, P., Hoyng, P., Selig, A., Smit, M. (2001): Simulation of the GOCE Gravity Field MissionProceedings of the Hotine-Marussi Symposium, held in Trento, Italy, Sept. 14-17, 1998, IAG Symposia 122, P. 14-20, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg/New York
  • Denker, H., Torge, W., Wenzel, G., Ihde, J., Schirmer, U. (2000): Investigation of Different Methods for the Combination of Gravity and GPS/Levelling Data.K. P. Schwarz (ed.): Geodesy Beyond 2000 - the Challenges of the First Decade. IAG Symposia, Vol. 121, 137-142, Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York 2000 | Datei |
  • Müller, J., Egger, D., Reichhoff, B., Schneider, M., Schreiber, U. (2000): Lunar Laser Ranging at its BestTowards an Integrated Global Geodetic Observing System (IGGOS), Proceedings of the IAG Section II Symposium, held in Munich, Germany, Oct. 5-9, 1998, IAG Symposia, Vol. 120, P. 161-164, Springer Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg/New York
  • Oberndorfer, H., Müller, J., Dorobantu, R., Gerlach, C., Rummel, R., Sneeuw, N., Koop, r., Visser, P., Hoyng, P., Selig A., Smit, M. (2000): Simulation of the GOCE Gravity Field MissionTowards an Integrated global Geodetic Observing System (IGGOS), Proceedings of the IAG SEction II Symposium, held in Munich, Germany, Oct. 5-9, 1998, IAG Symposia, Vol. 120, P. 201-204, Springer Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg/New York
  • Rummel, R., Müller, J., Oberndorfer, H., Sneeuw, N. (2000): Satellite Gravity Gradiometry with GOCETowards an Integrated Global Geodetic Observing System (IGGOS), Proceedings of the IAG Section II Symposium, held in Munich, Germany, Oct. 5-9, 1998, IAG Symposia, Vol. 120, P. 66-72, Springer Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg/New York
  • Sneeuw, N., Gerlach, C., Müller, J., Oberndorfer, H., Rummel, R. (2000): Fundamentals and Applications of the Gravity Field Mission GOCETowards an Integrated Global Geodetic Observing System (IGGOS), Proceedings of the IAG Section II Symposium, held in Munich, Germany, Oct. 5-9, 1998, IAG Symposia, Vol. 120, P. 205-208, Springer Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg/New York
  • Müller, J. und Oberndorfer, H. (1999): Simulation of the Gradiometer Mission GOCEArtificial Satellites, Vol. 34, No. 1, P. 41-55
  • Müller, J., Nordtvedt, K., Schneider, M., Vokrouhlicky, D. (1999): What can LLR provide to Relativity?Proceedings of the 8th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Jerusalem, Israel, June 22-27, 1997, ed. by T. Piran, P. 114-121, World Scientific
  • Oberndorfer, H., Dorobantu, R., Gerlach, C., Müller, J., Rummel, R., Sneeuw, N., Koop, R., Visser, P., Hoyng, P., Selig, A., Smit, M. (1999): GOCE Sensor Combination and Error AnalysisProceedings of the 2nd Joint Meeting of the International Gravity Commission (IGC) and the International Geoid Commission (IGeC), held in Trieste, Italy, Sept. 7 - 12, 1998, Bolletino di Geofisica teorica ed applicata, Vol. 40, N. 3-4, P. 303-307
  • Schreiber, U., Kawano, N., Yoshino, T., Degnan, J., Nordtvedt, K., Müller, J., Schlüter, W., Kunimori, H. (1999): Laser Ranging and VLBI for the Selene-II MissionProceedings of the International Workshop on Geodetic Measurements by the Collocation of Space techniques on Earth (Gemstone), Tokio/Japan, Jan. 25-28, 1999, P. 131-136, ed. by T. Yoshino, Tokio
  • Torge, W. und Denker, H. (1999): Zur Verwendung des Europäischen Gravimetrischen Quasigeoids EGG97 in DeutschlandZfV 124, 154-166
  • Torge, W., Denker, H. (1999): Zur Verwendung des Europäischen Gravimetrischen Quasigeoids EGG97 in Deutschland.ZfV 124, 154-166
  • Denker, H., Torge, W. (1998): The European Gravimetric Quasigeoid EGG97 - An IAG supported continental enterpriseIn: Forsberg, R., Feissel, M., Dietrich, R. (eds.), Geodesy on the Move – Gravity, Geoid, Geodynamics and Antarctica, IAG Scientific Assembly, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 3-9, 1997, International Association of Geodesy Symposia 119: 249-254, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg. | Datei |
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-72245-5_36
  • Müller, J. und Nordtvedt, K. (1998): Lunar Laser Ranging and the Equivalence Principle SignalPhysical Review D, Vol. 58, No. 6, ANo. 062001
  • Müller, J. und Schreiber, U. (1997): Expected Results from the Analysis of LLR DataProceedings ot the 10th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, held in Shanghai, China, Nov. 11-15, 1996, P. 178-182
  • Müller, J. und Soffel, M. (1997): Experimental Gravity and Lunar Laser Ranging.Reviews in Modern Astronomy 10, 1997, ed. by R. E. Schielicke, P. 191-199, Astronomische Gesellschaft, Hamburg
  • Müller, J., Sneeuw, N., Rummel, R. (1997): Problems and Prospects of the Planned gravity Missions GOCE and CHAMPGravity, Geoid and Marine Geodesy. Proceedings of the International Symposium held in Tokio, Japan, Sep. 30 - Oct. 4, 1996, IAG Symposia, Vol. 117, P. 179-187, Springer Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg/New Yorg
  • Müller, J., Schneider, M., Soffel, M., Ruder, H. (1996): Testing the Strong Equivalence Principle by Lunar Laser RangingProceedings of the STEP Symposium, Pisa, Italy, April 6-8, 1993, ed. by R. Reinhard, ESA WPP-115, P. 96-103
  • Müller, J., Vokrhoulicky, D., Nordtvedt, K. (1996): Improved constraint on the alpha1 PPN parameter from lunar motion.Physical Review D, Vol. 54, No. 9, P. 5927-5930
  • Sneeuw, N., Rummel, R., Müller, J. (1996): The Earth's gravity field from the STEP mission.Classical and Quantum Gravity, Vol. 13, P. A113-A117 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/13/11A/015
  • Denker, H., Behrend, D., Torge, W. (1995): European Gravimetric Geoid: Status Report 1994IAG Symposia 113 Gravity and Geoid, Graz, Austria, Sept. 11-17, 1994 (Eds.: H. Sünkel, I. Marson), 423-432, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1995 | Datei |
  • Müller, J. und Soffel, M. (1995): A Kennedy-Thorndike experiment using LLR DataPhysics Letters A, Vol. 198, P. 71-73
  • Müller, J., Schneider, M., Soffel, M., Ruder, H. (1995): Testing Einstein's Theory of Gravity by Lunar Laser RangingSymposia Gaussiana, Conference A, Proceedings of the 2nd Gauss Symposium, Munich, Germany, August 2-7, 1993, M. Behara, R. Fritsch, R. G. Lintz (eds.), Walter de Gruyter & Co., P. 637-647, Berlin-New York
  • Nordtvedt, K. L., Müller, J., Soffel, M. (1995): Cosmic acceleration of the Earth and Moon by dark matterAstronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 293, L73-L74
  • Timmen, L., Wenzel, H.-G. (1995): Worldwide synthetic gravity tide parametersIAG Symp. 113, 92-101, Springer
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  • Müller, J., Schneider, M., Soffel, M., Ruder, H. (1994): Testing Einstein's Theory of Gravity by analyzing Lunar Laser Ranging data.Proceedings of the Symposium on Experimental Gravitation, Nathiagali, Pakistan, June 28-July 3, 1993, IOP Publishing Ltd, A325-A329
  • Denker, H. und Torge, W. (1993): Present State and Future Developments of the European Geoid.Surveys in Geophysics 14, 433-447
  • Müller, J, Schneider, M., Soffel, M., Ruder, H. (1993): Estimation of Post-Newtonian parameters from LLR dataThe First William Fairbank Meeting on Relativistic Gravitational Experiments in Space, Proceedings of the Meeting held at the University of Rome, September 10-14, 1990, M. Demianski and C. W. F. Everitt (eds.), P. 74-60, World Scientific, Singapore
  • Müller, J., Schneider, M., Soffel, M., Ruder, H. (1992): Analyse von Lasermessungen zum MondZeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, 117. Jahrgang, Heft 4, S. 188-194
  • Müller, J., Schneider, M., Soffel, M., Ruder, H. (1991): Testing Einstein's theory of gravity by analyzing LLR dataAstrophysical Journal Letters, Vol. 382, P. L101-L103
  • Soffel, M., Müller, J., Wu, X., Xu, C. (1991): Consistent Relativitistic VLBI Theory with Picosecond AccuracyAstronomical Journal, Vol. 101, P. 2306
  • Soffel, M., Müller, J., Wu, X., Xu, C. (1991): Consistent Relativistic VLBI Theory with Picosecond AccuracyProceedings of the U.S. Naval Observatory Workshop on Relativistic Models for Use in Space Geodesy, Oct. 12, 1990, P. 30-37, ed. by T. M. Eubanks, U. S. Naval Observatory, Washington D. C.
  • Soffel, M., Müller, J., Wu, X., Xu, C. (1991): Consistent Relativistic VLBI Theory with Picosecond AccuracyProceedings of the AGU Chapman Conference on Geodetic VLBI: Monitoring Global Change, Washington, D. C., April 22-26, 1991, ed. by W. E. Carter, NOAA Technical Report NOS 137 NGS 49
  • Torge, W. und Denker, H. (1991): Zur Geoidmodellierung in EuropaZfV 115, 220-230
  • Denker, H., Rapp, R. H. (1990): Geodetic and oceanographic results from the analysis of 1 year of Geosat dataJ. Geophys. Res., 95(C8): 13151–13168
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  • Denker, H. und Wenzel, H.-G. (1987): Local Geoid determination and comparison with GPS resultsBulletin Géodésique 61, 349-366
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nicht begutachtete Veröffentlichungen

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  • Abdalla, A., Denker, H., Müller, J. (2018): A Combined optimisation of local and global gravimetric data to improve geoid modelling in SudanGeophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20: EGU2018-5241, EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, 8-13 April 2018
  • Krawczyk C., Dahm T., Gabriel G., Polom, U., Becker D., Schön S., Timmen L., Werban U., Kaufmann G., Börner F., Al-Halbouni D., Weise A., Tschache S., Zaksek K., Kersten T., Mai F., Vienken T., Tippelt T., Romanov D., Schuck A., Grube A., Katzschmann L., Taugs R., Kirsch R. (2018): Joint project SIMULTAN - Sinkhole characterization and monitoring with supplementing geophysical methods15th Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst, April 2.-6., Shepherdstown, West Virginia, USA
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  • Lisdat, C., Müller, J., Schmidt, P. (2018): Optische Uhren und ihre Anwendung in der GeodäsiePTB-Mitteilungen, 128. Jahrgang, Heft 3, S. 15-23, 2018
  • Pavlis, E., Müller, J. (2018): International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS)IERS Annual Report 2017 ed. by W.Dick and D.Thaller, BKG, p. 58 - 72, 2018, online: Annual Reports/AnnualReport2017
  • Timmen L., Kersten T., Müller J., Schilling M., Schön S., Paffenholz J.-A., Neumann I. (2018): Das HITec als Herzstück - Geodäsie und Quantenphysik verbinden sichIn: HITec - Das HannoverInstitute of Technology - Ein transdisziplinäres Zentrum für Quanten-Engineering, Forschungsmagazin der Leibniz Universität Hannover, Band 3/4 2018
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  • Freier, C., Hauth, M., Schkolnik, V., Leykauf, B., Schilling, M., Wziontek, H., Scherneck, H.-G., Müller, J., Peters, A. (2016): Mobile quantum gravity sensor with unprecedented stabilityJournal of Physics: Conference Series, 8th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology 2015 12–16 October 2015, Potsdam, Germany
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  • Pavlis, E., Müller, J. (2016): International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS)IERS Annual Report 2015 ed. by W.Dick and D.Thaller, BKG, p. 41-52, online:
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  • Lämmerzahl, C., Müller, J. (2014): Summary of session C9: experimental gravitation. General Relativity and GravitationVol. 46, article 1701, 11 pages, 2014, (ISSN: 0001-7701 (Print) 1572-9532 (Online)).
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  • Müller, J., Biskupek, L., Hofmann, F., Mai, E. (2014): Testing Relativity by Lunar Laser RangingBWG-Jahrbuch 2013, p. 105-106
  • NGGM-D Team (ed.) with contributions by Baldesarra, M., Brieden, P., Danzmann, K., Daras, I., Doll, B., Feili D., Flechtner, F., Flury, J., Gruber, T., Heinzel, G., Iran Pour, S., Kusche, J., Langemann, M., Löcher, A., Müller, J., Müller, V., Murböck, M., Naeimi, M., Pail, R., Raimondo, J. C., Reiche, J., Reubelt, T., Sheard, B., Sneeuw, N., Wang, X. (2014): e2.motion – Earth System Mass Transport Mission (Square) – Concept for a Next Generation Gravity Field Mission – Final Report of Project “Satellite Gravimetry of the Next Generation (NGGM-D)”DGK Reihe B, Nr. 318, München 2014; ISBN 978-3-7696-8597-8; 200 S.;
  • Pavlis, E., Müller, J. (2014): International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS).IERS Annual Report 2013 ed. by W.Dick and D.Thaller, BKG, p. 34-41, 2014, online:
  • Pavlis, E., Müller, J. (2014): International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS).IERS Annual Report 2012 ed. by W.Dick and D.Thaller, BKG, p. 46-55, 2014, online:
  • Pavlis, E., Müller, J (2013): International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS)IERS Annual Report 2011 ed. by W.Dick, BKG, p. 47-58, 2013, in print, online:
  • Pavlis, E., Müller, J. (2013): International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS)IERS Annual Report 2010 ed. by W.Dick, BKG, p. 47-59, 2013, in print, online:
  • Pavlis, E., Pearlman, M., Noll, C., Appleby, G., Müller, J. (2013): International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS)IAG Travaux 2011-2013, Vol. 38, (eds. H.Drewes, H.Hornik), 2013, online:
  • Müller, J. (2012): Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) networkILRS Report 2009/2010, C.Noll and M.Pearlman (eds.), NASA/TP 2013-217507, p. 3-3 - 3-4, 2012, online:
  • Müller, J. (2012): Earth Rotation and Global Dynamic Processes: Research activities in the framework of the German DFG-Research Unit FOR584/2 in Germany.In: Schuh, H.; Huang, C.; Seitz, F.; Brzezinski, A.; Bizouard, C.; Chao, B.; Gross, R.; Kosek, W.; Salstein, D.; Titov, O.; Richter, B.; Malkin, Z.: IAU Commission 19: Rotation of the Earth, Triennial Report 2009-2012; in: Corbett, I. F. (eds.) Reports on Astronomy, IAU Transactions, Vol. XXVIIIA, pp 33-46, Cambridge University Press.
    DOI: 10.1017/S1743921312002608, 2012
  • Müller, J. (2012): Berichte zur XXV. Generalversammlung der IUGG – Internationale Assoziation für Geodäsie.zfv, Heft 1/2012, 137. Jahrgang, S. 1-31 (Hrsg.) und S. 1-4, 2012.
  • Müller, J., Biskupek, L., Hofmann, F., Schreiber, U., Egger, D. (2012): FESG/IfE Report about the LLR ActivitiesILRS Report 2009/2010, C.Noll and M.Pearlman (eds.), NASA/TP 2013-217507, p. 11-55 - 11-57 Weitere Informationen
  • Müller, J., Hofmann, F., Fang, X., Biskupek, L. (2012): Lunar Laser Ranging – recent activities at Institut für Erdmessung (IfE)Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, May. 16-30, 2011, Bad Kötzting, Germany, Mitteilungen des Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie, Vol. 48, p. 227-231
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2011): Current results of GOCE in-orbit validation via the cross-over approachProceedings of the 4th International GOCE User Workshop, Munich, 31 March – 01 April 2011, ESA Special Publication SP-696, CD-ROM, 2011.
  • Denker, H. (2011): Commission 2 Project 2.1: European Gravity and Geoid Project (EGGP).In: Drewes, H., Hornik, H. (eds.): International Association of Geodesy, Travaux, Vol. 37, Reports 2007 – 2011 Weitere Informationen
  • Pavlis, E., Müller, J. (2011): International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS).IERS Annual Report 2008/09 ed. by W.Dick and B.Richter, BKG, 59-71.Denker, H. (2011): Commission 2 Project 2.1: European Gravity and Geoid Project (EGGP). In: Drewes, H., Hornik, H. (eds.): International Association of Geodesy, Travaux, Vol. 37, Reports 2007 – 2011 Weitere Informationen
  • Pavlis, E., Noll, C., Müller, J., Pearlman, M., Appleby, G. (2011): International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS).IAG Travaux 2007-2011 (eds. H.Drewes, H.Hornik), Vol. 37
  • Voigt, C., Denker, H. (2011): Validation of GOCE Gravity Field Models by Astrogeodetic Vertical Deflections in GermanyProceedings of the 4th International GOCE User Workshop, Munich, 31 March – 01 April, ESA Special Publication SP-696, CD-ROM, 2011 Weitere Informationen
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2010): Quality Assessment of GOCE GradientsGeotechnologien Science Report No. 17, pp. 94-100, Observation of the System Earth from Space, Statusseminar, 04 October 2010. Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.2312/
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2010): Two Methods for Quality Assessment of GOCE GradientsProceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium, held in Bergen, Norway, June 27 - July 2, 2010, ESA Special Publication SP-686.
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J., Flury, J., Heinzel, G. (2010): The mission option OPTIMA – novelties and benefitGeotechnologien Science Report No. 17, pp.134-139, Observation of the System Earth from Space, Statusseminar, Bonn, 04 October 2010, Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.2312/
  • Seitz, F., Schuh, H., Müller, J., Drewes, H., Kutterer, H., Soffel, M. , Thomas, M. (2010): Earth Rotation and Global Dynamic Processes: Research activities in the framework of the German DFG-Research Unit FOR584/2In: Report from IAU Commission C19, Transactions of the IAU, Vol. XXVII B, Proc. XXVII IAU General Assembly, ed. Ian F. Corbett, Cambridge University Press
  • Strykowski, G., Timmen, L., Gitlein, O. Forsberg, R., Madsen, B., Andersen, C. J. (2010): Gravity measurements in Denmark in 2005Survey and processing report. Technical report No. 6, Danish National Space Center, 2006.
  • Timmen, L., Müller, J. (2010): Accuracy and Time Stability of the Hannover Absolute Gravimeters JILAg-3 and FG5-220In: Contadakis, M.E., Kaltsikis, C., Spatalas, S., Tokmakidis, K., Tziavos, I.N. (eds), The Apple of the Knowledge, Honorary Volume to Emeritus Professor Dimitrios Arabelos, 251-259, Ziti Editions, Thessaloniki
    ISBN: 978-960-243-674-5
  • Tziavos, I.N., Denker, H., Grigoriadis, V.N. (2010): Local and regional geoid modeling - methodology and case studiesIn: Contadakis, M.E., Kaltsikis, C., Spatalas, S., Tokmakidis, K., Tziavos, I.N. (eds), The Apple of the Knowledge, Honorary Volume to Emeritus Professor Dimitrios Arabelos, 260-281, Ziti Editions, Thessaloniki
    ISBN: 978-960-243-674-5
  • Voigt, C., Rülke, A., Denker, H., Ihde, J., Liebsch, G. (2010): Validation of GOCE products by terrestrial data sets in GermanyGeotechnologien Science Report No. 17, 106-111, Observation of the System Earth from Space, Status Seminar, 04 October, 2010
    DOI: 10.2312/
  • Biskupek, L., Müller, J. (2009): Lunar Laser Ranging and Earth OrientationProceedings of the "Journees 2008 Systemes de reference spatio-temporels", M. Soffel and N. Capitaine (eds.), Lohrmann-Observatorium and Observatoire de Paris, p. 182-185
  • Kenyeres, A., Sacher, M., Ihde, J., Denker, H., Marti, U. (2009): EUVN Densification Action: prepared for closing.Mitt. d. Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie, Band 42 (EUREF Publication No. 17), 45-49, Frankfurt am Main
  • Müller, J. (2009): LLR NetworkILRS Report 2007/2008, C. Noll and M. Pearlman (eds.), NASA/TP-2009-215848, Section 12, P 12: (54-56) Weitere Informationen
  • Müller, J., Biskupek, L., Hofmann, F., Schreiber, U. (2009): IfE/FESG Report about the LLR ActivitiesILRS Report 2007/2008 FESG/IFE, C. Noll and M. Pearlman (eds.), NASA/TP 2010-215848 Weitere Informationen
  • Müller, J., Murphy, T. (2009): Lunar and Interplanetary Laser Ranging - Session Summary.Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Oct. 13-17, 2008, Poznan, Poland, ed. by S. Schillak, Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Vol. 1, p. 253
  • Pavils, E., Müller, J. (2009): International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS).IERS Annual Report 2008 ed. by W. Dick and B. Richter, BKG, P 38-49
  • Rummel, R., Ilk, K., Müller, J., Rothacher, M. (2009): Innovative Satelliten und Fernerkundungstechnologien zur Erfassung des Systems Erde aus dem WeltraumSystem Erde-Mensch, R. Emmermann, G. Wefer, V. Moosbrugger (eds.), Terra Nostra, Schriften der GeoUnion Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung, Vol. 2009/2, p. 101-102
  • Bouman, J., Catastini, G., Cesare, S., Jarecki, F., Müller, J., Kern, M., Lamarre, D., Plank, G., Rispens, S., Veicherts, M., Tscherning, C. C., Visser, P. (2008): Synthesis Analysis of Internal External CalibrationGOCE HPF, GO-TN-HPF-GS-0221
  • Müller, J. (2008): Lunar Laser Ranging: A Space Geodetic Technique to Test RelativityProceedings of the 11th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Berlin, 24-28 July 2006, H. Kleinert, R. Ruffini and R. T. Jantzen (eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, P. 2576-2578
  • Müller, J., Williams, J., Turyshev, S. (2008): Lunar Laser Ranging Contributions to Relativity and GeodesyProceedings of the Conference on Lasers, Clocks and Drag-free, ZARM, Bremen. 30.5.-1.6.2006, eds. H. Dittus, C. Lämmerzahl, S. Turyshev, P. 457-472, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg/New York Astrophysics and Space Science Library
  • Pavlis, E., Müller, J. (2008): International Ranging Service (ILRS)IERS Annual Report 2006 ed. by W. Dick and B. Richter, BKG NASATP-2007-214153, P. 35-45
  • Pavlis, E., Müller, J. (2008): International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS)IERS Annual report 2006 ed. by W. Dick and B. Richter, BKG, P. 35-45
  • Schirmer, U., Denker, H., Ihde, J., Liebsch, G., Müller, J. (2008): A new combined Height Reference Surface for Germany (GCGO5)Reports on the Symp. of the IAG Sub-comm. 1.3a Europe (EUREF) held in Riga, 14-17 June 2006, EUREF Publication No. 16, Mitt. des Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie, Band 40, 325-328, Frankfurt am Main
  • Bruinsma, S., Müller, J. (2007): Candidate TechnologyThe Future of Satellite Gravimetry. Report form the Workshop, 12-13. April 2007 (Eds: R. Rummel und R. Koop), P. 17-19
  • Denker, H., Voigt, C., Müller, J., Ihde, J., Lux, N., Wilmes, H. (2007): Terrestrial data sets for the validation of GOCE productsGeotechnologien Science Report, No. 11, 85-92, Potsdam
  • Müller, J., Biskupek, L. (2007): FESG/IfE Report about the LLR ActivitiesILRS Report 2005/2006, C. Noll and M. Pearlman (eds.), NASA/TP-2007-214153, p. 12-44 - 12-46 Weitere Informationen
  • Müller, J., Shelus, P. (2007): LLR network. ILRS Report 2005/2006C. Noll and M. Pearlman (eds.), NASA/TP-2007-214153, 12-44, p. 2-2 - 2-3, 2007 Weitere Informationen
  • Timmen, L., Gitlein, O., Müller, J., Denker, H., Mäkinen, J., Bilker, M., Wilmes, H., Falk, R., Reinhold, A., Hoppe, W., Pettersen, B. R., Omang, O. C. D., Svendsen, J. G. G., Ovstedal, O., Scherneck, H.-G., Engen, B., Engfeldt, A., Strykowski, G., Forsberg, R. (2007): Observing Fennoscandian geoid change for GRACE validation.Proceedings of the Joint CHAMP/GRACE Science Meeting, GFZ Potsdam 2004, digitally published 2007 Weitere Informationen
  • Liebsch, G., Schirmer, U., Ihde, J., Denker, H., Müller, J. (2006): Quasigeoidbestimmung für DeutschlandDVW-Schriftenreihe, No. 49, P. 127-146
  • Mäkinen, J., Bilker-Koivula, M., Klopping, F., Falk, R., Gitlein, O., Timmen, L.. (2006): Time Series of Absolute Gravity in FinlandPoster, 1st International Symposium of the International Gravity Field Service (IGFS), "Gravity Field of the Earth", Istanbul, Turkey, 28 Aug. - 01 Sept. 2006
  • Müller, J., Stammer, D. (2006): GOCE Validation Over Land and OceanIn: "Observation of the System Earth from Space II", Geotechnologien Statusseminar, Bonn, Sept. 2006, Geotechnologien science report
  • Strykowski, G., L. Timmen, O. Gitlein, R. Forsberg, B. Madsen, C. J. Andersen (2006): Gravity measurements in Denmark in 2005. Survey and processing report.Technical report No. 6, Danish National Space Center
  • Denker, H. (2005): Improved modeling of the geoid in Europe based on GRACE dataVortrag u. CD-ROM Proceed., GRACE Science Team Meeting, The Univ. of Texas at Austin, Texas, U.S.A., Oct. 13-14, 2005
  • Denker, H. (2005): Static and time-variable gravity field from GRACEPres. Paper, Nordic Geodetic Commission, Annual Meeting, Masala, Finland, May 3-4, 2005 Weitere Informationen
  • Müller, J., Kutterer, H., Soffel, M. (2005): Earth Rotation and globl dynamic processes - joint research activities in GermanyFundamental Astronomy: New concepts and models for high accuracy observations, Proceedings of the Journees Systemes de reference spatio-temporels (ed. by N. Capitaine), Paris 2004, P. 121-125
  • Pettersen, B., Omang, O., Svendsen, J., Müller, J., Timmen, L., Denker, H., Gitlein, O., Mäkinen, J., Bilkder, M., Wilmes, H., Falk, R., Reinhold, A., Noppe, W., Scherneck, H.-G., Engen, B., Engfeldt, A., Strykowski, G. (2005): Observing temporal gravity change in Fennoscandia.Proceedings of the GGSM, Porto 2004, CD-ROM
  • Timmen, L., Müller, J., Gitlein, O., Denker, H. (2005): Die Erde hebt sich | Die Fennoskandische Landhebung – ein Test und Anwendungsgebiet für die Satellitenmission GRACEuni Magazin, Universität Hannover, Ausgabe 3|4 | Datei |
  • Koop, R., Müller, J. (2004): Summary for Processing Algorithms up to the Geoid and Gravity FieldProceedings of the 2nd International GOCE User Workshop held in Frascati, 8-10 March 2004. Ed. J. Benveniste, CD-ROM (ESA SP-569, June 2004)
  • Müller, J. (2004): Geodätische Bezugssysteme für GeobasisdatenGeoinformationssysteme (GIS), Grundlagen-Anwendungen-Entwicklungen. Veröffentlichung der Akademie der Geowissenschaften zu Hannover (Hrsg: H. Quade), Heft 24, S. 6-11
  • Müller, J., Denker, H., Jarecki, F., Wolf, K. (2004): Computation of calibration gradients and methods for in-orbit validation of gradiometric GOCE dataProceedings of the 2nd International GOCE User Workshop, held in Frascati, 8-10 March 2004, Ed. J. Benveniste, CD-ROM (ESA SP-569, June 2004)
  • Denker, H. (2003): Computation of Gravity Gradients Over Europe for Calibration/Validation of GOCE Data.I. N. Tziavos (ed.): Gravity and Geoid 2002, 3rd Meeting of the International Gravity and Geoid Commission, GG2002, Thessaloniki, Greece, aug. 26-30, 2002, 287-292, Publishing Ziti, Thessaloniki, 2003 | Datei |
  • Denker, H., Jarecki, F., Müller, J., Wolf, J. (2003): Calibration and Validation Strategies for the Gravity Field Mission GOCEStatus Seminar "Observation of the System Earth form Space", Geotechnologien Science Report, No. 3, P. 32-35
  • Jarecki, F., Müller, J. (2003): Validation of GOCE Gradients Using Cross-OversStatus Seminar "Observation of the System Earth from Space", Geotechnologien Science Report, No. 3, P. 79-84
  • Müller, J., Timmen, L., Denker, H. (2003): Absolute Gravimetry in the Fennoscandian Land Uplift Area: Monitoring of Temporal Gravity Changes for GRACE.Status Seminar "Observation of the System Earth from Space", Geotechnologien Science Report, No. 3, P. 112-115
  • Roland, M., Denker, H. (2003): Evaluation of Terrestrial Gravity Data by New Global Gravity Field ModelsTziavos (Ed.): Gravity and Geoid 2002, 3rd Meeting of the International Gravity and Geoid Commission, GG2002, Thessaloniki, Greece, Aug. 26-30, 2002, 256-261, Publishing Ziti, Thessaloniki | Datei |
  • Wolf, J., Denker, H., Müller, J., Jarecki, F. (2003): Prediction of gravitational gradients from terrestrial data for GOCE calibrationStatus Seminar "Observation of the System Earth from Space", Geotechnologie Science Report, No. 3, P. 188-192
  • Müller, J. (2002): FESG/IfE Report about the LLR ActivitiesILRS Annual Report 2001, M. Pearlman, M. Torrence and L. Taggart (eds.) Weitere Informationen
  • Müller, J., Oberndorfer, H., Gerlach, C., Sneeuw, N. (2002): Recent Simulation of the Gravity field mission GOCEProceedings CD of the IAG General Assembly 2001, published on CD only, Budapest
  • Peters, T., Müller, J., Sneeuw, N. (2002): Temporal Variations in the Gravity fieldVorträge beim 4. DFG-Rundgespräch im Rahmen des Forschungsvorhabens "Rotation der Erde" zum Thema "Wechselwirkungen im System Erde", Höllenstein/Wettzell, 08./09. März 2001, H. Schuh, M. Soffel, H. Hornik (eds.), Deutsche Geodätische Kommission, Reihe A, Nr. 118, S. 133-140
  • Ulrich, M., Schuh, H., Schwegmann, w., Egger, D., Müller, J. (2002): Vorhersage der Erdorientierungsparameter unter Verwendung künstlicher Neuronaler NetzeVorträge beim 4. DFG-Rundgespräch im Rahmen des Forschungsvorhabens "Rotation der Erde" zum Thema "Wechselwirkungen im System Erde", Höllenstein/Wettzell, 08./09. März 2001, H. Schuh, M. Soffel, H. Hornik (eds.), Deutsche Geodätische Kommission, Reihe A, Nr. 118, S. 87-90
  • Müller, J. (2001): FESG/TUM Report about the LLR ActivitiesILRS Annual Report 2000, M. Pearlman, M. Torrence, L. Taggart (eds.) FESG/TUM, P. 7-35 - 7-36 Weitere Informationen
  • Müller, J. (2000): FESG/TUM Report about the LLR ActivitiesILRS Annual Report 1999, M. Pearlman and L. Taggart (eds.), P. 204 - 208
  • Müller, J. (2000): Beiträge für das "Lexikon der Geowissenschaften" im Bereich Beschleunigungsmessung, GradiometrieSpektrum Verlag der Wissenschaft
  • Smit, M. Koop, R., Visser, P., vand den Ijssel, J., Sneeuw, N., Müller, J., Oberndorfer, H. (2000): GOCE End-to-End Performance AnalysisFinal Report, ESTEC Contract No. 12735/98/NL/GD
  • Andersen, P. H., Schuh, H., Müller, J. (1999): Explanatory Supplement to the Sections on The solid Earth pole tide effect on the geopotential and The site displacement caused by rotational deformation due to polar motion of the IERS Conventions (1996)Explanatory Supplement to the IERS Conventions (1996) Chapters 6 and 7, DGFI Report No. 71, P. 13-18, ed. by H. Schuh
  • Müller, J. (1999): Zeitskalen3. DFG-Rundgespräch zum Thema Bezugssysteme, Wettzell, April 28-29, 1998, Mitteilungen des BKG, Band 5, S. 77-83, ed. by M. Schneider
  • Müller, J., Nordtvedt, K., Schneider, M., Vokrouhlicky, D. (1999): Improved Determination of Relativistic Quantities from LLRProceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, held in Deggendorf, Germany, Sep. 21-25, 1998, Mitteilungen des BKG, Band 10, P. 216-222
  • Müller, J., Oberndorfer, H. (1999): Validation of GOCE SimulationSchriftenreihe des Instituts für Astronomische Physikalische Geodäsie und der Forschungseinrichtung Satellitengeodäsie, IAPG/FESG No. 1, München
  • Denker, H. (1998): Evaluation and Improvement of the EGG97 Quasigeoid Model for Europe by GPS amd Leveling DataProceed. Second Continental Workshop pm tje Geoid in Europe, Budapest, Hungray, March 10-14, 1998, Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute 98:4, 53-61, Masala | Datei |
  • Müller, J., Dorobantu, R., Gerlach, C., Oberndorfer, H., rummel, R., Sneeuw, N., Koop, R., Visser, P., Hoyong, P., Selig, A., Smit, M. (1998): Simulation der Gravitationsfeldmission GOCEProgress in Geodetic Science at GW 98, ed. by W. Freeden, Proceedings der 3. Geodätischen Woche, P. 114-121, held in Kaiserslautern, Germany, Okt. 12-16, 1998
  • Müller, J. (1997): Bestimmungen der Erdrotation aus Lunar Laser Ranging Daten.Erste Geodätische Wosche, Stuttgart, Okt. 7-12, 1996, Schriftenreihe der Institute des Fachbereichs Vermessungswesen, Nr. 1997.1, A. Gilbert und E. Grafarend (eds.), S. 12, Universität Stuttgart
  • Schneider, M., Müller, J., Schreiber, U., Egger, D. (1997): Hochpräzisionsvermessung der MondbewegungAstronomie und Raumfahrt, Vol. 34, Nr. 3, P. 4-7, Erhard Friedrich Verlag, Sohland/Spree
  • Soffel, M. und Müller, J. (1997): Lasermessungen der MonddistanzSterne und Weltraum, Vol. 6, Nr. 7, 646-651
  • Müller, J., Fröhlich, H., Rummel, R., Sneeuw, N. (1996): Geodesy with STEP - Comparison of Varaious Mission ParametersProceedings of the 7th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Stanford, USA, July 24-29, R. T. Jantzen and G. MacKeiser (eds.), P. 1551, World Scientific
  • Müller, J., Schneider, M., Schreiber, U., Egger, D., Soffel, M., Ruder, H. (1996): Determination of Earth Rotation (UTO-UTC and Variation of Latitude) by Analyzing Lunar Laser Ranging DataIERS Technical Note 22, ed. by P. Charlot, Central Bureau of IERS-Observatoire
  • Müller, J., Schneider, M., Soffel, M., Ruder, H. (1996): Determination of Relativistic Quantities by Analyzing Lunar Laser Ranging Data.Proceedings of the 7th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Stanford, USA, July 24-29, R. T. Jantzen and G. MacKeiser (eds.), P. 1517, World Scientific.
  • Müller, J. (1995): Lunar Laser RangingNational Report of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Geodetic Activities in the Years 1991-1995, DGK Reihe B, Nr. 300, P. 81-82
  • Müller, J., Schneider, M., Schreiber, U., Soffel, M., Ruder, H. (1995): Determination of Earth Rotation (UTO-UTC and Variation of Latitude) by Analyzing Lunar Laser Ranging DataIERS Technical Note 19, ed. by P. Charlot, Central Bureau of IERS - Observatoire de Paris.
  • Fröhlich, H. und Müller, J. (1994): Control of Rotational Dynamics for STEP.A Major STEP for Geodesy, Report 1994 of the STEP geodesy working group, P. 25-34, R. Rummel and P. Schwintzer (eds.), Munich-Potsdam
  • Müller, J., Schneider, M., Schreiber, U., Soffel, M., Ruder, H. (1994): Determination of Earth rotation (UTO-UTC and Variation of Latitude) by Analyzing Lunar Laser Ranging DataIERS Technical Note 17, ed. by P. Charlot, Central Bureau of IERS - Observatoire de Paris
  • Müller, J., Schneider, M., Soffel, M., Ruder, H. (1992): New results for relativistics parameters from the analysis of LLR measurementsRelativistic Gravity Research - With Emphasis on Experiments and Observations, Proceedings, Bad Honnef, Germany, Sept. 2-6, 1991, J. Ehlers and G. Schäfer (eds.), P. 87-99, Lecture Notes in Physics 410, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg/New York
  • Müller, J., Schreiber, U., Schneider, M. (1992): Lasermessungen zum MondAllgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten, Nr. 11-12/92, S. 477-483

Vorträge | Poster

  • Biskupek L., Müller J., Zhang M., Singh V.V. (2022): Lunar Laser Ranging for relativity tests and reference framesScience Day of EXC2123 QuantumFrontiers, 24.06.2022, Hannover, Germany
  • Biskupek L., Singh V. V., Müller J., Zhang M. (2022): Estimation of Earth rotation parameters from Lunar Laser Ranging dataEGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-3377
    DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-3377
  • Biskupek L., Singh V. V., Müller J., Zhang M. (2022): Benefit of improved Lunar Laser Ranging data for the determination of Earth orientation parameters22nd International Workshop on Laser Ranging, 7.-11. November 2022, Guadalajara, Spain
  • Biskupek L., Singh V.V., Müller J., Zhang M. (2022): Potential of Lunar Laser Ranging for the determination of Earth orientation parametersREFAG 2022, Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences, 17.-20. October 2022, Thessaloniki, Greece
  • HosseiniArani A., Tennstedt B., Schilling M., Knabe A., Beaufils Q., Romeshkani M., Wu H., Kupriyanov A., Pereira Dos Santos F., Schön S, Müller J. (2022): Improved Modeling for Hybrid Accelerometers Onboard Future Satellite Gravity MissionsCOSPAR Scientific Assembly, 16-24 July 2022, Athens, Greece
  • Knabe A., Schilling M., HosseiniArani A., Romeshkani M.,Müller J., Beaufils Q., Pereira dos Santos F. (2022): Benefit of Cold Atom Interferometry Accelerometers for Future Low-Low Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking and Gradiometry MissionsGravity, Geoid and Height Systems 2022 Symposium, September 12-14, Austin, Texas, USA Weitere Informationen
  • Kupriyanov A., Reis A., Müller J.; Müller V., Schilling M. (2022): Project B01: New Measurement Concepts with Laser InterferometersTerraQ General Assembly, Jun. 1–2, Hannover, Germany
  • Kupriyanov A., Reis A., Schilling M., Müller V., Müller J. (2022): Sensor and Performance Modelling of an Optical Accelerometer for Future Gravity Field Missions44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, July 16-24, Abstract H0.5-0014-22, Athens, Greece
  • Kupriyanov A., Reis A., Schilling M., Müller V., Müller, J. (2022): Sensor and Performance Modelling of an Optical Accelerometer for Future Gravity Field MissionsEGU General Assembly, May 23–27, Vienna, Austria
    DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-2023
  • Kupriyanov A., Reis A., Schilling M., Müller V., Müller, J. (2022): Sensor and Performance Modelling of an Optical Accelerometer for Future Gravity Field MissionsQuantum sensors and tests of new physics (QSNP) conference, Oct. 5-7, poster, Hannover, Germany
  • Kupriyanov A., Reis A., Schilling M., Müller V., Müller, J. (2022): Sensor and Performance Modelling of an Optical Accelerometer for Future Gravity Field MissionsINTERGEO (Frontiers of Geodetic Science), Oct. 18-20, Essen, Germany
  • Kupriyanov A., Reis, A., Leipner A., Huckfeldt M., Ebadi S., Öhlinger F., Müller J., Müller V., Schilling M., List M., Rievers B., Weigelt M., Mayer-Gürr T. (2022): GRACE-FO & NGGMs (TerraQ B01, B02, C04)Quantum Frontiers Day, Jun. 24th, Hannover, Germany
  • Meister J., Bremer S., HosseiniArani A., Leipner A., List M,, Müller J., Schilling M. (2022): Reference mirror misalignment of cold atom interferometers on satellite-based gravimetry missionsInternational Astronautical Congress 2022, Sept. 18-22, Paris, France
  • Mu Q., Müller J., Wu H., Knabe A. (2022): Satellite Gradiometry based on a New Generation of Accelerometers and its Contribution to Earth Gravity Field DeterminationCOSPAR Scientific Assembly, 16-24 July 2022, Athens, Greece
  • Mu Q., Müller, J., Wu, H., Knabe A. (2022): Satellite Gradiometry based on a New Generation of Accelerometers and its Contribution to Earth Gravity Field Determination44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, July 16-24, Athens, Greece
  • Nosske I., Grotti J., Koller S.B., Herbers S., Benkler E., Al-Masoudi A., Schwarz R., Dörscher S., Waterholter T., Koke S., Kuhl A., Grosche G., Lisdat C., Timmen L., Denker H., Vishnyakova G., Holzwarth R., Maisenbacher L., Giunta M., Matveev A., Udem T., Hänsch T. (2022): Chronometric leveling using a transportable strontium atomic clockAGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 12-16, Chicago and Online. Abstract-No.: G25D-0250 Weitere Informationen
  • Romeshkani M., Müller J., Knabe A., Schilling M., HosseiniArani A. (2022): Quantum Technology for Future Earth Observation from Space – Gradiometry CaseGravity, Geoid and Height Systems 2022 Symposium, September 12-14, Austin, Texas, USA Weitere Informationen
  • Singh V. V., Biskupek L., Müller J., Zhang M. (2022): Estimation of Ephemeris from Lunar Laser RangingEGU General Assembly, May 23–27, Abstract EGU22-2815, Vienna, Austria
    DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-2815
  • Singh V. V., Biskupek L., Müller J., Zhang M. (2022): Different approaches to determine uncertainty of ERP from LLR data analysisINTERGEO (Frontiers of Geodetic Science), Oct. 18-20, Essen, Germany
  • Singh V. V., Biskupek L., Müller J., Zhang M. (2022): Uncertainty determination of ERPs from LLR by parameter variation during data analysis22nd International Laser Ranging Workshop, Nov. 7-11, Guadalajara, Spain
  • Singh, V. V.; Biskupek, L.; Müller, J., Zhang, M. (2022): Recent improvements to reference frames from LLR data analysis44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, July 16-24, Athens, Greece
  • Timmen L. (2022): Advanced model for the reduction of atmosphere in absolute gravimetryInternational Gravity Reference Frame, IGRF Workshop 2022, presentation, April 11-13, Leipzig, Germany
  • Timmen L. (2022): Can we learn from IAGBN: its development and disappearance?International Gravity Reference Frame, IGRF Workshop 2022, presentation, April 11-13, Leipzig, Germany
  • Timmen L. (2022): Gravimetrische Forschungsvorhaben seitens LUH: zeitabhängige terrestrische Schweremessungen in aktuellen ProjektenAustauschgespräche zur terrestrischen Gravimetrie am LGLN, presentation, July 7, Hannover, Germany
  • Timmen L. (2022): Verbesserte Modellierung der Atmosphäre zur Reduktion in der AbsolutgravimetrieArbeitskreis Geodäsie und Geophysik (AKGG), Oct. 18-21, presentation, Rittergut Positz, Oppurg (Th), Thuringia, Germany
  • Timmen L. (2022): Absolutgravimetrie im Experiment “Weak Equivalence Principle Test with Neutrons” am ILL GrenobleArbeitskreis Geodäsie und Geophysik (AKGG), Oct. 18-21, presentation, Rittergut Positz bei Oppurg, Thuringia, Germany
  • Biskupek L., Singh V.V., Müller J., Zhang, M. (2021): Estimation of Earth Rotation Parameter UT1 from Lunar Laser Ranging ObservationsIAG 2021, Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy, June 28th - July 2nd, Beijing, China, online
  • Biskupek L., Zhang M., Müller J., Singh V.V. (2021): Benefit of new high-precision LLR data for the determination of relativistic parametersEuropean Physical Society Conference on Gravitation, July 5th - 7th, online
  • Biskupek, L., Zhang, M., Müller, J. and Singh, V.V. (2021): Testing Relativity using LLRInternational Workshop on Gravitomagnetism and Large-Scale Rotation Measurement, online, 25.-26.11.2021
  • HosseiniArani, A., Tennstedt, B., Schilling, M., Knabe, A., Wu, H., Schön, S., Müller, J. (2021): Kalman-filter Based Hybridization of Classic and Cold Atom Interferometry Accelerometers for Future Satellite Gravity MissionsPoster, Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG), June 28 - July 2, 2021, Beijing, China (online)
  • Hu Wu and Jürgen Müller (2021): Clock networks and their application in geodesyQuantumFrontiers General Assembly, 17-18 May, 2021, Germany (online)
  • Knabe A., Wu H., Schilling M., HosseiniArani A., Müller J., Pereira dos Santos F., Beaufils Q. (2021): Future Satellite Gravity Missions enhanced by Cold Atom Interferometry AccelerometersEGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7612
    DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7612
  • Schilling M., Knabe A., Wu H., Müller J. (2021): Cold atom interferometer accelerometry for future satellite gravimetry missions43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, January 28th - February 2nd, Sydney, Australia, online
  • Schilling, M., Wodey, É., Timmen, L., Zipfel, K.H., Schlippert, D., Schubert, C., Rasel, E.M., Müller, J. (2021): Status of gravimetric measurements and modelling along a 10m atom interferometerPoster, Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG), June 28 - July 2, 2021, Beijing, China (online)
  • Singh V.V., Biskupek L., Müller J., Zhang M. (2021): Effect of non-tidal station loading on Lunar Laser Ranging observatories and on the estimation of Earth orientation parametersEGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7827
    DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7827
  • Wu H. and Jürgen Müller (2021): Clock networks and their sensibility to time-variable gravity signalsEGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19-30 April, 2021, EGU21-10744 Weitere Informationen
  • Wu H., Schilling M., Knabe A. and Müller J. (2021): Novel Atom-Optics Sensors for Future Satellite Gravity MissionsMoriond Gravitation Workshop, March 9-11, 2021, France (online)
  • Zhang M., Müller J., Biskupek L. and Singh V.V. (2021): Characteristics of Novel Differential Lunar Laser Ranging Compared to Classical Lunar Laser RangingIAG 2021 - Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy, June 28- July 2, Beijing China
  • Knabe A., Wu H., Schilling M., Müller J. (2020): Hybridization of atomic and electrostatic accelerometers for satellite control and gravity field recoveryEGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9893
    DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-9893
  • Schilling, M., Wodey, É., Timmen, L., Tell, D., Zipfel, K., Rasel, E.M., Müller, J. (2020): Gravity field modelling for the Hannover 10 m atom interferometerVortrag, Frontiers of Geodetic Science, Online, 14.10.2020
  • Schilling, M., Wu, H., Knabe, A. , Müller, J. (2020): Novel sensor concepts for future gravity field satellite missionsVortrag, The present and future of Satellite Gravimetry, 18.-20. November 2020, IIT Kanpur, India (online)
  • Wu, H. and Müller, J. (2020): Optical clock networks and their application in geodesyQuantum Alliance Community Event, 11-12 November, 2020, Germany (online)
  • Wu, H., Müller, J., Knabe, A. (2020): Optical clocks for gravity field observation and further geodetic applicationsEuropean Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2020, 4-8 May, 2020, Vienna, Austria (online), EGU2020-10476
  • Biskupek L., Hofmann F., Müller J., Zhang M (2019): Benefit of new high-precision LLR data for the determination of relativistic parametersAGU General Assembly, December 9th-12th, San Francisco, USA
  • Knabe, A., Douch, K., Müller, J. (2019): The Potential of Satellite Gradiometry to recover the Time-variable Gravity Field27th IUGG General Assembly, July 8-18, 2019, Montreal, Canada
  • Knabe, A., Douch, K., Müller, J. (2019): Die Bedeutung von Kontrollsystemen für zukünftige SchwerefeldmissionenFrontiers of Geodetic Science, 17.-19.09.2019, Stuttgart
  • Müller, J., Wu, H. (2019): Towards an international height reference frame using clock networks. 27th IUGG General Assembly, 8-18 July, 2019, Montreal, Canada, Poster No. IUGG19-0823.
  • Müller, J., Wu, H. (2019): Using quantum sensors onboard satellites for determining the Earth’s gravity fieldEuropean Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2019, 7-12 April, 2019, Vienna, Austria, Poster No. EGU2019-6799
  • Müller, J., Wu, H., Knabe, A. (2019): Clock networks for modelling the Earth gravity field27th IUGG General Assembly, 8-18 July, 2019, Montreal, Canada, Oral presentation
  • Schilling, M. (2019): Nutzung öffentlicher Klimadaten - Früher war mehr SchneeVortrag, 36. Chaos Communications Congress, 27.-30.12.2019 Leipzig Weitere Informationen
  • Schilling, M., Wodey, É., Timmen, L., Tell, D., Zipfel, K., Rasel, E.M., Müller, J. (2019): A Gravimetric Support Network for Very Long Baseline Atom InterferometryPoster, AGU Fallmeeting, 9.-13.12.2019, San Francisco
    DOI: 10.15488/8241
  • Wu, H., Knabe, A., Müller, J. (2019): Exploring the potential of optical clocks for detecting the Earth’s time-variable gravity signalsEuropean Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2019, 7-12 April, 2019, Vienna, Austria, Oral presentation.
  • Wu, H., Müller, J. (2019): Modelling the time-variable gravity field using clocks2nd ISSI workshop “Spacetime Metrology, Clocks and Relativistic Geodesy”, 25-28 March, 2019, Bern, Switzerland, oral presentation.
  • Wu, H., Müller, J., Knabe, A. (2019): Determining the Earth’s gravity field using space-borne clocksACES (Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space) Workshop, 28-29 October, 2019, Paris, France, Oral presentation Weitere Informationen
  • Douch, K., Knabe, A., Wu, H., Müller, J., Heinzel, G. (2018): What is Required to Recover the Time-variable Gravitational Field Using Satellite Gradiometry?Poster, International Symposium Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems, 17.-21. September 2018, Kopenhagen
  • Müller, J. (2018): Warum man den Abstand zum Mond misstBWG-Neujahrsempfang, Braunschweig, 20.1.2018.
  • Müller, J. (2018): Earth observation based on quantum optics and relativityCOSPAR 2018 General Assembly, Pasadena, USA, 14.-22.7.2018
  • Müller, J., Wu, H. (2018): Using atomic clocks and quantum gradiometers onboard satellites for determining the Earth’s gravity fieldAmerican Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 10-14 December, 2018, Washington, D.C., America, Poster No. G13C-0554. | Datei | Weitere Informationen
  • Müller, J., Wu, H. (2018): Using optical clocks and quantum gradiometers onboard satellites for determining the Earth’s gravity fieldInternational Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems (GGHS) 2018, 17-21 September, 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark, Abstract No. S1-O14, Vortrag
  • Schilling, M., Knabe, A., Timmen, L., Müller, J., Wodey, É., Meiners, C., Tell, D., Schubert, C., Ertmer, W., Schlippert, D., Rasel, E. M. (2018): Establishing an Absolute Gravimetric Reference with a 10 m Atom InterferometerPoster, Gravity Geoid and Height Systems 2, 17.−21. September 2018, Kopenhagen, Dänemark
  • Timmen, L., Schilling, M. Falk, R., Lothhammer, A., Gabriel, G., Vogel, D. (2018): Relative gravimeter calibration system for high accurate applicationsPoster EGU2018-2214, European Geosciences Union, 08.-13.04.2018, Wien Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.15488/4704
  • Weise A., Gabriel G., Kersten T., Schön S., Timmen L., Vogel D. (2018): An integrative geodetic-gravimetrical approach to investigate subrosion in the sinkhole area of Hamburg Flottbek – surface deformation and mass redistributionEuropean Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2018. April 8-13, Vienna, Austria
  • Weise A., Gabriel G., Kersten T., Schön S., Timmen L., Vogel D. (2018): Ein integrativer geodätisch-gravimetrischer Ansatz zur Erkundung von Subrosion im Erdfallgebiet Hamburg-Flottbek - Oberflächendeformation und MassentransferIn: 78. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikal. Ges. (DGG), Leoben, 12.-15.02.
  • Wu, H., Douch, K., Müller, J. (2018): Gravity field modelling using future quantum gravimetric measurements: a simulation studyIX Hotine-Marussi Symposium, 18-22 June, 2018, Rome, Italy, Vortrag (invited) Weitere Informationen
  • Wu, H., Müller, J. (2018): Clock networks for future height systemsIAG Joint Working Group 2.1, workshop on relativistic geodesy, 10-11 October, 2018, Paris, France, Vortrag.
  • Wu, H., Müller, J. (2018): An optical clock network for height system unification: a simulation studyEGU General Assembly 2018, 8-13 April, 2018, Vienna, Austria, Poster No. EGU2018-17963 | Datei |
  • Wu, H., Müller, J. (2018): Clock networks for future height systems: concepts and realizations1st ISSI workshop “Spacetime Metrology, Clocks and Relativistic Geodesy”, 18-23 March, 2018, Bern, Switzerland, Vortrag
  • Gabriel G., Weise A., Schön S. Timmen L., Kersten T., Schuck A. (2017): Workpackage 3: surface deformation and mass dislocation3. Statusseminar des Themenschwerpunktes 'Weiterentwicklung von Methoden zur Früherkennung von Naturgefahren in Deutschland durch innovative Sensor- und Informationstechnologien' (Sonderprogramm GEOTECHNOLOGIEN), 08.-09.05.2018; Hannover.
  • Gabriel G., Weise A., Schön S. Timmen L., Kersten T., Schuck, A (2017): Workpackage 3: surface deformation and mass dislocation2. Statusseminar des Themenschwerpunktes 'Weiterentwicklung von Methoden zur Früherkennung von Naturgefahren in Deutschland durch innovative Sensor- und Informationstechnologien' (Sonderprogramm GEOTECHNOLOGIEN), 27.-28.09.2017; Dresden
  • Hofmann, F., Biskupek, L., Müller, J. (2017): Reference system parameters from Lunar Laser RangingVortrag, Geodätische Woche, Berlin, 26.09.-28.09.2017
  • Hofmann, F., Müller, J. (2017): Lunar Laser Ranging as tie between terrestrial and space reference systems, Vortrag, IAG-IASPEI, Kobe, Japan, 02.08.2017
  • Koch I., Shabanloui A., Flury J., Müller J. (2017): GNSS-based calibration of GRACE accelerometersIAG-IASPEI, July 30th - August 4th, Kobe, Japan
  • Männel B., Thaller D., Rothacher M., Böhm J., Müller J., Glaser S., Dach R., Biancale R., Bloßfeld M., Kehm A., Herrera Pinzon I., Hofmann F., Andritsch F., Coulot D., Pollet A. (2017): Recent Activities of the GGOS Standing Committee on Performance Simulations and Architectural Trade-Offs (PLATO)Vortrag, IAG-IASPEI, Kobe, Japan, 30.07.2017
  • Müller, J., Wu, H. (2017): Evaluation of the contribution of optical clocks to gravity field modellingIAG-IASPEI Joint Scientific Assembly, July 30 - August 4, 2017, Kobe, Japan, Abstract No. G02-2-03, Vortrag
  • Schilling, M. (2017): Watching the changing EarthVortrag, 34. Chaos Communications Congress, 27.-30.12.2017 Leipzig Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.5446/34825
  • Schilling, M., Timmen, L. , Kumme, R. (2017): The gravity field in force standard machinesVortrag, IMEKO TC3, TC5, TC22 joint conference, 30.05.-01.06.2017, Helsinki
  • Schilling,M., Timmen, L., Wodey, E., Schlippert, D., Schubert, C., Müller, J., Ertmer, W., Rasel, E. (2017): Gravimetrische Referenz für eine 10 m AtomfontäneVortrag, Geodätische Woche, 26.-29. September 2017
  • Brieden P., Müller J. (2016): GOCE gradient validation using in-orbit comparison along collinear / repeating tracksPoster at ESA Living Planet Symposium, 9-13 May 2016, Prague, Czech Republic | Datei |
  • Gabriel G., Weise A., Schön S. Timmen L., Kersten T., Schuck A. (2016): Workpackage 3: surface deformation and mass dislocation1. Statusseminar des Themenschwerpunktes 'Weiterentwicklung von Methoden zur Früherkennung von Naturgefahren in Deutschland durch innovative Sensor- und Informationstechnologien' (Sonderprogramm GEOTECHNOLOGIEN), 19.-20.10.2016; Bonn
  • Hofmann, F. (2016): Status Report PN3(a) - Lunar Laser Ranging, Statusseminar der DFG Forschergruppe FOR1503, Bonn, 13.06.2016
  • Hofmann, F., Biskupek, L., Müller, J. (2016): Lunar Laser Ranging as a geodetic experiment for reference frames and general relativityVortrag, Geodätische Woche, Hamburg, 11.10.-13.10.2016
  • Hofmann, F., Müller, J. (2016): Update of the IfE LLR analysis model and new fit of relativistic parametersVortrag, 20th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Potsdam, 10.-14.10.2016
  • Hu Wu, Jürgen Müller, Phillip Brieden (2016): Benefit of GOCE gravity gradients at the lowered orbit on the global gravity field modelInternational Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 19-23, 2016
  • Müller, J. (2016): The benefit of clock measurements for gravity field applications609. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on “Relativistic Geodesy: Foundations and Applications”, Bad Honnef, 18.03.2016
  • Müller, J. (2016): LLR status report – 2016ILRS/AWG Meeting, Wien, 22.04.2016
  • Müller, J. (2016): Earth observation using space geodetic techniquesGeo-Q Lecture Week, Mardorf, 20.06.2016
  • Müller, J. (2016): Gravity ModelingMeeting des geo-Q Scientific Advisory Boards, Hannover, 03.10.2016
  • Müller, J. (2016): Height Systems and Clock MeasurementsGeo-Q Meeting on Terrestrial Geodesy, Hannover, 01. November 2016
  • Müller, J. (2016): Standing Committee on Satellite Missions – status reportGGOS Meeting, Wien, 20.04.2016
  • Müller, J., Flury, J. (2016): New concepts for Earth observation based on quantum optics and relativityGGHS Meeting, Thessaloniki, 20. September 2016
  • Müller, J., Flury, J. (2016): Novel Earth observation based on quantum optics and relativityAGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 16. Dezember 2016
  • Müller, J., Hofmann, F. (2016): Lunar Laser Ranging - simulations -PLATO Meeting, Wien, 21.04.2016
  • Schilling, M. Timmen, L. (2016): Das Schwerefeld in Kraft- und BeschleunigungsmesseinrichtungenVortrag, Geodätische Woche, 11.-13. Oktober 2016, Hamburg
  • Schilling, M., Schlippert, D., Schubert, C., Wodey, E., Meiners, C., Ertmer, W., Rasel, E.M., Müller, J. (2016): Estimating the gravity field impact on a 10 meter atom interferometerPoster, AGU Fallmeeting, 12.-16.12.2016, San Francisco
    DOI: 10.15488/3074
  • Weise A., Kersten T., Gabriel G., Schön S., Timmen L. (2016): Workpackage 3: surface deformation and mass dislocationProjekttreffen SIMULTAN, Oktober 12., Potsdam, Deutschland
  • Wu, H., Müller, J., Brieden, P. (2016): The IfE global gravity field model from GOCE-only observationsInternational Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 19-23, 2016
  • Wu, H., Müller, J., Brieden, P. (2016): Benefit of GOCE gravity gradients at the lowered orbit on the global gravity field modelInternational Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 19-23, 2016 (Vortrag).
  • Wu, H., Müller, J., Brieden, P. (2016): The latest IfE global gravity field model from GOCE-only observationsESA Living Planet Symposium 2016, Prague, the Czech Republic, May 9-13, 2016
  • Biskupek L., Mai E. (2015): Numerische Integration des Schwarzschild Problems mit Hilfe von Lie-ReihenVortrag, Geodätische Woche, Stuttgart, 15.09.2015
  • Biskupek L., Müller J. (2015): Nutation coeffcients and Earth rotation parameters determined from LLR dataPoster, 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prag, Tschechische Republik, 26.06. - 02.07.2015
  • Biskupek L., Müller J. (2015): Nutation coeffcients and Earth rotation parameters determined from LLR dataPoster, Geodätische Woche, Stuttgart, 15.-17.09.2015
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2015): GOCE Gradient Transformation in the Framework of In-Orbit ValidationVortrag auf der 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prag, Tschechische Republik, 29.06. – 02.07. 2015.
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J., Naeimi, M., Heinzel, G., Wu, H. (2015): Potential Optischer Gradiometrie für zukünftige Schwerefeld-Satellitenmissionen.Geodätische Woche, Berlin, 09.10.2014 (Vortrag).
  • Denker H. (2015): A new European gravimetric (quasi)geoid EGG201526th General Assembly of International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Earth and Environmental Sciences for Future Generations, June 22nd - July 2nd, Prague, Czech Republic | Datei |
  • Denker, H., Timmen, L., Voigt, C. (2015): Gravity field modelling for optical clock comparisons26th General Assembly of International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), June 22nd - July 2nd, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Douch, K., Müller, J., Brieden, P., Shabanloui, A. (2015): Study of an optical gradiometer for future satellite gravitational missionsVortrag, Geodätische Woche, Stuttgart, 17.09.2015.
  • Freier, C., Schilling, M., Schkolnik, V., Hauth, M., Wziontek, H., Scherneck, H.-G., Peters, A., Müller, J. (2015): Comparison of simultaneous gravity recordings by the gravimetric atom interferometer (GAIN), the FG5X-220 and superconducting gravimetersPoster, 26th IUGG General Assembly, 22.06.-02.07.2015, Prag, Tschechische Republik
  • Hofmann, F. (2015): Status Report PN3(a) - Lunar Laser Ranging, Statusseminar der DFG Forschergruppe FOR1503, Frankfurt am Main, 12.10.2015
  • Hofmann, F., Müller, J. (2015): The Effect of Planetary Torques on the Lunar Ephemeris and Reference Frame26th IUGG General Assembly, Prag, Tschechische Republik, 26.06. - 02.07.2015
  • Hofmann, F., Müller, J. (2015): Der Mond als ausgedehnter Körper - Effekte der Planeten auf die Mondephemeride und ReflektorkoordinatenVortrag, Geodätische Woche 2015, Stuttgart, 15.09.2015
  • Krawczyk C., Dahm T., Gabriel G., Polom, U., Becker D., Schön S., Timmen L., Werban U., Kaufmann G., Börner F., Al-Halbouni D., Weise A., Tschache S., Zaksek K., Kersten T., Mai F., Vienken T., Tippelt T., Romanov D., Schuck A., Grube A., Katzschmann L., Taugs R., Kirsch R. (2015): SIMULTAN: Subrosion und Instabilität von Erdfällen: integrierte multi-skalige Überwachung und AnalyseGEOTECHNOLOGIEN Kick-Off Seminar des Themenschwerpunktes 'Früherkennung von Naturgefahren in Deutschland', Oktober 19., Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover
  • Leßmann, L., Gitlein, O., Müller, J. (2015): Gravity effects from non-tidal water mass changes in the Baltic Sea26th IUGG General Assembly, Prag, Tschechische Republik, 22.06 – 02.07.2015.
  • Lin, M., Denker, H., Müller, J. (2015): Regional gravity field modeling using a two-step point mass method: results from IAG JSG0.3 test dataXXVI General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Earth and Environmental Sciences for Future Generations, Prag, Tschechische Republik, 22.06 – 02.07.2015, (Poster).
  • Mai, E., Müller, J., Oberst, J. (2015): Status report PN1 – Barycentric EphemerisStatusseminar der DFG-Forschergruppe FOR1503 “Referenzsysteme” Hannover, 5.-6.2.2015.
  • Mai, E., Müller, J., Oberst, J. (2015): Status report PN1 – Barycentric EphemerisStatusseminar der DFG-Forschergruppe FOR1503 “Referenzsysteme” Frankfurt am Main, 12.-13.10.2015.
  • Mai, E., Müller, J., Oberst, J. (2015): Stochastic optimization of parameters for an asteroidal mass ring model in ephemeris computationPoster zur 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prag, Tschechische Republik, 22.6.-2.7.2015.
  • Mai, E., Oberst, J., Müller, J. (2015): Application of an Evolution Strategy in Ephemeris Force ModellingIAPS2015 Space-Kazan, Kazan, Russland, 31.5.-7.6.2015.
  • Müller, J. (2015): Gravity ModellingMeeting des geo-Q Scientific Advisory Boards, Hannover, 03.11.2015.
  • Müller, J. (2015): The benefit of quantum gravimetry and relativistic geodesy with clocks for geodetic applicationsÍUGG General Assembly, Prag, Tschechische Republik, 01.07.2015.
  • Müller, J. (2015): Forschungsschwerpunkte GeodäsieQUANOMET Meeting, Hannover, 12.11.2015.
  • Müller, J. (2015): Gedanken zum 80. Geburtstag von Manfred Schneider – im Jahr des 100. Geburtstages von Einsteins RelativitätstheorieFestkolloquium TU München, 29.09.2015.
  • Müller, J. (2015): LLR status report – 2015ILRS/AWG Meeting, Wien, 16.4.2015.
  • Müller, J. (2015): The benefit of clock measurements for gravity field applicationsISSI Meeting on High Performance Clocks, Bern, 30.11.2015.
  • Müller, J., Biskupek, L., Hofmann, F., Mai, E. (2015): Lasermessungen zum Mond als Werkzeug für Geodäsie und fundamentale PhysikGeodätisches Kolloquium, TU Dresden, 10.06.2015
  • Müller, J., Biskupek, L., Hofmann, F., Mai, E. (2015): Earth Orientation Parameters Determined from LLR DataMeeting of IAU/IAG WG on Earth Rotation, Prag, 02.07.2015.
  • Müller, J., Biskupek, L., Hofmann, F., Mai, E. (2015): 100th anniversary of Einstein's theory of general relativity - its impact on reference frames and geodetic tests of relativityÍUGG General Assembly, Prag, Tschechische Republik, 28.06.2015.
  • Schilling, M., Freier, C., Schkolnik, V., Hauth, M., Wziontek, H., Scherneck, H.-G.,Peters, A., Müller, J. (2015): Characterization of an atom interferometer gravimeter with classical sensors for the use in geodesy and geophysicsVortrag, AGU Fallmeeting, 14.-18.12.2015, San Francisco
    DOI: 10.15488/3561
  • Schilling, M., Freier, C., Schkolnik, V., Hauth, M., Wziontek, H., Scherneck, H.-G.,Peters, A., Müller, J. (2015): Aktuelle Ergebnisse der Entwicklung des Quantengravimeters GAIN im Vergleich mit Supraleitgravimetern und FG5X-220Vortrag, Geodätische Woche, 15.-17. September 2015, Stuttgart
  • Schilling, M., Timmen, L. (2015): Traceability of the Hannover FG5X-220 to the SI unitsPoster, 26th IUGG General Assembly, 22.06.-02.07.2015, Prag, Tschechische Republik
    DOI: 10.15488/4153
  • Shabanloui, A., Müller, J. (2015): How reliable is the mass variation in the Siberian permafrost region as observed by GRACE mission?Geo-Quebec 2015, Challenges from North to South, 20.09.-23.09.2015, Quebec City, Canada.
  • Voigt, C., Denker, H., Timmen, L. (2015): Investigation of time-variable components of the gravity potential for optical clock comparisons26th General Assembly of International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), June 22nd - July 2nd, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Wu, H., Müller, J., Brieden, P. (2015): The IfE global gravity field model from GOCE-only observations26th General Assembly of IUGG, Prague, the Czech Republic, June/July, 2015.
  • Hofmann F., Müller J., Biskupek L., Currie D. (2014): Benefi t of the next generation corner cubes for Lunar Laser Ranging analysisPoster, EGU 2014, Wien, 27.04.-02.05.2014 Weitere Informationen
  • Hofmann, F. (2014): Status Report PN3(a) - Lunar Laser Ranging, Statusseminar der DFG-Forschergruppe FOR1503, Zürich, 02.-03.06.2014
  • Hofmann, F., Löcher, A. Gläser, P., Haase, I., Müller, J., Kusche, J., Oberst, J., Mai, E. (2014): Working Towards Improved Lunar/Planetary Reference FramesEuropean Planetary Science Congress, 07.-12.09.2014, Cascais, Portugal Weitere Informationen
  • Lin, M., Denker, H., Müller, J. (2014): A two-step point mass method for regional gravity field modeling: a case study over the Auvergne test area.Geodätische Woche, Berlin, 07-09.10.2014 (Poster).
  • Löcher, A., Hofmann, F., Gläser, P., Haase, I., Müller, J., Kusche, J., Oberst, J., Mai, E. (2014): Towards Improved Lunar/ Planetary Reference Frames: LRO Orbit DeterminationVortrag, REFAG2014, Luxemburg, 15.10.2014
  • Mai, E., Müller, J. (2014): Work on a New Solar-System Ephemeris – Status Reportposter, EGU General Assembly, 27.04.-02.05.2014, Wien.
  • Mai, E., Müller, J., Soffel, M. (2014): Status report PN1 – Barycentric Ephemeris.Status seminar of DFG research unit FOR1503 “Reference Systems”, Zürich, 1./2.6.2014.
  • Müller, J. (2014): Gravity ModelingVortrag während der Begutachtung des SFB 1128 geo-Q (Relativistic geodesy and gravimetry with quantum sensors), Hannover.
  • Müller, J. (2014): LLR status report – 2014ILRS/AWG Meeting, Wien.
  • Müller, J. (2014): LLR simulationsIAG PLATO Meeting, April 30, Wien.
  • Müller, J. (2014): Earth in Action - Geodätische Erdbeobachtung zur Bestimmung von MassenvariationenFI:GEO Kick-Off-Meeting, Hannover.
  • Müller, J. (2014): Die Vermessung der Welt mit Quanten und RelativitätGeodätische Woche / INTERGEO, Berlin.
  • Müller, J. (2014): LLR status report – 2014 updateILRS/AWG Meeting, Annapolis, USA.
  • Müller, J. (2014): LLR status report – 2014 update.ILRS/AWG Meeting, Annapolis, USA, 26.10.2014.
  • Müller, J. (2014): Die Vermessung der Welt mit Quanten und Relativität.Geodätische Woche / INTERGEO, Berlin, 8.10.2014.
  • Müller, J. (2014): Earth in Action - Geodätische Erdbeobachtung zur Bestimmung von Massenvariationen.FI:GEO Kick-Off-Meeting, Hannover, 7.7.2014.
  • Müller, J. (2014): LLR status report – 2014.ILRS/AWG Meeting, Wien, 27.4.2014.
  • Müller, J. (2014): Gravity Modeling.Vortrag während der Begutachtung des SFB 1128 geo-Q (Relativistic geodesy and gravimetry with quantum sensors), Hannover, 5./6.3.2014.
  • Müller, J., Biskupek, L., Hofmann, F., Mai, E. (2014): Earth Orientation and Relativity Parameters Determined from LLR Data19th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Annapolis, USA, 26.-31.10.2014
  • Müller, J., Flury, J., Schön, S. (2014): Exploiting SWARM sensor data for non-standard effects.Swarm Workshop, Potsdam 3./4.7.2014.
  • Naeimi, M., Brieden, P., Flury, J., Müller, J. (2014): NGGM-D Team: Simulation der Beobachtungen – AP 530 Simulation of colored noise datasetsAbschlusspräsentation des Projektes „Next generation satellite gravimetry mission study NGGM-D“, DLR Bonn, 10.07.2014.
  • Naeimi, M.; Goebel, G.; Schmidt, M.; Bentel, K.; Gerlach, C.; Flury, J.; Müller, J.; (2014): Naeimi, M.; Flury, J.; Müller, J. (2011): Numerical Aspects of Regional Gravity Field ModelingPoster, IUGG, 27 June - 7 July 2011, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Schilling, M., Gitlein, O., Jahn, G. Vogel, D. (2014): Genauigkeitsuntersuchungen moderner Federgravimeter für Monitoringaufgaben in der GeophysikPoster, 74. Jahrestagung der Deutsche Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 10.-13. März 2014, Karlsruhe
    DOI: 10.15488/3203
  • Schilling, M., Timmen, L. (2014): Langzeitstabilität der Absolutgravimeter in HannoverVortrag, Arbeitskreis Geodäsie/Geophysik, 4.-7. November 2014, Schloss Oppurg
  • Schilling, M., Timmen, L. (2014): Rückführung der Absolutschweremessungen mit dem hannoverschen FG5X-220 auf SI-EinheitenVortrag, Geodätische Woche, 7.-9. Oktober 2014, Berlin
  • Shabanloui, A., Müller, J. (2014): Assimilation of GRACE, satellite altimetry and hydrological data for determining mass variations in the Siberian permafrost region.GRACE Science Team Meeting, Potsdami, Germany, 29.09.-2.10.2014.
  • Shabanloui, A., Müller, J. (2014): Constraining mass variations in the Siberian permafrost region based on GRACE & Satellite Altimetry.Geodätische Woche, Berlin, Germany, 7.10-9.10.2014.
  • Shabanloui, A., Müller, J. (2014): Mass variations in the Siberian permafrost region based on new GRACE results & auxiliary modeling.3rd International gravity field Service (IGFS) Meeting, Shanghai, China, 30.6.-4.7.2014.
  • Shabanloui, A., Müller. J. (2014): Performance of different filters for determining temporal mass variations from GRACE in the Siberian permafrost region.European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, 27.04.-02.05.2014.
  • Voigt, C., Denker, H. (2014): Status of the European Gravimetric QuasigeoidTechnical Assistance Information Exchange Instrument (TAIEX) Workshop of the European Commission on Geoid Determination, Belgrade, Serbia, April 14, 2014
  • Voigt, C., Denker, H. (2014): Regional Validation of Fifth Generation GOCE Gravity Field Models5th International GOCE User Workshop, Paris, 25-28 November
  • Wu, H., Müller, J., Brieden, P. (2014): The IfE global gravity field model recovered from GOCE orbit and gradiometer data5th International GOCE User Workshop, Paris, France, November 25-28, 2014.
  • Wu, H., Müller, J., Brieden, P. (2014): Strategies for Handling the Low-Frequency Noise of the GOCE SGG dataGeodätische Woche, Berlin, Germany, October 7-9, 2014 (Vortrag).
  • Biskupek L., Müller J., Hofmann F., Mai E. (2013): P5 – Lunar Laser Ranging aktueller StandStatusseminar der DFG-Forschergruppe FOR584, München, 29.01.2013
  • Biskupek L., Seitz M., Müller J., Hofmann F. (2013): Station coordinates from LLR analysis as contribution to the next ITRFPoster, EGU 2013, Wien, 07.-12.04.2013
  • Biskupek, L.; Müller, J.; Hofmann, F.; Mai, E. (2013): P5 – Lunar Laser Ranging aktueller StandStatusseminar der DFG-Forschergruppe FOR 583, München, 29.01.2013
  • Brieden P, Müller J (2013): GOCE Quality Analysis Using Cross-OversESA LivingPlanetSymposium, Edinburgh, September 09-13, 2013. Poster. | Datei |
  • Gitlein, O., Schilling, M. (2013): Genauigkeitsuntersuchungen der Gravimeter Micro-g LaCoste gPhone-98 und ZLS Burris Gravity Meter B-64Vortrag, Geodätische Woche, 8.-10. Oktober 2013, Essen
  • Hofmann, F. (2013): Status report PN3(a) - Lunar Laser RangingStatusseminar DFG Forschergruppe FOR 1503, Berlin, 19.-20.09.2013
  • Hofmann, F., Müller, J., Biskupek, L. (2013): Das selenozentrische Bezugssystem und seine RealisierungVortrag, Geodätische Woche, Essen, 08.-10.10.2013. Weitere Informationen
  • Hofmann, F., Müller, J., Biskupek, L. (2013): Benefi t of Further Ground Stations and Retroreflectors for Lunar Laser Ranging AnalysisPoster, EGU 2013, Wien, 07.-12.04.2013
  • Hofmann, F., Müller, J., Biskupek, L., Mai, E. (2013): Status Report PN3(a) - Lunar Laser RangingStatusseminar der DFG-Forschergruppe FOR1503, München, 28.-29.01.2013
  • Leßmann, L., Dorndorf, A., Hanelli, D., Li, C., Liu, J., Gitlein, O., Schilling, M. (2013): Massenvariationen in der Schleusenanlage Bolzum: Vergleich von Modellierungen mit gravimetrischen MessungenVortrag, Geodätische Woche, 8.-10. Oktober 2013, Essen
  • Mai, E., Müller, J. (2013): Simulation of Earthbound Atomic Clock Comparisons for Relativistic Geodesytalk at IAG Scientific Assembly in Potsdam, 02.-06.09.2013
  • Mai, E., Müller, J., Soffel, M. (2013): Status report PN1 – Barycentric Ephemerisstatus seminar of DFG research unit FOR1503 “Reference Systems”, München, 28.-29.01.2013
  • Mai, E., Müller, J., Soffel, M. (2013): Status report PN1 – Barycentric Ephemerisstatus seminar of DFG research unit FOR1503 “Reference Systems”, Berlin, 19.-20.9.2013
  • Müller, J. (2013): LLR status report – update 2013ILRS/AWG Meeting, Fujiyoshida, 9.11.2013.
  • Müller, J. (2013): Forschungsaktivitäten im 21. JahrhundertFestveranstaltung 50 Jahre Institut für Erdmessung, Hannover, 21.6.2013
  • Müller, J. (2013): LLR status report – 2013ILRS/AWG Meeting, Wien, 6.4.2013
  • Müller, J. (2013): Die neue Vermessung der Welt - mit Quanten und RelativitätÖffentlicher Abendvortrag, DPG conference 2013, Hannover, Germany, 18.-22.3.2013.
  • Müller, J. (2013): Test der Relativitätstheorie mit Lasermessungen zum MondMeeting of Class of Engineering Sciences of BWG, Braunschweig, Germany, 8.2.2013.
  • Müller, J. (2013): GEO-Forschungsaktivitäten am Institut für Erdmessung (Physikalische Geodäsie)FI:GEO Meeting, Hannover, 16.1.2013.
  • Müller, J., Biskupek, L., Hofmann, F., Mai, E. (2013): Lunar Laser Ranging – What is it Good for?18th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Fujiyoshida, Japan, 11.-15.11.2013
  • Müller, J., Biskupek, L., Hofmann, F., Mai, E. (2013): Lunar Laser ranging Contribution to GGOStalk at IAG Scientific Assembly in Potsdam, 01.09.2013-06.09.2013
  • Müller, J., Biskupek, L., Hofmann, F., Mai, E. (2013): Lunar Laser Ranging Tests of General Relativity, GR20/Amaldi10 conference, Warsaw, Poland, 7.-13.7.2013
  • Müller, J., Biskupek, L., Mai, E., Hofmann, F. (2013): How Attractive is the Moon for Relativity?DPG conference 2013, Hannover, Germany, 18.-22.3.2013
  • Müller, J., Hofmann, F., Biskupek, L., Mai, E. (2013): Tracking the Moon to study Relativity524. WE Heraeus-Seminar on ‘Equations of Motion in Relativistic Gravity’, Bad Honnef, Germany, 18.-22.2.2013
  • Müller, J., Hofmann, F., Biskupek, L., Mai, E. (2013): Tracking the Moon to study RelativityInvited talk, Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France, 4.2.2013
  • Schilling, M., Gitlein, O. (2013): Accuracy estimation of the IfE gravimeters Micro-g LaCoste gPhone-98 and ZLS Burris Gravity Meter B-64Vortrag, International Association of Geodesy scientific assembly, 01.-06. September 2013, Potsdam
  • Schilling, M., Schkolnik, V., Freier, C., Hauth, M., Gitlein, O., Peters, A. (2013): Vergleich gleichzeitiger Schwereregistrierungen mit dem Gravimetric Atom Interferometer (GAIN) und kommerziellen GravimeternPoster, Geodätische Woche, 8.-10. Oktober 2013, Essen
  • Schkolnik, V., Schilling, M., Freier, C., Hauth, M. Gitlein, O. Peters, A. (2013): First results of simultaneous gravity recordings with the gravimetric atom interferometer (GAIN) and commercial gravimetersPoster, International Association of Geodesy scientific assembly, 01.-06. September 2013, Potsdam
  • Voigt, C., Denker, H. (2013): Astrogeodetic Vertical Deflections for the Validation of Gravity Field ModelsIAG Scientific Assembly, Potsdam, Germany, September 3, 2013
  • Wu, H., Brieden P., Müller J. (2013): Long-Wavelength Gravity Field Recovery from GOCE Precise Kinematic OrbitIAG Scientific Assembly, Potsdam, Germany, September 1-6, 2013
  • Wu, H., Brieden P., Müller J. (2013): A Noise-Robust Differentiator in the Framework of Long-Wavelength Gravity Field Recovery from GOCEEuropean Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, April 7-12, 2013
  • Biskupek L., Hofmann F., Mai E., Müller J. (2012): Lunar Laser Ranging - Beiträge zu Erdrotation, Referenzsystemen und Grundlagen der PhysikGeodätische Woche, Hannover, 09.-11.10.2012
  • Biskupek L., Hofmann F., Mai E., Müller J. (2012): Lunar Laser Ranging - Analyseprogramm LUNARkickoff meeting der DFG-Forschergruppe FOR1503, Bonn, 02.-03.05.2012
  • Biskupek L., Müller J., Hofmann F. (2012): Parameter estimation from LLR dataLLR workshop “Theory and model for the new generation of the lunar laser ranging data” at ISSI, Bern, 22.-23.03.2012
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2012): Cross-overs for evaluating GOCE gravitational gradientsEGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, 22 – 27 April 2012, (Poster). | Datei |
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2012): Beurteilung der verbesserten Qualität der reprozessierten GOCE-Gravitationsgradienten mit Hilfe der KreuzungspunktanalyseVortrag, Geodätische Woche, 09.10.2012, Hannover.
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2012): Quality assessment of REAL GOCE gravitational gradients using cross-oversStatusseminar Geotechnologien “Erfassung des Systems Erde aus dem Weltraum III”, 24.05.2012, Potsdam, (Poster). | Datei |
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2012): WP 210 - Qualitätsbeurteilung gemessener GOCE-Gradienten (IfE)Präsentation, 6. Projekttreffen REAL GOCE, 15.03.2012, Bonn.
  • Hofmann, F., Müller, J. (2012): Project 3 (Lunar Reference Systems) WP3100kickoff meeting der DFG-Forschergruppe FOR1503, Bonn, 02.-03.05.2012
  • Hofmann, F., Müller, J., Biskupek, L. (2012): Equivalence Principle Test with Lunar Laser RangingPoster, QUEST convention, Hannover, 13.07.2012
  • Hofmann, F., Müller, J., Biskupek, L. (2012): Equivalence Principle Test with Lunar Laser RangingPoster, Geodätische Woche, Hannover, 09.-11.10.2012
  • Mai, E., Soffel, M., Müller, J. (2012): Barycentric Ephemeriskickoff meeting of DFG-Forschergruppe FOR1503 in Bonn, 02.-03.05.2012
  • Rülke, A., Schäfer, U., Liebsch, G., Schirmer, U., Ihde, J., Voigt, C., Denker, H., Shako, R., Förste, C., Abrikosov, O. (2012): Regional and global combination of GOCE and terrestrial dataGEOTECHNOLOGIEN-Statusseminar "Erfassung des Systems Erde aus dem Weltraum III", Potsdam, Germany, May, 23-24, 2012
  • Schilling, M. (2012): Erste Messungen mit dem ZLS Burris Gravity Meter B-64Vortrag, Arbeitskreis Geodäsie/Geophysik, 19.-22. November 2012, Kloster Drübeck
  • Schilling, M., Timmen, L. (2012): Die Entwicklung von Quantengravimeter für den geodätischen EinsatzVortrag, Geodätische Woche, 09.-11. Oktober 2012, Hannover
  • Siegismund, F., Brieden, P., Müller, J., Stammer, D. (2012): Quality Assessment of GOCEVortrag, Statusseminar Geotechnologien “Erfassung des Systems Erde aus dem Weltraum III”, 24.05.2012, Potsdam.
  • Voigt, C., Denker, H. (2012): Regional Validation and Combination of GOCE Gravity Field Models with Terrestrial DataGEOTECHNOLOGIEN-Statusseminar "Erfassung des Systems Erde aus dem Weltraum III", Potsdam, Germany, May 23-24, 2012
  • Wu, H., Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2012): Analysis of Newly-Released GOCE EGG_NOM_1B DataGeodätische Woche, Hannover, Germany, October 9-11, 2012 (Vortrag).
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2011): Vergleich von GOCE Gravitationsgradienten in Satellitenspurkreuzungspunkten - Varianten zur Analyse dreidimensionaler MessungenPräsentation, Geodätische Woche 2011, Nürnberg, 27.-29.09.2011.
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2011): Real GOCE gravity gradient validation – results of the cross-over approach.Statusseminar Geotechnologien "Erfassung des Systems Erde aus dem Weltraum III", Stuttgart, 11.10.2011, (Poster).
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2011): Validation of GOCE gravity gradients via the cross-over approachPoster, IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, 28 June - 7 July 2011.
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2011): Current results of GOCE in-orbit validation via the cross-over approachPoster, 4th International GOCE User Workshop, Munich, 31 March – 01 April 2011.
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2011): WP 210 - Qualitätsbeurteilung gemessener GOCE-GradientenPräsentation, 5. Projekttreffen REAL GOCE, 10.10.2011, Stuttgart.
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2011): WP 210 - Qualitätsbeurteilung gemessener GOCE-GradientenPräsentation, 4. Projekttreffen REAL GOCE, 30.03.2011, München.
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2011): GOCE Sensorverhalten - Potential für zukünftige MissionenPräsentation, 4. Projekttreffen Future Missions, Martinsried (München), 17.01.2011.
  • Brieden, P., Sheard, B.; Müller, J.; Heinzel, G.; Flury, J (2011): Calibration/Validation concepts for future SST mission scenarios.Statusseminar Geotechnologien "Erfassung des Systems Erde aus dem Weltraum III", Stuttgart, 11.10.2011, (Poster). | Datei |
  • Brieden, P., Siegismund, F., Müller, J., Stammer, D. (2011): Quality Assessment of GOCEPräsentation, Statusseminar Geotechnologien "Erfassung des Systems Erde aus dem Weltraum III", Stuttgart, 11.10.2011.
  • Denker, H., Bašić, T. (2011): The European gravimetric geoid EGG2008 and the Croatian geoid HRG2009.2nd CROPOS Conference, Zagreb, 08.04.2011.
  • Falk, R., Wziontek, H., Müller, J., Reinhold, A., Wilmes, H., Timmen, L.,Engfeldt, A., Pálinkás, V., Kostelecký, J. (2011): The Regional International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters in 2011 demonstrates the potential of the new gravity laboratory building in Wettzell.EGU General Assembly, EGU2011-8732, Vienna, 4. April 2011.
  • Fang, X., Müller, J. (2011): Special aspects of parameter estimation in LLR data processing.ISSI LLR workshop, Bern, 15.-17.2.2011.
  • Hofmann, F., Müller, J. (2011): Effect of the higher order lunar (Earth) gravity field in the LLR analysis.LLR workshop “Theory and model for the new generation of the lunar laser ranging data” at ISSI, Bern, 15.-17.02.2011.
  • Müller, J. (2011): Lunar Laser Ranging – Introductory Remarks.17th ILRS Workshop on Laser Ranging, Bad Kötzing, 16.-20. Mai 2011.
  • Müller, J. (2011): Aktuelle und künftige Schwerefeld-Satellitenmissionen.1. Sitzung der DFG-Senatskommission für Zukunftsaufgaben der Geowissenschaften, Bremen, 18./19.4.2011.
  • Müller, J. (2011): Criteria for Validation of (new) LLR Sites.ISSI LLR workshop, Bern, 15.-17.2.2011.
  • Müller, J. (2011): Die Vermessung der Welt mit Satelliten.Plenarsitzung der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Göttingen, 24.6.2011.
  • Müller, J. (2011): ESA Earth Science Advisory Committee – Report on recent activities.ESA SSAC Meeting, Paris. 2.11.2011.
  • Müller, J. (2011): LLR status report.ILRS Governing Board Meeting, San Franciso. 6.12.2011.
  • Müller, J. (2011): LLR contribution to long-term EOP variations and celestial reference frames.Unified Analysis Workshop 2011, ETH Zürich, 16./17.9.2011.
  • Müller, J. (2011): Erdrotation und globale dynamische Prozesse.Geodätische Woche 2011, Nürnberg, 28.9.2011.
  • Müller, J., Biskupek, L., Fang, X., Hofmann, F. (2011): Analysis of LLR data - P5 status reportStatusseminar der DFG-Forschergruppe FOR584, Wien, 24./25.2.2011
  • Müller, J., Hofmann, F., Fang, X., Biskupek, L. (2011): Lunar Laser Ranging: Recent Results Based on Refined ModellingIUGG General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, 28.6.-7.7.2011
  • Müller, J., Oberst, J., Kusche, J., Schreiber, U. (2011): Lunar Laser Ranging – Past, Present, Future: A Tool for Studies of Earth, Moon, and General Relativity.AstroKazan, Russia, 22.-30.8.2011.
  • Müller, J., Schreiber. U. (2011): Lunar Laser Ranging in Wettzell und Kombination mit anderen Techniken.DFG-Rundgespräch, Höllenstein, 5./6.10.2011.
  • Müller, J., Schreiber. U. (2011): Vertikaldatum in Wettzell und Vernetzung via Potentialmessungen mit Uhren.DFG-Rundgespräch, Höllenstein, 5./6.10.2011.
  • Müller, J., Vey, S. and Boike, J. (2011): Mass variations from GRACE and changes of the permafrost hydrological processes in Central Yakutia, SiberiaPresentation at IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, 28 June - 7 July 2011
  • Murböck, M., Pail, R., Gruber, T., Reubelt, T., Sneeuw, N., Fichter, W., Müller, J. (2011): Concepts for future gravity satellite missions.Fragile Earth, International Conference, München, 5.9.2011.
  • Naeimi, M., Flury, J., Müller, J. (2011): Poster, Regional modeling of GRACE SST data in Scandinavia.IUGG, 27 June - 7 July 2011, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Naeimi, M., Goebel, G., Schmidt, M. Bentel, K. Gerlach, C. Flury, J. and Müller, J. (2011): Numerical Aspects of Regional Gravity Field ModelingIUGG, Melbourne, Australia. Earth on the edge: science for a sustainable planet 28 June – 7 July 2011
  • Naeimi, M., Goebel, G., Schmidt, M., Bentel, K., Gerlach, C., Flury, J., Müller, J. (2011): Numerical Aspects of Regional Gravity Field Modeling.Poster. IUGG, 27 June - 7 July 2011, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Naeimi, M.; Flury, J.; Müller, J. (2011): Regional modeling of GRACE SST data in ScandinaviaPoster, IUGG, 27 June - 7 July 2011, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Naeimi, M.; Müller, J.; Gitlein, O. (2011): A combined land uplift model in Fennoscandia based on GRACE and absolute gravimetry data.Vortrag, IUGG, 27 June - 7 July 2011, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Timmen, L., Gitlein, O. (2011): First Experiences with Registrating Spring Gravimeters.Präsentation, 44. Herbsttagung des Arbeitskreises Geodäsie und Geophysik, Nördlingen, 5. Oktober 2011.
  • Vey, S., Crétauy, J.-F., Müller, J. and Boike, J. (2011): Water storage changes in the Lena watershed, Siberia observed by GRACE and satellite altimetry.Poster presentation at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 05-09 December
  • Voigt, C., Denker, H. (2011): Regional Validation and Combination of GOCE Gravity Field Models with Terrestrial DataPoster, Statusseminar Geotechnologien "Erfassung des Systems Erde aus dem Weltraum III", 11.10.2011, Stuttgart
  • Voigt, C., Denker, H. (2011): Validation of GOCE Gravity Field Models by Astrogeodetic Vertical Deflections in GermanyProceedings of the 4th International GOCE User Workshop, Munich, 31 March – 01 April
  • Voigt, C., Denker, H. (2011): Validation of GOCE Gravity Field Models by Astrogeodetic Vertical Deflections in GermanyIUGG General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, 28 June - 7 July 2011
  • Voigt, C., Denker, H. (2011): WP 310 GOCE Cal/Val, Quasigeoid und Höhensystem in DeutschlandPräsentation, 5. Projekttreffen REAL GOCE, Stuttgart, 10.10.2011
  • Voigt, C., Denker, H. (2011): WP 310 GOCE Cal/Val, Quasigeoid und Höhensystem in Deutschland.Projekttreffen REAL GOCE, München, 30.03.2011.
  • Voigt, C., Denker, H., Rülke, A., Liebsch, G., Schäfer, U., Schirmer, J., Ihde, J., Shako, R., Förste, C., Abrikosov, O., Bruinsma, S. (2011): Regional and global combination of GOCE and terrestrial dataVortrag, Statusseminar Geotechnologien "Erfassung des Systems Erde aus dem Weltraum III", 11.10.2011, Stuttgart
  • Ackermann, Ch., L. Timmen, H. Wilmes, R. Falk (2010): Erfahrungen im Gravimeterkalibriersystem Zugspitze.Poster, “Umweltforschungsstation Schneefernerhaus”, Workshop, 20.–21. Mai 2010, Iffeldorf
  • Bilker-Koivula, M., Mäkinen, J., Klopping, F., Falk, R., Gitlein, O., Timmen, L. (2010): Time Series of Absolute Gravity in Finland 1976–2009Poster, IAG Symposium on terrestrial gravimetry: static and mobile measurements (TG-SMM2010), St. Petersburg, Russia, 22-25 June 2010.
  • Biskupek, L. (2010): Determination of Earth orientation parameters (nutation and pole coordinates) from LLR dataLLR workshop “Theory and model for the new generation of the lunar laser ranging data” at ISSI, Bern, 16.-19. Februar 2010
  • Biskupek, L., Müller, J. (2010): EOP from the analysis of LLR dataStatusseminar der DFG Forschergruppe “Erdrotation und globale dynamische Prozesse“, Berlin, 22.-23. März 2010
  • Bouman, J., P. Brieden, G. Catastini, S. Cesare, R. Floberghagen, B. Frommknecht, R. Haagmans, M. Kern, D. Lamarre, J. Müller, G. Plank, S. Rispens, C. Stummer, C.C. Tscherning, M. Veicherts, P. Visser (2010): Overview of GOCE Gradiometer Cal/Val ActivitiesPresentation, ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen (NOR), 28.06.-02.07.2010.
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2010): Two Methods for the Validation of GOCE GradientsPoster, EGU General Assembly 2010, Wien, 02 - 07 May 2010.
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2010): PSD-Document: Performance CharacteristicsPräsentation, 2. Projekttreffen, Oberpfaffenhofen, 04. März 2010
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2010): Quality Assessment of GOCE GradientsPräsentation, ESA Cal/Val, 4th meeting, Bergen (NOR), 01. Juli 2010.
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2010): WP 210 Qualitätsbeurteilung gemessener GOCE-Gradienten. REAL GOCE3. Projekttreffen, Stuttgart, 24. September 2010
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2010): Quality Assessment of GOCE GradientsStatusseminar Geotechnologien „Beobachtung des Systems Erde aus dem Weltraum“, 04. Oktober 2010, Bonn
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2010): Kreuzungspunktanalyse als Validierungsmethode für GOCE GravitationsgradientenGeodätische Woche 2010, Köln, 06.10.2010
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J., Flury, J., Heinzel, G. (2010): The mission option OPTIMA – novelties and benefitPoster, Statusseminar Geotechnologien „Beobachtung des Systems Erde aus dem Weltraum“, 04. Oktober 2010, Bonn
  • Förste, C., Shako, R., Bruinsma, S., Marty, J.-C., Flechtner, F., Dahle, C., Neumayer, H., Rülke, A., Schäfer, U., Liebsch, G., Schirmer, U., Ihde, J., Denker, H., Voigt, C., Müller, J. (2010): REAL-GOCE Validation and CombinationVortrag, Statusseminar Geotechnologien „Beobachtung des Systems Erde aus dem Weltraum“, 04.10.2010, Bonn
  • Gitlein, O., Timmen, L. (2010): Reduction of Atmospheric Variations for Absolute Gravimetry in the Fennoscandian Land Uplift NetworkPresentation, IAG Symposium on terrestrial gravimetry: static and mobile measurements (TG-SMM2010), St. Petersburg, Russia, 22-25 June 2010
  • Gitlein, O., Timmen, L., Falk, R., Wilmes, H. (2010): Comparison of Trends from 5 and 15 Years Absolute Gravity MeasurementsPresentation, 34th Meeting of the Working Group for Geodynamics, Nordic Geodetic Commission, Finnish Geodetic Institute (FGI), Masala, Finland, 11-12 March 2010
  • Gitlein, O., Timmen, L., Falk, R., Wilmes, H. (2010): Comparison of Trends from 5 and 15 Years Absolute Gravity MeasurementsPresentation, 33rd Meeting of the Working Group for Geodynamics, Nordic Geodetic Commission, Finnish Geodetic Institute (FGI), Masala (Finland), 11 - 12 March 2010
  • Hofmann, F. (2010): Lunar Laser Ranging for testing the equivalence principle,QUEST Taskgroup “Quantum Test of the Equivalence Principle” meeting, Hannover, 21.05.2010
  • Hofmann, F. (2010): The LLR analysis software „LUNAR“Presentation, LLR workshop “Theory and model for the new generation of the lunar laser ranging data” at ISSI, Bern, 16.-19.02.2010
  • Hofmann, F., Biskupek, L., Müller, J. (2010): A refined LLR model for the determination of relativistic parameters and UT1-UTCPoster, EGU 2010, Wien, 02-07.05.2010
  • Hofmann, F., Biskupek, L., Müller, J. (2010): Gravitational constant, equivalence principle and UT1-UTC from a refined LLR modelPoster, Geodätische Woche 2010, Köln, 05-07.10.2010
  • Hofmann, F., Müller, J. (2010): Lunar Laser Ranging and the rotation of the moonStatusseminar der DFG Forschergruppe “Erdrotation und globale dynamische Prozesse“, Berlin, 22.-23.03.2010
  • Hofmann, F., Müller, J. (2010): Hannover LLR analysis software „LUNAR“LLR Analysis workshop, Boston, 09.-10.12.2010
  • Mäkinen, J., A. Engfeldt, O. Gitlein, B.G. Harsson, J. Kaminskis, F. Klopping, T. Oja, E. Paršeliunas, B.R. Pettersen, H. Ruotsalainen , G. Strykowski, H. Wilmes, D. Wolf, L. Engman, S. Rekkedal, K. Røthing, P.Rouhiainen, H. Skatt, H. Virtanen, K. Wieczerkowski, R. Forsberg, M. Bilker-Koivula, J. Jokela, R. Falk, W. Hoppe, A. Lothhammer, A. Reinhold, L. Timmen, K. Lapushka, P. Petroškevičius, K. Breili, B. Engen, C. Gerlach, J.G.O. Gjevestad, D. Lysaker, O.C.D. Omang, O. Øvstedal, E. Roland, J. Ågren, M. Lidberg, M. Lilje, G. Lohas, P.-A. Olsson, H.-G. Scherneck, R. Svensson (2010): Repeated absolute and relative gravity measurements in the Fennoscandian Postglacial Rebound area: comparison of gravity change with observed vertical motion and with GIA modelsGeophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-13652, EGU General Assembly 2010
  • Mäkinen, J., B. Engen, A. Engfeldt, O. Gitlein, J. Kaminskis, F. Klopping, T. Oja, E. Paršeliunas, B.R. Pettersen, G. Strykowski, H. Wilmes, R. Forsberg, M. Bilker-Koivula, J. Jokela, R. Falk, W. Hoppe, A. Lothhammer, A. Reinhold, L. Timmen, K. Lapushka, P. Petroškevičius, K. Breili, C. Gerlach, J.G.O. Gjevestad, D. Lysaker, O.C.D. Omang, O. Øvstedal, E. Roland, J. Ågren, M. Lidberg, M. Lilje, G. Lohasz, P.-A. Olsson, H.-G. Scherneck (2010): Repeated absolute gravity measurements in the Fennoscandian postglacial rebound area: comparison of gravity change with observed vertical motion and withg GIA modelsPoster, NKG General Assembly 2010, September 27-30, Hønefoss, Norway
  • Müller, J. (2010): Current Activities and Status of Lunar Laser Ranging WorldwideISSI LLR workshop, Presentation Bern, 16.02.2010
  • Müller, J. (2010): University Studies of Geodesy and Geoinformatics in GermanyInvited presentation, Konya, Turkey, 25.03.2010.
  • Müller, J. (2010): Recent Satellite Gravity Missions and Earth System ResearchInvited presentation, Geodetic Colloquium, Konya, Turkey, 25.03.2010
  • Müller, J. (2010): Forschungsaktivitäten am Institut für ErdmessungTreffen der DGK-Sektion Erdmessung, Präsentation, Stuttgart, 14.04.2010.
  • Müller, J. (2010): Earth Rotation and Global Dynamic Processes – An Inter-disciplinary Research InitiativeInvited presentation, EGU General Assembly, Wien, 3.05.2010
  • Müller, J. (2010): Accelerometry in Satellite GravimetryGOCE user workshop, Präsentation, Herrsching, 1.06.2010.
  • Müller, J. (2010): The Role of Relativity in Space GeodesyQUEST-Ringvorlesung, Hannover, 9.06.2010
  • Müller, J. (2010): Moderne Geodäsie mit Einsteins HilfeGeodätisches Kolloquium, Bonn, 10.06.2010
  • Müller, J. (2010): Lunar Laser Ranging - A Testbed for General RelativityQUEST-Ringvorlesung, Hannover, 16.06.2010
  • Müller, J. (2010): Spiegel vermessen die WeltVortragsreihe im Phaeno, Wolfsburg, 9.12.2010
  • Müller, J., Brieden P. (2010): Qualitätsbeurteilung gemessener GOCE-GradientenPräsentation, 2. Projekttreffen REAL GOCE, 16.03.2010
  • Müller, J., Brieden, P. (2010): Hanover SGG Cal/Val Methods3rd GOCE Cal/Val Synthesis Meeting, Präsentation, München, 19.03.2010.
  • Müller, J., Güntner, A., Boike, J., Vey, S (2010): Secular mass variations in the Siberian permafrost from integrated geodetic and hydrological dataBegutachtung DFG-SPP 1257, GFZ Potsdam, Poster, 14.10.2010.
  • Müller, J., Sneeuw, N., Fichter, W. (2010): Future Gravity Missions – Overview and StatusStatusseminar Geotechnologien, Präsentation, Bonn, 4.10.2010
  • Naeimi, M., Flury, J. Mueller, J. and ... (2010): Comparing Different Approaches for Processing GRACE Level-1 DataEuropean Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2010. Vienna, Austria, 2-7 May 2010
  • Reubelt, T., Sneeuw, N. Fichter. W., Müller, J. (2010): The German joint research project “concepts for future gravity satellite missions”Poster, EGU General Assembly, Wien, 2.-7.05.2010
  • Stammer, D., Müller, J., Brieden, P., Siegismund, F., Köhl A. (2010): Quality Assessment of GOCE DataPräsentation, Statusseminar Geotechnologien „Beobachtung des Systems Erde aus dem Weltraum“, 04.10.2010, Bonn
  • Timmen, L. (2010): First experiences with registrating spring gravimetersPresentation, 34th Meeting of the Working Group for Geodynamics, Nordic Geodetic Commission, Finnish Geodetic Institute, Masala, 11-12 March 2010
  • Timmen, L. (2010): Schwereänderungen im fennoskandischen LandhebungsgebietEingeladener Vortrag, Karlsruher Geowissenschaftliches Kolloquium, KIT Kompetenzfeld Geosphäre und Risikomanagement, 18. Mai 2010
  • Timmen, L. (2010): Airborne GravimetryInvited Presentation, QUEST-TG2 meeting, Institute of Quantum Optics, LU Hannover, 5. Nov. 2010
  • Timmen, L., Falk, R., Gitlein, O., Wilmes, H. (2010): The measuring offset of the absolute gravimeter JILAg-3 (LUH) with respect to the FG5 instruments no. 101(BKG) and no. 220 (LUH)Poster, “IAG Symposium on Terrestrial Gravimetry: Static and Mobile Measurements”, CSTI Elektropribor, St. Petersburg, 22.-25, Juni 2010
  • Vey, S., Müller, J. and Boike, J. (2010): Mass changes in the Siberian permafrost regions from GRACE and satellite imagesGRACE Science Team Meeting, Potsdam, Germany, 11.-12.11.2010
  • Voigt, C., Denker, H. (2010): WP 310 GOCE Cal/Val, Quasigeoid und Höhensystem in DeutschlandPräsentation, 3. Projekttreffen REAL-GOCE, Stuttgart, 24.09.2010.
  • Voigt, C., Denker, H. (2010): Validation of GOCE products by terrestrial data sets in GermanyPoster, Statusseminar Geotechnologien „Beobachtung des Systems Erde aus dem Weltraum“, 04.10.2010, Bonn
  • Voigt, C., Denker, H. (2010): Astrogeodetic vertical deflections in Germany for GOCE validation and combinationPoster, Second International Symposium of the International Gravity Field Service, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, U.S.A., 20-22 Sept. 2010
  • Voigt, C., Denker, H. (2010): WP 310 GOCE Cal/Val, Quasigeoid und Höhensystem in DeutschlandPräsentation, 2. Projekttreffen REAL-GOCE, München, 16.03.2010
  • Wang, Y.M., Denker, H., Saleh, J., Li, X., Roman, D., Smith, D. (2010): A comparison of different geoid computation methods in the US Rocky MountainsPresentation, Second International Symposium of the International Gravity Field Service, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, U.S.A., 20-22 Sept. 2010
  • Agren, J., Barzaghi, R., Carrion, D., Denker, H., Grigoriadis, V. N., Kiamehr, R., Sona, G., Tscherning, C. C., Tziavos, I. N. (2009): Different geoid computation methods applied on a test dataset: results and considerationsPoster, VII Hotine-Marussi Symposium, Rome, 6-10 July 2009
  • Bilker-Koivula, M., Mäkinen, J., Klopping, F., Falk, R., Gitlein, O., Timmen, L. (2009): Time Series of Absolute Gravity in Finland 1976-2008.Poster, Geodesy for Planet Earth - IAG 2009 in Buenos Aires, Argentinien, 31. August - 04. September 2009
  • Biskupek, L., Hofmann, F., Müller, J. (2009): Pole coordinates from the analysis of LLR dataVortrag, IERS Workshop on EOP Combination and Prediction, Warschau, 19.-21.10.2009
    DOI: 10.15488/2654
  • Biskupek, L., Hofmann, F., Müller, J. (2009): LLR I - Lunar Laser Ranging and Earth RotationVortrag, Herbsttagung Arbeitskreis Geodäsie/Geophysik, Brandenburg, 06.-09.10.2009
  • Biskupek, L., Müller, J. (2009): Determination of nutation coefficients from lunar laser raniging dataVortrag, IAG Scientific Assembly 2009, Buenos Aires, Argentinien, 31.08.2009
  • Biskupek, L., Müller, J. (2009): Determination of Earth orientation parameters from LLR dataVortrag, Statusseminar, DFG-Forschergruppe FOR 584 "Erdrotation und globale dynamische Prozesse", München, 29.10.2009
  • Biskupek, L., Müller, J. (2009): Nutation coefficients determined by the analysis of Lunar Laser Ranging dataPoster, EGU General Assembly 2009, Wien, 19.-24.04.2009
  • Biskupek, L., Müller, J., Schreiber, U. (2009): Lunar Laser Ranging: Consistent modelling for geodetic and further scientific applicationsPoster, Begutachtung der DFG-Forschergruppe FOR 584, Bonn, 09.01.2009
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2009): WP 210 - Qualitätsbeurteilung gemessener GOCE-GradientenPresentation, REAL GOCE Kick-Off-Meeting, Karlsruhe, 22.09.2009
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2009): Allan Varianz und der Bezug zur PSDPresentation, Future Gravity Field Satellite Missions Meeting. Immenstaad, 02.-03.12.2009
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J. (2009): Hannover SGG Cal/Val MethodsPresentation, ESA Calibration/-Validation (Cal/Val) Meeting, Frascati, Italy, 12.-13.11.2009
  • Brieden, P., Müller, J., Jarecki, F. (2009): Validierung von GOCE-GradientenPresentation, Qualitätsreports. Geodätische Woche 2009, Karlsruhe, 23.09.2009
  • Denker, H. (2009): The European gravimetric quasigeoid EGG2008Poster, 2009 Joint Assembly, The Meeting of the Americas, Toronto, Canada, 24-27 May 2009
  • Denker, H. (2009): The European Gravity and Geoid Projekt.Vortrag, National Geodetic Survey (NGS/NOAA), silver Spring, MD, U.S.A., 20.08.2009
  • Gitlein, O., Timmen, L., Ägren, J., Lidberg, M. (2009): Gravity changes in Fennoscandia observed with the Hannover absolute gravimeter.Präsentation, 42. Herbsttagung des Arbeitskreises Gedäsie und Geophysik, Brandenburg, 06.-09. Oktober 2009
  • Gitlein, O., Timmen, L., Müller, J. (2009): Gravity Changes in Fennoscandia from Repeated FG5-220 MeasurementsPresentation, Meeting of the COST ES0701 Working Group in Copenhagen, 14-15 May 2009
  • Gitlein, O., Timmen, L., Müller, J., Ågren, J., Lidberg, M. (2009): Absolute gravimetry results from 5 years measurements with FG5-220 in FennoscandiaPresentation, Geodesy for Planet Earth - IAG 2009 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 31 August - 04 September 2009
  • Heiker, A., Kutterer, H., Müller, J. (2009): Stabilization of Satellite derived Gravity Field Coefficients by Earth Rotation Parameters and excitation functions.Poster, IAG Scientific Assembly, Buenos Aires, Argentinien, 1.9.2009
  • Heiker, A., Kutterer, H., Müller, J. (2009): Mutual Validation of Earth Rotation Parameters, Excitaton Functions and Gravity Field Coefficients of 2nd DegreeVortrag IERS Workshop on EOP Combination and Prediction, 20.10.2009
  • Heiker, A., Kutterer, H., Müller, J. (2009): Combined Analysis of Earth Orientation Parameters and Gravity Field Coefficients for Mutual ValidationPoster, In: Observing Our Changing Earth. In: Sideris, M. (Ed.), Observing Our Changing Earth, Proceedings of the IAG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, July 02-13, 2007. IAG Symposia Series Vol. 133, 853-859, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg/New York
  • Heiker, A., Kutterer, H., Müller, J. (2009): Stabilization of Satellite Derived Gravity Field Coefficients by Earth Rotation ParametersPoster, EGU General Assembly, Wien, 22.04.2009
  • Hofmann, F., Biskupek, L., Li, W., Müller, J. (2009): Mondaufbau und Lunar Laser RangingVortrag, Geodätische Woche, Karlsruhe, 22.09.2009
  • Hofmann, F., Biskupek, L., Müller, J. (2009): LLR II - Lunar Laser Ranging and the Moon's InteriorVortrag, Herbsttagung Arbeitskreis Geodäsie/Geophysik, Brandenburg, 06.-09.10.2009
  • Hofmann, F., Biskupek, L., Müller, J. (2009): Lunar Laser Ranging QUESTS RelativityPoster, QUEST-Seminar, PTB, Braunschweig, 16.9.2009
  • Kenyeres, A., Sacher, M., Ihde, J., Denker, H., Marti, U. (2009): EUVN Densification Action: Completion of a continental GPS/leveling network.Vortrag, 50th Meeting of the EUREF Technical Working Group, Florence, 26 May 2009 Weitere Informationen
  • Mäkinen, J., Bilker-Koivula, M., Falk, R., gitlein, O., Kaminskis, J., Lapushka, K., Oja, T., Parseliunas, E., Petroskevicius, P., Timmen, L. (2009): Gravity change from repeated absolute measurements in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania 1994-2008.Poster, Geophysical Research Aabstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-13286-1, EGU General Assembly 2009
  • Müller, J. (2009): Erdrotation - Plage oder Freude der Geodäsie?Vortrag, Erdmessungsforum, Intergeo 2009, Karlsruhe, 24.09.2009
  • Müller, J. (2009): Vorstellung des Studiengangs und der FachrichtungVortrag, Erstsemestereinführung für den Bachelorstudiengang Geodäsie und Geoinformatik, Hannover, 5.10.2009
  • Müller, J. (2009): Braucht die Geodäsie Einstein oder Einstein die Geodäsie?Vortrag, Kassensitzung Ingeniuerwissenschaften, BWG, Braunschweig, 09.10.2009
  • Müller, J. (2009): die Physikalische Geodäsie als Kerndisziplin der ErdsystemforschungVortrag, Geodätisches Kolloquium (Förderertag), Hannover, 17.11.2009
  • Müller, J. (2009): Lunar Laser Ranging - Status report.Vortrag, ILRS Governing Board Meeting, San Francisco, USA 14.12.2009
  • Müller, J. (2009): Earth Rotation and Global Dynamic Processes - Joint Research Activity in D-A-CHVortrag, Begutachtung der DFG-Forschungsgruppe FOR 584, Bonn, 09.01.2009
  • Müller, J. (2009): Größenordnung und Spektrum geophysikalischer SignaleVortrag, QUEST TG7-Treffen, Hannover, 23.01.2009
  • Müller, J. (2009): Braucht die Geodäsie Einstein oder Einstein die GeodäsieVortrag, Geodätisches Kolloquium, Stuttgart, 06.02.2009
  • Müller, J. (2009): Geophysikalische Signale und SatellitengravimetrieVortrag, Verbundpeojekt EruoQuasar, Hannover, 11.02.2009
  • Müller, J. (2009): Geodäsie und Geoinformatik an der Leibniz Universität HannoverVortrag, BDVI-Tagung, Großburgwedel, 27.02.2009
  • Müller, J., Kutterer, H., Soffel, M. (2009): Earth Rotation and Global Dynamic Processes - An Inter-disciplinary Research Initiative.Poster, EGU General Assembly, Wien 22.04.2009
  • Müller, J., Brieden, P. (2009): Future Gravity Field Satellite Missions - Sensoranalyse & FehlerbugetierungPresentation, Kick-Off-Meeting des BMBF-Geotechnologien-Verbundprojekts "Zukunftskonzepte" für Schwerefeldsatellitenmissionen", Stuttgart, 17.09.2009
  • Müller, J., Kutterer, H., Soffel, M. (2009): Earth Rotation and Global Dynamic Processes - An Inter-disciplinary Research InitiativePoster, IAG Scientific Assembly, Buenos Aires, Argentinien, 01.09.2009
  • Müller, J., Naeimi, M., Gitlein, O., Timmen, L., Denker, H. (2009): Recent GIA results from analysing AG and GRACE measurementsVortrag, Workshop of COST Action ESO701: Improved Constaints on GIA Models, Kopenhagen, Dänemark, 14.5.2009
  • Müller, J., Naeimi, M., Gitlein, O., Timmen, L., Denker, H. (2009): Present-day mass variations in Fennoscandia as determined from joint analysis of absolute gravity and GRACE dataVortrag, Joint DynaQlim/GGOS Workshop, Espoo, Finnland, 24.06.2009
  • Müller, J., Naeimi, M., Gitlein, O., Timmen, L., Denker, H. (2009): Present-day mass variations in Fennoscandia as determined from joint analysis of absolute gravity and GRACE data.Vortrag, Workshop des DFG-Schwerpunkts SPP 1257, Eitorf, 01.07.2009
  • Müller, J., Petersheim, N., Steffen, H. (2009): Mass variations in the Siberian permafrost regions from GRACEVortrag, IAG Scientific Assembly, Buenos Aires, Argentinien, 3.9.2009
  • Müller, J., Sneeuw, N., Flechtner, F. (2009): future Satellite Gravity Missions - Activities in GermanyVortrag, Workshop "Towards a Roadmap for Future Satellite Gravity Missions", Graz, 30.09.2009
  • Müller, J., Steffen, H., Boike, J., Peterseim, N. (2009): (Accelerated) mass variations in the Siberian permafrost regions from GRACEAGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 17.12.2009
  • Müller, J., Steffen, H., Naeimi, M. (2009): Mass Variations in Fennoscandia from GRACE.Vortrag, Meeting of the NKGG Working group on Geodynamics, Gävle, Schweden, 10.03.2009
  • Naeimi, M., Flury, J., Müller, J. (2009): Inter Satellite Microwave Ranging Reveals Mass Variability in the Earth SystemPoster, QUEST-Seminar, PTB, Braunschweig, 16.09.2009
  • Naeimi, M., Müller, J., Flury, J. (2009): Spectral representation of temporal mass changes derived from GRACEVortrag, SPP1257-Workshop Eitorf, 29.6.-1.7.2009
  • Naeimi, M., Müller, J., Flury, J. (2009): On the spatial pattern of semi-annual signals present in GRACE gravity fieldsPoster, EGU General Assembly, Wien, 21.04.2009
  • Naeimi, M., Müller, J., Flury, J. (2009): Temporal mass variations in Northern India as observed by GRACEPoster, AGU 2009 Joint Assembly, The meeting of the Americas, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 24.-27.5.2009
  • Oja, T., Mäkinen, J., Bilker-Koivula, M., Timmen, L., Gitlein, O. (2009): Vertical gradient evaluation and the reduction of absolute gravity results in EstoniaPoster, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-10901, EGU General Assembly in Vienna, Austria, 19 - 24 April 2009
  • Peterseim, N., Steffen, H., Müller, J. (2009): Determination of mass variations in the Siberian permafrost regions using GRACE monthly solutionsPoster, EGU General Assembly, Wien, 21.04.2009
  • Steffen, H., Bolke, J., Müller, J., Peterseim, N. (2009): Mass variations in the Siberian permafrost regions from GRACEVortrag, GRACE Science Team Meeting, Austin, USA, 5.11.2009
  • Timmen, L. (2009): Schweremessungen im regionalen Kontrollnetz Rotenburg: Vergleich zwischen heute und vor 20 Jahren.Präsentation, 42. Herbsttagung des Arbeitskreises Geodäsie und Geophysik, Brandenburg, 6.-9. Oktober 2009.
  • Timmen, L., Ågren, J., Gitlein, O., Klemann, V., Lidberg, M., Wolf, D. (2009): Gravity Changes in Fennoscandia from 5 Years Measurements with the Hannover Absolute GravimeterPräsentation, 69. Jahrestag der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, Christian-Albrechts- Universität zu Kiel, 23.-26. März 2009
  • Timmen, L., Gitlein, O. (2009): Results from 6 years measurements with FG5-220 in FennoscandiaPresentation, 33rd Meeting of the Working Group on Geodynamics, Nordic Geodetic Commission, Lantmäteriet, Gävle, Sweden, March 10-11, 2009
  • Timmen, L., Gitlein, O., Klemann, V., Wolf, D. (2009): Gravity Change in the Fennoscandian Uplift Area Observed by Absolute GravimetryPoster, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-1834-1, EGU General Assembly in Vienna, Austria, 19 - 24 April 2009
  • Timmen, L., Gitlein, O., Klemann, V., Wolf, D. (2009): Observing Gravity Change in the Fennoscandian Uplift Area with the Hannover Absolute GravimeterPresentation, Joint Workshop on 'Deformation and Gravity Change: Indicators of Isostasy, Tectonics, Volcanism and Climate Change' (3rd meeting) and 'Temporal Variations of Deformation and Gravity' (IAG ICCT SG 7, 1st meeting), Casa de los Volcanos, 23.-26 Febr. 2009
  • Timmen, L., Müller, J., Denker, H., Kroner, C., Förste, Ch. (2009): Gravimetric survey of the western Mediterranean and interpretation of the gravity fieldPresentation, Workshop "Aerogravimetry: Technology and Applications", Dresden, June 04-05,2009
  • Timmen, L., Müller, J., Denker, H., Kroner, C., Förste, Ch. (2009): Planned application to DFG: Gravimetric survey of the western Mediterranean and interpretation of the gravity fieldPresentation, European Science Foundation EUROCORES Programme on "Quantum Standards and Metrology (EuroQUASAR)", Brandenburg, October 06, 2009
  • Voigt, C., Denker, H. (2009): Regionales GOCE Validierungsexperiment mit astrogeodätischen Lotabweichungen in Deutschland.Vortrag, Geodätische Woche 2009, Karlsruhe, 23.09.2009
  • Bilker-Koivula, M., Mäkinen, J., Timmen, L., Gitlein, O., Klopping, F., Falk, R. (2008): Analysis of absolute gravity time series in FinlandPoster, GGEO 2008, International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation, Chania, Greece, 23-27 June, 2008
  • Biskupek, L., Müller, J. (2008): Bestimmung der Erdrotation aus LLR-DatenStatusseminar der DFG-Forschergruppe FOR584, Höllenstein, 12.03.2008
  • Biskupek, L., Müller, J., Schreiber, U. (2008): Determination of Earth Orientation from Lunar Laser Ranging DataPoster, EGU General Assembly, Wien, 16.04.2008
  • Francis, O., van Dam, T., Germak, A, M. Amalvict, R. Bayer, M. Bilker-Koivula, M. Calvo, G.-C. D'Agostino, T. Dell'Acqua, A. Engfeldt, R. Faccia, R. Falk, O. Gitlein, Fernandez, J. Gjevestad, J. Hinderer, Jones, J. Kostelecky, N. Le Moigne, B. Luck, J. Mäkinen D. Mclaughlin, T. Olszak, P. Olsson, A. Pachuta, V. Palinkas, B. Pettersen, R. Pujol, I. Prutkin, D. Quagliotti, R. Reudink, C. Rothleitner, D. Ruess, C. Shen, V. Smith, S. Svitlov, L. Timmen, C. Ulrich, M. Van Camp, J. Walo, L. Wang, H. Wilmes, L. Xing (2008): Results of the European Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters in Walferdange (Luxembourg) of November 2007Presentation, GGEO 2008, International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation, Chania, Greece, 23-27 June, 2008.
  • Gitlein, O., Timmen, L. (2008): Atmosphere Reduction for Absolute Gravimetry in the Fennoscandian Land Uplift NetworkPresentation, New Challenges in Earth's Dynamics, ETS 2008, 01-05 Sept. 2008, Jena, Germany.
  • Gitlein, O., Timmen, L. (2008): First IfE results of absolute gravimetry surveys in the Fennoscandian Land Uplift areaPresentation, 32nd Meeting of the Working Group for Geodynamics, Nordic Geodetic Commission, Danish National Space Centre, DTU Space, Copenhagen, Denmark, 23-24 April 2008
  • Gitlein, O., Timmen, L., Müller, J., Denker, H., Mäkinen, J., Bilker-Koivula, M., Pettersen B.R., Lysaker, D.I., Gjevestad, J.G.O., Breili, K., Wilmes, H., Falk, R., Reinhold, A., Hoppe, W., Scherneck, H.-G., Omang, O.C.D., Engfeldt, A., Lilje, M., Ågren, J., Lidberg, M., Strykowski, G., Forsberg, R. (2008): Observing Absolute Gravity Acceleration in the Fennoscandian Land Uplift AreaPoster, New Challenges in Earth's Dynamics, ETS 2008, 01-05 Sept. 2008, Jena, Germany
  • Gitlein, O., Timmen, L., Müller, J., Denker, H., Mäkinen, J., Bilker-Koivula, M., Pettersen B.R., Lysaker, D.I., Gjevestad, J.G.O., Breili, K., Wilmes, H., Falk, R., Reinhold, A., Hoppe, W., Scherneck, H.-G., Omang, O.C.D., Engfeldt, A., Lilje, M., Ågren, J., Lidberg, M., Strykowski, G., Forsberg, R. (2008): Observing Absolute Gravity Acceleration in the Fennoscandian Land Uplift AreaPoster, GGEO 2008, International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation, Chania, Greece, 23-27 June, 2008
  • Heiker, A., Kutterer, H., Müller, J. (2008): Stabilization of Low Degree Gravity Field Coefficients by Earth Rotation ParametersEGU General Assembly, Wien, 16.04.2008
  • Müller, J. (2008): Forschungsaktivitäten am Institut für Erdmessung - Physikalische GeodäsieVortragsreihe zur Forschung in der Fakultät für Bauingenieurwesen und Geodäsie, Hannover, 18.6.2008
  • Müller, J. (2008): Lunar Laser Ranging - A Testbed for General RelativityFrühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Freiburg, 4.03.2008
  • Müller, J. (2008): Vorstellung des konsekutiven Bachelor/Master-Studiengangs Geodäsie und GeoinformatikTreffen der der Forschungsinitiative Geoprozesse Hannover, 6.05.2008
  • Müller, J. (2008): Die aktuellen Schwerefeld-Satellitenmissionen und ihre Bedeutung für die GeowissenschaftenGeowissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Jena, 4.02.2008
  • Müller, J., Jarecki, F. (2008): Hanover SGG Cal/Val Methods
  • Müller, J., Sneeuw, N. (2008): Future Satellite Gravimetry Missions – Joint Activities in GermanyIAG SC3 Meeting, Chania, Kreta, 24.06.2008
  • Müller, J., Sneeuw, N., Fichter, W. (2008): Future Satellite Gravimetry Missions – Joint Research Activity in GermanyRundgespräch Geotechnologien, München, 29.05.2008
  • Müller, J., Steffen, H. (2008): Significance of secular trends of mass variations determined from GRACE monthly solutionsPoster, IAG-Meeting GGEO2008, Chania, Kreta, 26.06.2008
  • Müller, J., Steffen, H., Denker, H., Gitlein, O., Timmen, L. (2008): Bestimmung der Landhebung in Nordeuropa mit Hilfe von GRACE-Daten und AbsolutschweremessungenWorkshop der Forschungsinitiative Geoprozesse, Hannover, 18.07.2008
  • Steffen, H., Gitlein, O., Denker, H., Müller, J., Timmen, L. (2008): Fennoscandian land uplift observed by GRACE and absolute gravity measurementsIn: 5th EGU General Assembly, Wien, 13-18 April 2008.
  • Steffen, H., Gitlein, O., Denker, H., Müller, J., Timmen, L. (2008): Does GRACE really see GIA in Fennoscandia?In: 32nd Meeting of the Working Group for Geodynamics, Nordic Geodetic Commission , Danish National Space Centre, DTU Space, Copenhagen, Denmark, 23-24 April 2008.
  • Steffen, H., Müller, J., Denker, H. (2008): Determination of the Fennoscandian Land Uplift and Mass Variations in Northern Europe from GRACE DataDFG-SPP1257 Workshop, Herrsching, 31.3.-2.4.2008
  • Steffen, H., Müller, J., Denker, H. (2008): Glacial isostatic adjustment in Fennoscandia from GRACE data: A signal separation with the help of geodynamical and hydrological modelsPoster, IAG-Meeting GGEO2008, Chania, Kreta, 26.06.2008
  • Steffen, H., Müller, J., Denker, H. (2008): Using GRACE for land uplift investigationsPoster, EGU General Assembly, Wien, 16.04.2008.
  • Timmen, L. , Gitlein, O. (2008): The measuring offset between the Hannover absolute gravimeters JILAG-3 and FG5-220Presentation, Geodätische Woche, Bremen, 30.09-02.10 2008
  • Timmen, L. , Gitlein, O., Falk, R., Wilmes, H. (2008): The measuring offset between the Hannover absolute gravimeters JILAG-3 and FG5-220. Presentation, 32nd Meeting of the Working Group for Geodynamics, Nordic Geodetic Commission, Danish National Space Centre, DTU Space, Copenhagen, Denmark, 23-24 April 2008
  • Bilker-Koivula, M., Mäkinen, J., Timmen, L., Gitlein, O., Klopping, F., Falk, R. (2007): Repeated absolute gravity measurements in FinlandPoster, International Symposium on Terrestrial Gravimetry: Static and Mobile Measurements (TG-SMM2007). Russia, Saint Petersburg, 20-22 Aug. 2007
  • Biskupek, L., Müller, J. (2007): Bestimmung geodätischer Parameter aus Lunar Laser Ranging DatenGeodätische Woche, Leipzig, 25.09.2007
  • Biskupek, L., Müller, J. (2007): Lunar Laser Ranging: Auswertung und Parameter­be­stimmungHerbsttagung des Arbeitskreises Geodäsie/Geophysik, Freuden­stadt, 18.10.2007
  • Biskupek, L., Müller, J., Schreiber, U. (2007): Lunar Laser Ranging - StatusberichtStatusseminar der DFG-Forschergruppe FOR584, Dresden, 30.05.2007
  • Denker, H., Voigt, C., Müller, J., Ihde, J., Lux, N., Wilmes, H. (2007): Terrestrial data sets for the validation of GOCE productsGeotechnologien, Observation of the system Earth from space, Status Seminar, Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Munich, 22.-23.11.2007
  • Gitlein, O., Timmen, L. (2007): Absolute gravimetry campaigns of If in Fennoscandia: 2003-2006Presentation, 31th Meeting of the Working Group for Geodynamics, Nordic Geodetic Commission, the Estonian Land Board, Tallinn, 28-29 March 2007
  • Gitlein, O., Timmen, L., Müller, J., Denker, H., Mäkinen, J., Bilker-Koivula, M., Pettersen, B.R., Lysaker, D.I., Svendsen, J.G.G., Wilmes, H., Falk, R., Reinhold, A., Hoppe, W., Scherneck, H.-G., Engen, B., Omang, O.C.D., Engfeldt, A., Lilje, M., Strykowski, G., Forsberg, R. (2007): Observing Absolute Gravity Acceleration in the Fennoscandian Land Uplift AreaPoster, "Symposium on Terrestrial Gravimetry: Static and Mobile Measurements (TG-SMM2007)", St. Petersburg, 20-22 Aug. 2007
  • Gitlein, O., Timmen, L., Van Camp, M. (2007): Atmospheric reduction for terrestrial absolute gravimetry in the Fennoscandian land uplift networkPresentation, Geodetic Week 2007, Session 4, 25-27 Sept. 2007
  • Jarecki, F., Müller, J. (2007): Robust Trend Estimation from GOCE SGG Satellite Track Cross-Over DifferencesPoster, IUGG General Assembly XXIV, Perugia, 2.-13.7.2007
  • Jarecki, F., Müller, J., Wolf, K. I. (2007): Quality Analysis of GOCE Gradients in the Space and Frequency DomainPoster, Geotechnologien, Observation of the system Earth from space, Status Seminar, Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Munich, 22.-23.11.2007
  • Mäkinen, J., Bilker-Koivula, M., Klopping, F., Falk, R., Gitlein, O., Timmen, L. (2007): Time Series of Absolute Gravity in Finland 1976-2006Poster, IUGG 2007, Perugia, Italy, 02-13 July 2007
  • Müller, J. (2007): Quality Assessment of Satellite Gravity Field MissionsKolloquium, ETH Zürich, 13.11.2007
  • Müller, J. (2007): Earth Rotation and Global Dynamic Processes – Status 2007Statusseminar der DFG-Forschergruppe FOR584, Dresden, 30.05.2007
  • Müller, J. (2007): Bestimmung des ErdschwerefSchillerschule, Hannover, 25.04.2007
  • Müller, J. Biskupek, L. (2007): Lunar Laser Ranging PerspectivesUnified Analysis Workshop, Monterey, USA, 6.12.2007
  • Müller, J. Biskupek, L., Schreiber, U. (2007): Lunar Laser Ranging 2007ILRS/AWG Meeting, Perugia, Italien, 11.07.2007
  • Müller, J., H. Steffen, O. Gitlein, H. Denker, L. Timmen (2007): Glacial isostatic adjustment on the northern hemisphere - New results from GRACEPresentation, Eos Transact. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., San Francisco, 10-14 Dec. 2007, Abstract G32A-02, 2007
  • Müller, J., Steffen, H., Denker, H. (2007): Mass Variations in Areas of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment on the Northern Hemisphere from GRACE DataMeeting of the NKGG Working Group on Geodynamics, Tallin, Estland, 29.03.2007
  • Müller, J., Steffen, H., Denker, H. (2007): Mass Variations in Areas of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment on the Northern Hemisphere from GRACE DataEGU General Assembly, Wien,18.04.2007
  • Müller, J., Steffen, H., Denker, H. (2007): Analysis of Mass Variations in Northern Glacial Rebound Areas from Recently Processed GRACE DataIUGG/IAG-Generalversammlung XXIV, Perugia, Italien, 10.07.2007
  • Steffen, H., Gitlein, O., Timmen, L., Müller, J., Denker, H. (2007): Bestimmung der Landhebung in Nordeuropa mit Hilfe von GRACE-Daten und Vergleich mit AbsolutschweremessungenPresentation, Geodätische Woche 2007, Leipzig, 25-27 Sept. 2007
  • Steffen, H., Müller, J., Denker, H. (2007): Post-glacial rebound in Fennoscandia and North America – New results from GRACEGRACE Science Team Meeting and DFG-SPP Symposium, GFZ Potsdam, Oct. 15-17, 2007
  • Timmen, L., Gitlein, O. (2007): Absolute Gravimetry in Tectonically Active Areas: the Fennoscandian Land UpliftPresentation, Gravimetry workshop "Gravimetric activities at Onsala and the Nordic countries, Onsala, 10 May 2007
  • Timmen, L., Gitlein, O. (2007): Remarks about varying gravity disturbances and loading effectsPresentation, 31th Meeting of the Working Group for Geodynamics, Nordic Geodetic Commission, the Estonian Land Board, Tallinn, 28-29 March 2007.
  • Timmen, L., Gitlein, O. (2007): Absolutgravimetrie im Fennoskandischen Landhebungsgebiet: erste Ergebnisse vom IfEPresentation, 40. Herbsttagung des Arbeitskreises Geodäsie und Geophysik, Freudenstadt, 16-19 Oct. 2007
  • Wolf, K. I., Müller, J. (2007): Accuracy Analysis of External Reference Data for GOCE Evaluation in the Space and Frequency DomainPoster, IUGG General Assembly XXIV, Perugia, 2.-13.7.2007
  • Wolf, K.I., Jarecki, F., Müller, J. (2007): Qualitätsbeurteilung der GOCE-Gradienten (WP310) – WP313-WP316GOCE-GRAND II, 4. Projekttreffen, Potsdam, 10.05.2007
  • Engfeldt, A., Timmen, L., Gitlein, O., Mäkinen, J., Pettersen, B.R., Omang, O.C.D., Wilmes, H., Falk, R., Müller, J., Denker, H., Bilker, M., Gjevestad, J.G., Lysaker, D.I., Breili, K., Strykowski, G., Engen, B., Lilje, M., Agren, J., Forsberg, R., Scherneck, H.-G. (2006): Observing Absolute Gravity Acceleration in the Fennoscandian Land Uplift AreaPoster, 1st International Symposium of the International Gravity Field Service (IGFS), "Gravity Field of the Earth", Istanbul, Turkey, 28 Aug. - 01 Sept. 2006.
  • Erol, B., Denker, H., Müller, J., Sideris, M.G., Celik, R.N. (2006): Assessment of new Earth geopotential models by comparisons with terrestrial data over TurkeyPoster, 1st International Sympo­sium of the International Gravity Field Service (IGFS), “Gravity Field of the Earth”, Istanbul, Turkey, 28.08.-01.09.2006
  • Gitlein, O., Timmen, L. (2006): The IfE absolute gravimetry campaigns 2003, 2004, 2005: an epiloguePresentation, NKG WGG Meeting, Aas, Norwegen, 13-15 March 2006.
  • Ihde, J., Liebsch, G., Schirmer, U., Denker, H., Müller, J. (2006): A combined quasigeoid as height reference surface for Germany (GCG05)Poster, Geodetic Reference Frames – GRF2006, Internat. IAG/FIG Symp. Munich, Oct. 09-14, 2006
  • Ihde, J., Liebsch, G., Schirmer, U., Denker, H., Müller, J. (2006): A new combined height reference surface for Germany (GCG05)Poster, 1st International Sympo­sium of the International Gravity Field Service (IGFS), “Gravity Field of the Earth”, Istanbul, Turkey, 28.08.-01.09.2006
  • Jarecki, F., Müller, J. (2006): GOCE Gradiometer Validation in Satellite Track Cross-OversVortrag, 1st International Sympo­sium of the International Gravity Field Service (IGFS), “Gravity Field of the Earth”, Istanbul, Turkey, 28.08.-01.09.2006
  • Jarecki, F., Müller, J. (2006): Qualitätsbeurteilung der GOCE-Gradienten (WP310, Teil­pakete 311-312, Kreu­zungs­punktvalidierung)Vortrag, GOCE-GRAND II, 2. Projekttreffen, Bonn, 18.-19.05.2006
  • Müller, J. (2006): Earth Rotation and Global Dynamic ProcessesKick-off Meeting, Hannover, 06.07.2006
  • Müller, J. (2006): Der Mond als geodätisches ZielDVW-Kolloquium, Cottbus, 12.06.2006
  • Müller, J. (2006): Geodäsie und GravitationsphysikRundgespräch zur Exzellenzinitiative des Bundes, Laserzentrum Hannover, 08.06.2006
  • Müller, J. (2006): Was nützt Einstein der Geodäsie?Geodätisches Kolloquium, Technische Universität München, 01.06.2006
  • Müller, J. (2006): Die aktuellen Schwerefeld-Satellitenmission und ihre Bedeutung für die GeowissenschaftenGeodätisches Kolloquium, Technische Universität Wien, 08.03.2006
  • Müller, J. (2006): Bachelor und Master in Geodäsie und Geoinformatik an der Leibniz Universität HannoverDGK-Jahressitzung, München. 22.11.2006
  • Müller, J. (2006): Lunar Laser Ranging: A Space Geodetic Technique to Test Relativity11th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Berlin, 28.07.2006
  • Müller, J., Biskupek, L., Oberst, J., Schreiber, U. (2006): Contribution of Lunar Laser Ranging to Realise Geodetic Reference SystemsIAG Symposium on Geodetic Reference Frames, München, Vortrag, 10.10.2006
  • Müller, J., Gitlein, O. (2006): Determination of the Fennoscandian Land Uplift by Terrestrial and Satellite GravimetryIAPG Satellite Geodesy Workshop, Wettzell, 09.03.2006
  • Müller, J., Jarecki, F., Wolf, K.I. (2006): Quick Validation of GOCE GradientsVortrag, 3rd International GOCE User Workshop, ESRIN, Frascati, 5.-8. November 2006
  • Müller, J., Neumann-Redlin, M. (2006): Determination of Gravity Variations in Northern Europe from GRACEMeeting of the NKGG Working group on Geodynamics, As, Norwegen, 14.03.2006
  • Müller, J., Neumann-Redlin, M., Denker, H. (2006): Determination of Mass Variations in Northern Europe from GRACE Data1st International Sympo­sium of the International Gravity Field Service (IGFS), “Gravity Field of the Earth”, Istanbul, Turkey, 28.08.-01.09.2006
  • Müller, J., Wolf, K.I. (2006): Qualitätsbeurteilung der GOCE-Gradienten (WP310) – WP313-WP316GOCE-GRAND II, 3. Projekttreffen, Stuttgart, 01.12.2006
  • Müller, J., Wolf, K.I. (2006): Physical geodesy and gravity field satellite missions. Fünftägiger Kurs mit ÜbungenCuritiba, Brasilien, 27.03.-31.03.2006
  • Schirmer, U., Ihde, J., Denker, H., Liebsch, G., Müller, J. (2006): A new combined height reference surface for Germany (GCG05)Poster, EUREF Symposium 2006, Riga, June 14-16, 2006
  • Timmen, L., Gitlein, O., Müller, J., Denker, H. (2006): Absolute Schweremessungen im Fennoskandischen LandhebungsgebietPresentation, 39. Herbsttagung des Arbeitskreises Geodäsie und Geophysik, Bremen, 17-20 October 2006.
  • Timmen, L., Gitlein, O., Müller, J., Denker, H. (2006): The IfE absolute gravimetry plans for 2006, 2007, 2008, and some additional considerationsPresentation, NKG WGG Meeting, Aas, Norway, 13-15 March 2006.
  • Timmen, L., Gitlein, O., Müller, J., Denker, H. (2006): Observing absolute gravity acceleration in the Fennoscandian land uplift areaPresentation, Geodetic Week 2006, Session 4, October 10-12, 2006
  • Timmen, L., Gitlein, O., Müller, J., Denker, H. (2006): The IfE absolute gravimetry plans for 2006, 2007, 2008, and some additional considerationsPresentation, 30th Meeting of the Working Group for Geodynamics, Nordic Geodetic Commission, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), Ås, March 13-15, 2006
  • Timmen, L., Gitlein, O., Müller, J., Denker, H. (2006): Observing Absolute Gravity Acceleration in the Fennoscandian Land Uplift AreaArbeitskreisGeodäsie/Geophysik 2006, Worpswede, 17. bis 20. Oktober | Datei |
  • Wolf, K.I., Müller, J. (2006): Qualitätsbeurteilung der GOCE-Gradienten (WP310, Teilpakete WP313-WP316)Vortrag, GOCE-GRAND II, 2. Projekttreffen, Bonn, 18.-19.05.2006
  • Bilker, M., Mäkinen, J., Virtanen, H., Klopping, F., Falk, R., Timmen, L., Gitlein, O. (2005): Time series of gravity in FinlandPoster, 29th Meeting of the Working Group for Geodynamics, Nordic Geodetic Commission, Finnish Geodetic Institute, Masala, Finland, 03-04 May 2005.
  • Gitlein, O., Timmen, L. (2005): Atmospheric Mass Flow Reduction for Terrestrial Absolute Gravimetry in the Fennoscandian Land Uplift NetworkPoster, Dynamic Planet 2005, IAG, Cairns, Australia, 22-26 Aug. 2005.
  • Gitlein, O., Timmen, L. (2005): Comparisons of absolute gravimetry measurements in 2003 and 2004Presentation, 29th Meeting of the Working Group for Geodynamics, Nordic Geodetic Commission, Finnish Geodetic Institute, Masala, Finland, 03-04 May 2005.
  • Mäkinen, J., Bilker, M., Timmen, L., Gitlein, O., Müller, J., Denker, H., Wilmes, H., Falk, R., Reinhold, A., Hoppe, W., Pettersen, B.R., Omang, O.C.D., Svendsen, J.G.G., Klopping, F., Scherneck, H.-G., Engen, B., Harsson, B.G., Engfeldt, A., Lilje, M., Strykowski, G., Forsberg, R. (2005): Observing Fennoscandian Gravity and Geoid Change with Absolute Gravimetry and GRACEPresentation, Dynamic Planet 2005, IAG, Cairns, Australia, 22-26 Aug. 2005.
  • Müller, J. (2005): Bachelor und Master – die reformierte Hochschulausbildung in Geodäsie und Geoinformatik an der Universität HannoverFörderertag 2005, Hannover, 15.11.2005 sowie ARGEOS-Herbsttreffen, Hannover, 01.12.2005
  • Müller, J. (2005): Geodesy and RelativityDFG-Rundgespräch ‚Gravitationsphysik’, Bad Honnef, 05.11.2005
  • Müller, J. (2005): Determination of the Fennoscandian Land Uplift and Mass Variations in Northern Europe from GRACE DataRundgespräch zum DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 1257, GFZ Potsdam, 28.11.2005
  • Müller, J. (2005): Die Hochschulausbildung zum Bachelor/Master im Vermessungs­wesenTagung des BDVI Niedersachsen, Achim, 04.03.2005
  • Müller, J. (2005): Was der Geodät vom Physiker lerntFestkolloquium zum 70. Geburtstag von Prof. Schneider, München, 17.10.2005
  • Müller, J. et al. (2005): Zukunftsstrategie der Geodäsie und GeoinformationDGK-Jahressitzung, München, 03.11.2005
  • Müller, J., Kutterer, H., Soffel, M. (2005): Earth Rotation and global dynamic processesDFG-Begutachtung, Bonn, 22.06.2005
  • Müller, J., Neumann-Redlin, M., Denker, H., Jarecki, F., Gitlein, O. (2005): Gravity anomaly changes in northern Europe as observed by GRACEPoster, Dynamic Planet 2005, IAG, Cairns, Australia, 22-26 Aug. 2005.
  • Müller, J., Neumann-Redlin, M., Jarecki, F., Denker, H., Gitlein, O. (2005): Gravity changes in northern Europe as observed by GRACEPoster, Dynamic Planet 2005, Cairns, Australia, Aug. 22-26, 2005
  • Müller, J., Neumann-Redlin, M., Jarecki, F., Timmen, L., Denker, H., Gitlein, O. (2005): Gravity Changes in the Fennoscandian Land Uplift Area as Observed by GRACEPoster, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2005, Wien, Austria, 24-29 April 2005.
  • Müller, J., Williams, J., Turyshev, S. (2005): Lunar Laser Ranging Contributions to Relativity and GeodesyConference on Lasers, Clocks, and Drag-free, ZARM, Bremen, 31.05.2005 (Digitalversion des Beitrags: http:/
  • Müller, J., Williams, J., Turyshev, S., Shelus, P. (2005): Potential Capabilities of Lunar Laser Ranging for Geodesy and RelativityIAG General Assembly, Cairns, Australia, 26.8.2005 (Digitalversion des Beitrags: http:/
  • Pettersen, B.R., Timmen, L., Gitlein, O., Mäkinen, J., Bilker, M., Falk, R., Reinhold, A., Wilmes, H., Omang, O.C.D., Svendsen, J.G.G. (2005): Accuracy Assessment of Absolute Gravity Control in FennoscandiaPoster, 29th Meeting of the Working Group for Geodynamics, Nordic Geodetic Commission, Finnish Geodetic Institute, Masala, Finland, 03-04 May 2005
  • Pettersen, B.R., Timmen, L., Gitlein, O., Müller, J., Denker, H., Mäkinen, J., Bilker, M., Lysaker, D.I., Omang, O.C.D., Svendsen, J.G.G., Wilmes, H., Falk, R., Reinhold, A., Hoppe, W., Scherneck, H.-G., Lidberg, M., Engen, B., Kristiansen, O., Engfeldt, A., Strykowski, G., Forsberg, R., Klopping, F., Sasagawa, G. (2005): Absolute Gravimetry in Fennoscandia - A Contribution to Understanding Postglacial UpliftPresentation, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 05-09 Dec. 2005
  • Timmen, L., Gitlein, O. (2005): Der Einsatz des Scintrex Autograv CG-3M Nr. 4492 für die "absolute-scale" VermessungenPresentation, 38. Herbsttagung des Arbeitskreises Geodäsie und Geophysik, 26-29 Oct 2005
  • Timmen, L., Gitlein, O. (2005): Results and epilogue of the IfE absolute gravimetry campaigns in 2004Presentation, 29th Meeting of the Working Group for Geodynamics, Nordic Geodetic Commission, Finnish Geodetic Institute, Masala, Finland, 03-04 May 2005.
  • Timmen, L., Gitlein, O., Mäkinen, J., Bilker, M., Falk, R., Reinhold, A., Wilmes, H., Pettersen, B.R., Omang, O.C.D., Svendsen, J.G.G. (2005): Accuracy of absolute gravity control in Fennoscandia - groundtruth for GRACEPoster, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2005, Wien, Austria, 24-29 April 2005.
  • Timmen, L., Gitlein, O., Müller, J., Denker, H., Mäkinen, J., Bilker, M., Pettersen, B.R.; Lysaker, D.I., Omang, O.C.D; Svendsen, J.G.G., Wilmes, H, Falk, R., Reinhold, A., Hoppe, W., Scherneck, H.-G., Engen, B., Harsson, B.G., Engfeldt, A., Lilje, M., Strykowski, G., Forsberg, R (2005): Observing Fennoscandian Gravity Change by Absolute GravimetryPresentation, "International Symp. on Geodetic Deformation Monitoring", Univ. of Jaen, Spain, March 2005.
  • Timmen, L., O. Gitlein (2005): The capacity of the Scintrex Autograv CG-3M no. 4492 gravimeter for "absolute-scale" surveysPresentation, Geodätische Woche 2005, Session 4, 04-06 Oct. 2005
  • Üstün, A., Denker, H., Müller, J. (2005): Some prospects for the determination of a new generation Turkish geoidPres. Paper, Geoid and Vertical Datum, Turkish National Geodesy Comm., 2005 Annual Scientific Meeting, Karadeniz Techn. Univ., Trabzon, Turkey, Sept. 22-24, 2005
  • Abrikosov, O., Jarecki, F., Müller, J., Petrovic, S., Schwintzer, P. (2004): GOCE-GRAND: Gradiometer Data Reduction, Combination and ProcessingPoster, GEOTECHNOLOGIEN-Statusseminar, GFZ, Potsdam, 5. Juli 2004
  • Bilker, M., Mäkinen, J., Virtanen, H., Klopping, F., Falk, R., Timmen, L., Gitlein, O. (2004): Time series of gravity in FinlandPoster, IAG Internat. Symp. "Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions - GGSM2004", Porto, Aug. 30 - Sept. 04 2004.
  • Francis, O., van Dam, T., Gitlein, O., Timmen, L., et al. (2004): Results of the International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters in Walferdange (Luxembourg) of November 2003Presentation, IAG Internat. Symp. "Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions - GGSM2004", Porto, 30 August - 4 September 2004.
  • Gitlein, O., Denker, H., Müller, J. (2004): Local geoid determination by the spectral combination methodPresentation and CD-publication, IAG Internat. Symp. "Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions - GGSM2004", Porto, Aug. 30 - Sept. 03 2004
  • Jarecki, F., Denker, H., Gruber, T., Müller, J., Wolf, K.I. (2004): GOCE-GRAND: Validation Approaches for Level-1b and Level-2 DataPoster, Joint CHAMP/GRACE Science Mee­ting, GeoForschungsZentrum Potdsdam, July 6-8, 2004
  • Jarecki, F., Müller, J. (2004): AP6.2 Validierung: Gradientenvalidierung (Statusbericht)Vor­trag, 4. GOCE-GRAND Projekttreffen, GFZ Potsdam, 29./30. März 2004
  • Jarecki, F., Müller, J. (2004): AP5.1 GRACE für GOCE: Zeitvariable Schwerefeldanteile (Status­bericht)Vortrag, 4. GOCE-GRAND Projekttreffen, GFZ Potsdam, 29./30. März 2004
  • Jarecki, F., Müller, J., Petrovic, S., Schwintzer, P. (2004): Temporal Gravity Variations in GOCE Gradiometric DataPoster, Gravity, Geoid and Satellite Missions 2004, GGSM2004, Porto, Portugal, 30. August - 3. September 2004
  • Jarecki, F., Müller, J., Schwintzer, P. (2004): Validierungsstrategien, Reduktionsansätze und die Nutzung von GRACE für GOCEVortrag (F. Jarecki), Geodätische Woche 2004, Session 5, Stuttgart, 13.-15. Oktober 2004
  • Müller, J. (2004): Gravity Missions and Their Applications in Geosciences225 Anniversary of MIIGAiK, Moskau, 25.05.2004
  • Müller, J. (2004): Geodäsie - Bin ich noch zu retten?DGK-Jahressitzung, 17.11.2004
  • Müller, J. (2004): Der Studiengang Geodäsie und Geoinformatik (Diplom) an der Universität HannoverHannover, 03.11.2004
  • Müller, J. (2004): Gravity Satellite Missions and Their Applications in GeosciencesWuhan, IoS, CEA, 27.09.2004 und 28.09.2004
  • Müller, J. (2004): Gravity from GRACEMeeting of Geodynamic Group of NKG, Gävle, 15.04.2004
  • Müller, J. (2004): Activities of the Institute of Geodesy (IfE) in Teaching and ResearchIoS, CEA, Wuhan, 27.09.2004 und 28.09.2004
  • Müller, J. (2004): Earth Rotation and Global Dynamic Processes - Joint Research Activities in GermanyJournees 2004, Paris, 21.09.2004
  • Müller, J. (2004): Geodätische Bezugssysteme für GeobasisdatenGeoforum, Hannover, 08.06.2004
  • Müller, J., Schwintzer, P. (2004): GOCE-GRAND: Validation Strategies, Temporal Reduc­tions and Use of GRACEVortrag (J. Müller), GEOTECH­NOLOGIEN-Status­seminar, GFZ, Potsdam, 5. Juli 2004
  • Müller, J., Timmen, L., Denker, H., Gitlein, O., Mäkinen, J., Bilker, M., Wilmes, H., Falk, R., Reinhold, A., Hoppe, W., Pettersen, B.R., Omang, O.C.D., Svend­sen, J.G.G., Øvstedal, O., Scherneck, H.­-G., Engen, B., Engfeldt, A., Strykowski, G. (2004): Observing Fen­noscan­dian Geoid ChangePoster, EGU, 1st General Assembly, Nice, France, 25-30 April, 2004
  • Müller, J., Timmen, L., Denker, H., Gitlein, O., Mäkinen, J., Bilker, M., Wilmes, H., Falk, R., Reinhold, A., Hoppe, W., Pettersen, B.R., Omang, O.C.D., Svendsen, J.G.G., Øvstedal, O., Scherneck, H.-G., Engen, B., Engfeldt, A., Strykowski, G. (2004): Observing Fennoscandian Geoid ChangePoster, EGU, 1st General Assembly, Nice, France, 25-30 April 2004
  • Müller, J., Timmen, L., Gitlein, O., Denker, H. (2004): Gravity changes in the Fennoscandian land uplift area to be observed by GRACE and absolute gravimetryPresentaion and CD-publication, IAG Internat. Symp. "Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions - GGSM2004", Porto, Aug. 30 - Sept. 03 2004
  • Pettersen, B.R., Omang, O.C.D., Svendsen, J.G.G., Müller, J., Timmen, L., Denker, H., Gitlein, O., Mäkinen, J., Bilker, M., Wilmes, H., Falk, R., Reinhold, A., Hoppe, W., Scherneck, H.-G., Engen, B., Engfeldt, A., Strykowski, G (2004): Observing temporal gravity change in FennoscandiaPoster and CD-publication, IAG Internat. Symp. "Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions - GGSM2004", Porto, Aug. 30 - Sept. 03 2004
  • Pettersen, B.R., Omang, O.C.D., Svendsen, J.G.G., Müller, J., Timmen, L., Denker, H., Gitlein, O., Mäkinen, J., Bilker, M., Wilmes, H., Falk, R., Reinhold, A., Hoppe, W., Scherneck, H.-G., Engen, B., Engfeldt, A., Strykowski, G. (2004): Observing temporal gravity change in FennoscandiaPoster, IAG Internat. Symp. „Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions - GGSM2004”, Porto, Aug. 30 - Sept. 3, 2004
  • Timmen, L., Gitlein, O. (2004): Two years' experiences with the Scintrex Autograv CG-3M No. 4492 from measurements in the Hannover Calibration System and from field applicationsPoster, IAG Internat. Symp. "Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions - GGSM2004", Porto, Aug. 30 - Sept. 04 2004
  • Timmen, L., Gitlein, O. (2004): Campaigns 2003: IfE absolute gravity plans for 2004Presentation, Meeting of the Working Group on Geodynamics, Nordic Geodetic Commission, Lantmäteriet, Gävle, Sweden, 15-16 April 2004
  • Timmen, L., Gitlein, O., Müller, J., Denker, H., Mäkinen, J., Bilker, M., Wilmes, H., Falk, R., Reinhold, A., Hoppe, W., Pettersen, B.R., Omang, O.C.D., Svendsen, J.G.G., Øvstedal, O., Scherneck, H.-G., Engen, B., Engfeldt, A., Strykowski, G., Forsberg, R. (2004): Observing Fennoscandian Geoid Change for GRACE ValidationPoster, Joint CHAMP/GRACE Science Meeting, GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, 06-08 July 2004.
  • Timmen, L., Müller, J., Gitlein, O., Denker, H., Mäkinen, J., Bilker, M., Wilmes, H., Falk, R., Reinhold, A., Hoppe, W., Pettersen, B.R., Omang, O.C.D., Svendsen, J.G.G., Øvstedal, O., Scherneck, H.-G., Engen, B., Engfeldt, A., Strykowski, G., Forsberg, R. (2004): Observing Fennoscandian geoid change for GRACE validationPresentation, Geodätische Woche 2004, Session 4, 13-15 Oct 2004.
  • Timmen, L., Müller, J., Gitlein, O., Denker, H., Mäkinen, J., Bilker, M., Wilmes, H., Falk, R., Reinhold, A., Hoppe, W., Pettersen, B.R., Omang, O.C.D., Svendsen, J.G.G., Øvstedal, O., Scherneck, H.-G., Engen, B., Engfeldt, A., Strykowski, G., Forsberg, R. (2004): Observing Fen­noscan­dian Geoid ChangePoster, 2004 Joint Assembly of CGU, AGU, SEG and EEGS, Montreal, Canada, 17-21 May 2004
  • Bouman, J., Koop, R., Haagmans, R., Müller, J., Sneeuw, N., Tscherning, C.C., Visser, P. (2003): Calibration and Validation of GOCE Gravity GradientsPoster, XXIII General Assembly of the IUGG, June 30 - July 11, 2003, Sapporo, Japan, 2003
  • Denker, H., Ihde, J., Müller, J., Schirmer, U. (2003): Development of a High Resolution Height Reference Surface for Germany Using Gravity and GPS/Levelling DataPoster & Abstracts Week B, XXIII General Assembly of the IUGG, June 30 - July 11, 2003, Sapporo, Japan, p. B.169, 2003
  • Denker, H., Ihde, J., Müller, J., Schirmer, U. (2003): Development of a High Resolution Height Reference Surface for Germany Using Gravity and GPS/Levelling DataPoster und Vortrag (J. Müller), Geodätische Woche 2003, Hamburg, 16.-19. Sept. 2003
  • Denker, H., Jarecki, F., Müller, J., Wolf, K.I. (2003): Calibration and Validation Strategies for the Gravity Field Mission GOCEPres. Paper (H. Denker), XXIII General Assembly of the IUGG, June 30 - July 11, 2003, Sapporo, Japan, 2003
  • Jarecki, F. und Müller, J. (2003): Validierung der GOCE-Gradienten in KreuzungspunktenPoster, Geodätische Woche 2003, Hamburg, 16.-19.September 2003
  • Jarecki, F. und Müller, J. (2003): Validierungsmöglichkeiten von SGG-Messungen in Spur­kreuzungspunktenVortrag, GOCE-CryoSat-Workshop bei EADS Astrium Friedrichshafen, 4./5. November 2003
  • Jarecki, F. und Müller, J. (2003): Validation of GOCE Gradients Using Cross-oversPoster, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nizza, 7.-11. April 2003
  • Jarecki, F. und Müller, J. (2003): Validierung der GOCE-Gradienten in KreuzungspunktenPoster, GEOTECHNOLOGIEN - Beobachtung des Systems Erde aus dem Weltraum, Statusseminar, München, 12./13. Juni 2003
  • Müller, J. (2003): Aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten am Institut für ErdmessungHannover, 15.11.2003
  • Müller, J. (2003): Gravity Satellite Missions and Their Applications in GeosciencesUniversity of Rio de Janeiro, 15.10.2003
  • Müller, J. (2003): Integrierte Sensoranalyse am Beispiel von CHAMPDFG-Bündeltreffen CHAMP, Potsdam, 04.09.2003
  • Müller, J. (2003): Bedeutung von Lasermessungen zum MondDFG-Rundgespräch „Erdrotation“, Wettzell, 29.04.2003
  • Müller, J. (2003): Calibration and Validation Strategies for the Gravity Field Mission GOCEIBGE, Rio de Janeiro, 14.10.2003
  • Müller, J. (2003): Der Mond als geodätisches ZielDVW-Vortrag, Potsdam, 15.05.2003
  • Müller, J. (2003): Kalibrations- und Validationsstrategien für die Gravitationsfeldmission GOCEStatusseminar Geotechnologien, München, 13.06.2003
  • Müller, J. (2003): Activities of the Institute of Geodesy (IfE) in Teaching and ResearchIBGE, Rio de Janeiro, 13.10.2003
  • Müller, J. (2003): Der Studiengang Geodäsie und Geoinformatik (Diplom) an der Universität HannoverArbeitsamt Hannover, 05.09.2003
  • Müller, J. (2003): Absolute Gravimetry in the Fennoscandian Land Uplift Area: Monitoring of Temporal Gravity Changes for GRACEEGST Meeting, Potsdam, 01.09.2003
  • Müller, J., Denker, H., Timmen, L. (2003): Absolute Gravimetry in the Fennoscandian Land Uplift Area: Monitoring of Temporal Gravity Changes for GRACEVortrag (J. Müller), Status Seminar "Observation of the System Earth from Space", Geotechnologien, München, 13.06.2003
  • Müller, J., Jarecki, F. (2003): Statusbericht über GOCE-GRAND AP5.1 „GRACE für GOCE“ und AP6 „GOCE Cal/Val“GOCE-GRAND Meeting, München, 11.06.2003
  • Müller, J., Timmen, L., Denker, H. (2003): Absolute Gravimetry in the Fennoscandian Land Uplift Area: „ground truth“ for GRACEVortrag von J. Müller und L. Timmen, Kick-Off Meeting “Absolute Gravity Campaigns in the Fennoscandian Land Uplift Area”, Chalmers University of Technology Göteborg, February 20, 2003
  • Müller, J., Timmen, L., Denker, H., Gitlein, O. (2003): Absolute Gravimetry in the Fennoscandian Land Uplift Area: Monitoring of Temporal Gravity Changes for GRACEPresentaion, XXIII General Assembly of the IUGG, June 30 - July 11, Sapporo, Japan 2003
  • Müller, J., Wolf, K.I., Jarecki, F. (2003): Statusbericht über GOCE-GRAND AP5.1 „GRACE für GOCE“ und AP6 „GOCE Cal/Val“GOCE-GRAND Meeting, Frie­drichshafen, 04.11.2003
  • Timmen, L., Müller, J. (2003): Absolute Gravity in Fennoscandia: a Test Field for GRACEVortrag von L. Timmen, Meeting of the Working Group for Geodynamics within the Nordic Geodetic Commission, Kort og Matrikelstyrelsen (KMS), Copenhagen, April 29, 2003
  • Wolf, K.I., Denker, H., Müller, J., Jarecki, F. (2003): Prädiktion von Gravitationsgradienten aus terrestrischen Daten für die Kalibrierung von GOCEPoster, Status Seminar "Observation of the System Earth from Space", München, 12.-13. Juni 2003
  • Jarecki, F., Müller, J. (2002): Validierungsmöglichkeiten von Gradiometermessungen in Bahn­kreuzungspunktenVortrag (F. Jarecki), Geodätische Woche 2002, Session 5, Frank­furt am Main, 15.-17. Oktober 2002
  • Jarecki, F., Wolf, K.I., Müller, J. (2002): External calibration and validation of GOCEVortrag (F. Jarecki u. K.I. Wolf), 3rd Meeting of the International Gravity and Geoid Commission, Thessaloniki, Griechenland, 28.08.2002
  • Müller, J. (2002): GOCE Gradients in various reference frames and their accuraciesEGS General Assembly, Nizza, Frankreich, 22.04.2002
  • Müller, J. (2002): Statusbericht über GOCE-GRAND AP5.1 „GRACE für GOCE“ und AP6 „GOCE Cal/Val“GOCE-GRAND Kick-off Meeting, München, 12.04.2002
  • Müller, J. (2002): Transformation geometrischer und physikalischer Höhen und Bezug zu einem (globalen) VertikaldatumWorkshop des DGK-AK “Theoretische Geodäsie“, Bonn, 09.07.2002
  • Müller, J. (2002): Bedeutung von Satellitenmissionen für die GravitationsfeldbestimmungAntrittsvorlesung, Hannover, 18.06.2002
  • Müller, J. (2002): Aktuelle Satellitenmissionen für die GravitationsfeldbestimmungARGEOS-Treffen, Hannover, 01.06.2002
  • Müller, J. (2002): CHAMP Accelerometer and Star Sensor Data CombinationPoster (mit H. Oberndorfer), 1. CHAMP Science Meeting, Potsdam, 22.-25.01.2002
  • Müller, J., Wolf, K.I., Jarecki, F. (2002): Statusbericht über GOCE-GRAND AP5.1 „GRACE für GOCE“ und AP6 „GOCE Cal/Val“GOCE-GRAND Meeting, Bonn, 21.11.2002
  • Timmen, L., Müller, J., Denker, H. (2002): The Fennoscandian Land Uplift: A Test and Application Area for GRACEVortrag (L. Timmen), Session 4, Geodätische Woche 2002, Frankfurt am Main, 15.-17.10.2002


  • Sedmik R. I. P., Abele H., Bosine J., Denker H., Jenke T., Micko J., Cranganore S.S., Timmen L., Trauner J. (2022): Weak Equivalence Principle Test with NeutronsDataset: Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL)
    DOI: 10.5291/ILL-DATA.3-14-415
  • Singh V.V., Biskupek L. (2022): Dataset: Earth Rotation Parameters from LLR with NPs for timespan 1970 - 2021Forschungsdaten-Repositorium der Leibniz Universität Hannover
    DOI: 10.25835/3h1r07a7

sonstige Beiträge

  • Müller, J. (2018): Wissen und Handeln für die Erdezfv 1/2018, editorial, S. 1, 2018
  • Wu, H., Müller, J., Brieden, P. (2017): The GOCE-only global gravity field model IfE_GOCE05sGFZ Data Services
    DOI: 10.5880/icgem.2017.006
  • Müller, J. (2009): Ehrenkolloquium der leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin anlässlich des 75 Geurtstages von Prof. H. Moritzzfv, Heft 01/2009, 134. Jahrgang, S. 65
  • Müller, J. (2009): Geodätische Woche 2008 - Erdmessungsforumzfv, Heft 01/2009, 134. Jahrgang, S. 58-59
  • Müller, J. (2009): GW 2008 - Erdmessungsforumzfv, Heft 01/2009, 134. Jahrgang, S. 58-59
  • Müller, J. et al. (2009): Bericht über die IAG Scientific Assembly 2009 "Geodesy for Planet EArth", Buenos Aires, Argentinienzfv, Heft 06/2009, 134. Jahrgang, S. 372-381
  • Müller, J. (2008): GW 2007 - Session 8, Geokinematik, Geodynamik, Massentransporte, Erdrotationzfv, Heft 01/2008, 133. Jahrgang, S. 65
  • Müller, J. (2008): Berichte zur XXIV. Generalversammlung der IUGGInternationale Assoziation für Geodäsie, zfv Heft 1/2008, 133. Jahrgang, S. 1-30 (Hrsg.) und S. 1-5
  • Müller, J., Denker, H., Steffen, H., Voigt, C. (2008): Berichte zum IAG-Meeting Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation (GGEO 2008), Chania, Kreta, 23.-27. Juni 2008Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen (zfv), Heft 5/2008, 133. Jahrgang, S. 333-335
  • Müller, J. (2007): Buchbesprechung, Physical Geodesy von Hofmann-Wellenhof/Moritzzfv, Heft 01/2007, 132. Jahrgang, s. 46
  • Müller, J. und Hornik, H. (2007): National Report of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Geodetic Activities in the Years 2003-2007.DGK, Rreihe B, Nr. 315, 172 pp
  • Müller, J. et al. (2006): Bericht über die Konferenz "IGFS 2006", Istanbul, Türkeizfv, Heft 06/2006, 131. Jahrgang, S. 367-369
  • Müller, J. (2005): GW 2004 -, Session 5, Geodätische Aspekte neuartiger Satellitenmissionenzfv, Heft 02/2005, 130. Jahrgang, S. 120-121
  • Müller, J. et al. (2005): Bericht über die Konferenz, Dynamic Planet 2005, Cairns, Australienzfv, Heft 05/2005, 130. Jahrgang, S. 393-403
  • Müller, J. (2004): Tagungsberichte zu "Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions (GGSM 2004)", Porto 2004 sowie zu "Journees Systemes de reference spatio-temporels", Paris 2004zfv, Heft 6/2004, 129. Jahrgang, S. 423-425
  • Müller, J. (2004): Berichte zur XXIII. Generalversammlung der IUGG-Internationale Assoziation für Geodäsiezfv, Heft 1/2004, 129. Jahrgang, S. 1-31 (Hrsg.) und S. 2-4
  • Müller, J. (2004): GW-2003 - "Session 5, Geodätische Aspekte neuartiger Satellitenmissionen" sowie "Erdmessungsforum"zfv, Heft 1/2004, 129. Jahrgang, S. 67 und S. 70
  • Müller, J. (2003): Zweites CHAMP Science Meetingzfv, 128. Jahrgang, 415, 6/2003
  • Müller, J. (2003): Erstes Statusseminar zum Themenschwerpunkt "Die Beobachtung des Systems Erde aus dem Weltraum".zfv, 128. Jahrgang, 289-290, 4/2003
  • Müller, J. (2003): GW 2002 - Session 5, Geodätische Aspekte neuartiger SatellitenmissionenZeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, Heft 1/2003, 128. Jahrgang, S. 60-61
  • Müller, J. (2002): IAG Symposium E2, Research Challenges for Young ScientistsZeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, Heft 2, 127. Jahrgang, S. 136-137
  • Müller, J. (2002): GW 2001 - Session 5, Geodätische Aspekte neuartiger Satellitenmissionen.Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, Heft 2, 127. Jahrgang, S. 125-126
  • Müller, J. (2000): Symposium JSA 37, Earth's Gravity and Magnetic Fields from SpaceZeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, Heft 7, 125 Jahrgang, S. 233-235

Dissertation | Habilitation

  • Schilling M. (2019): Kombination von klassischen Gravimetern mit QuantensensorenWissenschaftliche Arbeiten der Fachrichtung Geodäsie und Geoinformatik der Leibniz Universität Hannover, Nr. 350, ISSN 0174-1454 (gleichzeitig veröffentlicht in: Deutsche Geodätische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Reihe C, Nr. 831, München 2019) Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.15488/4710
    ISBN: 978-3-7696-5243-7
  • Hofmann, F. (2017): Lunar Laser Ranging – verbesserte Modellierung der Monddynamik und Schätzung relativistischer ParameterDeutsche Geodätische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Reihe C, Nr. 797, München 2017 Weitere Informationen
    ISBN: 978-3-7696-5209 3
  • Biskupek, L. (2015): Bestimmung der Erdorientierung mit Lunar Laser RangingWissenschaftliche Arbeiten der Fachrichtung Geodäsie und Geoinformatik der Leibniz Universität Hannover, Nr. 316, ISSN 0174-1454 (identisch mit: Deutsche Geodätische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Reihe C, Nr. 742) Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.15488/4721
    ISBN: 978-3-7696-5154-6
  • Müller, J. (2001): Die Satellitengradiometrie GOCE - Theorie, technische Realisierung und wissenschaftliche NutzungVeröffentlichung der Deutschen Geodätischen Kommission, Habilitation, Reihe C, Nr. 541, München
  • Müller, J. (1991): Analyse von Lasermessungen zum Mond im Rahmen einer post-Newtonschen TheorieVeröffentlichung der Deutschen Geodätischen Kommission, Reihe C, Nr. 383, München
  • Denker, H. (1988): Hochauflösende regionale Schwerefeldbestimmung mit gravimetrischen und topographischen DatenWiss. Arb. der Fachr. Vermessungswesen der Univ. Hannover, Nr. 156, Hannover


  • Handirk, R. (2019): Geozentrumsbewegung und Non-tidal Station Loading im LLR-AnalysemodellMasterarbeit, Geodäsie und Geoinformatik, Leibniz Universität Hannover (unveröffentlicht)
  • Singh, V.V. (2019): Effect of Degree 3 Tidal Potential on Lunar EphemerisMasterarbeit, Geodäsie und Geoinformatik, Leibniz Universität Hannover (unveröffentlicht)
  • Huge, J. (2014): Übertragen des Maßstabes von der Gravimeter Eichlinie Harz auf die vertikale Eichlinie HannoverBachelorarbeit, Geodäsie und Geoinformatik, Leibniz Universität Hannover (unveröffentlicht)
  • Thorenz, N. (2012): Untersuchungen zu Schwereregistrierungen mit dem Gravimeter gPhone-98Masterarbeit, Geodäsie und Geoinformatik, Leibniz Universität Hannover (unveröffentlicht)
  • Schilling, M. (2011): Berechnung der Gezeiteneffekte für einen Low Earth OrbiterMasterarbeit, Geodäsie und Geoinformatik, Leibniz Universität Hannover (unveröffentlicht)
  • Biskupek, L. (2006): Untersuchungen zur externen Kalibrierung des Gradiometers der Satellitenmission GOCEDiploma Thesis, unpublished
  • Winter, D. (1998): Untersuchungen zum Einfluß von Niederschlägen und Grundwasserstandsänderungen auf relative SchweremessungenDiploma Thesis, unpublished

Buch | Buchbeiträge

  • Delva P., Denker H., Lion G. (2019): Chronometric geodesy: methods and applicationsMonograph in: Puetzfeld D., Lämmerzahl C. (eds), Relativistic Geodesy, Fundamental Theories of Physics, Vol 196: 25-85, Springer, Cham
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-11500-5_2
  • Müller, J., Hofmann, F., Biskupek, L. (2019): Warum man den Abstand zum Mond misstBWG-Jahrbuch  2018, J. Cramer Verlag, Braunschweig, S. 17-28 Weitere Informationen
  • Müller, J. (2017): Erdmessung mit Quanten und RelativitätBWG Jahrbuch 2016; J. Cramer Verlag, Braunschweig, S. 238-251, 2017.
    arXiv: 1608.08407
  • Müller, J. (2017): Laudatio zur Verleihung der Carl-Friedrich-Gauß-Medaille der Braunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft an Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. mult. Reiner RummelBWG Jahrbuch 2016; J. Cramer Verlag, Braunschweig, S. 264-268, 2017.
  • Seitz, F., Müller, J. (2016): ErdrotationBuchkapitel im „Handbuch der Geodäsie“, Band „Erdmessung und Satellitengeodäsie“ (Hrsg. R. Rummel), Springer, Berlin, S. 1-29
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-46900-2_12-2
  • Ihde J., Kusche, J., Kutterer, H., Müller, J., Pail, R., Schön, S., Schuh, H. und Seitz, F. (2015): Erdmessung und Geodynamik.Kummer, K., Kötter, T., Eichhorn, A.: Das deutsche Vermessungs- und Geoinformationswesen 2015, Wichmann, pp.989-1006.
  • Müller, J., Biskupek, L., Hofmann, F., Mai, E. (2014): Lunar Laser Ranging and Relativityin: Frontiers in Relativistic Celestial Mechanics – Volume 2: Applications and Experiments, ed. S. Kopeikin, De Gruyter, p. 103-156
  • Denker H. (2013): Regional gravity field modeling: Theory and practical resultsMonograph in: Xu G. (ed.), Sciences of Geodesy – II, Chapter 5: 185-291, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-28000-9_5
  • Torge, W., Müller, J. (2012): Geodesy4th edition, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston 2012
    ISBN: 978-3-11-025000-8
  • Heipke, C., Müller, J., Schultze, K. (2010): Ausbildung und QualifikationswegeKapitel 17. In: Das deutsche Vermessungs- und Geoinformationswesen 2010 (ed. K.Kummer and J.Frankenberger), Herbert Wichmann Verlag, Heidelberg, S. 785-820, 2010.
  • Heipke, C., Müller, J., Schultze, K. (2010): Ausbildung und QualifikationswegeKapitel 17, In: Das deutsche Vermessungs- und Geoinformationswesen 2011 (ed. K.Kummer and J.Frankenberger), Herbert Wichmann Verlag, Berlin/Offenbach, S. 341-359, 2010.
  • Nothnagel A., D. Angermann, K. Börger, R. Dietrich,H. Drewes, B. Görres, U. Hugentobler, J. Ihde, J. Müller, J. Oberst, M. Pätzold, B. Richter, M. Rothacher, U. Schreiber, H. Schuh, M. Soffel (2010): Space-Time Reference Systems for Monitoring Global Change and for Precise NavigationMitteilungen des Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie, Band 44, Frankfurt/Main
  • Timmen, L. (2010): Absolute and Relative GravimetryIn: Guochang Xu (ed.), Sciences of Geodesy-I, Advances and Future Directions, 1-48, Springer
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-11741-1_1
  • Müller, J. und Neumann-Redlin, M. (2006): Neuer Bachelor- und Masterstudiengang in Geodäsie und Geoinformatik.In: Festschrift zum 125-jährigen Bestehen der Fachrichtung Geodäsie und Geoinformatik an der Universität Hannover, S.27-35
  • Müller, J., Heipke, C., Kutterer, H., Seeber, G., Sester, M. (2006): Geodäsie und Geoinformatik: die Kerndisziplin für eine moderne ErdbeobachtungFestschrift zum 125-jährigen Bestehen der Fachrichtung Geodäsie und Geoinformatik an der Universität Hannover, S. 9-25
  • Müller, J., Heipke, C., Kutterer, H., Seeber, G., Sester, M. (2006): Weltraummethoden revolutionieren ErdbeobachtungIn: Seidel, r. (ed.), Festschrift zum 175-jährigen Bestehen der Universität Hannover, Band I, S. 79-87
  • Müller, J. (2005): Gravity Satellite Mission and Their Applications in GeoscienesFestschrift zur 225-Jahrfeier des MIIGAik, Moskau, S. 79
  • Müller, J. (2004): Earth Gravity Field from Space - from Sensors to Earth SciencesBuchbesprechung "G. Beutler, R. Rummel, M. R. Drinkwater and R. von Steiger (Eds.), zfv, Heft 1/2004, 129. Jahrgang, S. 72
  • Schuh, H., Dill, R., Greiner-Mai, H., Kutterer, H., Müller, J., Nothnagel, A., Richter, b., Rothacher, M., Schreiber, U., Soffel, M. (2004): Erdrotation und globale dynamische Prozesse - Eine Übersicht über den derzeitigen Stand der Medllbildung, der Mess- und der AuswertungsverfahrenMitteilungen des BKG, Band 32, 2004
  • Ilk, K.-H., Müller, J. (2003): Satellite gravity field missionsNational Report Germany, IUGG 2003 Sapporo, DGK, Reihe B, Nr. 312, P. 38-42

Technische Berichte

  • Schilling Manuel (2012): Berechnung der Gezeiteneffekte für einen Low Earth OrbiterReports of the Institute of Geodesy, Leibniz University Hannover | Datei |