Relative Gravimeter Calibration System Hannover

Because of temporal changes of the spring characteristics of a relative spring gravimeter, regular calibration, that is the comparison of gravity differences with known gravity differences, is necessary.

© IfE / L. Timmen
Relative Gravimeter Calibration System Hannover consists of the vertical calibration line at LUH and the calibration line in the Harz Mountains (Timmen et al. 2018)

In the 1980s, the Institute of Geodesy in cooperation with the Surveying Agency of Lower Saxony established the relative gravimeter calibration system Hannover for the calibration of relative gravimeters. Through regular measurements and reprocessing of past epochs, the system will also be maintained in the future. Two calibration lines of the system have recently been redefined:

  1. Vertical calibration line at Leibniz Universität Hannover, and the
  2. Harz calibration line between Lower and Upper Harz.

The vertical calibration line extends from the first to the 19th floor of a LUH high-rise building with a maximum gravity difference of 192 µm/s² over 64 m. The calibration line is located between the first and the 19th floor of the building. The Harz calibration line consists of three absolute points, which were originally determined with the JILAg-3 and lastly in 2013 by the German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) with the A10-033. The three points cover a gravity range of 931 µm/s². Since no absolute gravity measurements are possible on the vertical calibration line so far, the calibration factor is transferred from the Harz calibration line by real-time measurement with relative gravimeters.

  • Timmen, L., Falk, R., Gabriel, G., Lothhammer, A., Schilling, M., Vogel, D. (2018): The Relative Gravimeter Calibration System Hannover for 10e-4 Scale Determinationavn - Allgemeine Vermessungs Nachrichten, Vol. 125(05), pp. 140-150 More info


Dr.-Ing. Ludger Timmen
Research Staff
Schneiderberg 50
30167 Hannover
Schneiderberg 50
30167 Hannover