Evaluation of EGM2008 by Comparison with Global and Local Gravity Solutions from CHAMP

verfasst von
M. Weigelt, N. Sneeuw, W. Keller

New gravity field models incorporate GRACE data for the long wavelengths since it is one of the best available data sources. However, considering e.g. the degree difference RMS between EGM2008 and GGM02s, also discrepancies between these models occur which cannot solely be explained by numerical inaccuracies. Their validation is difficult since comparisons with existing GRACE models will always be biased. Maybe the best independent data set on a global scale is the CHAMP data. One the other hand, it is known that the accuracy of these solutions is approximately one order of magnitude worse than GRACE-only solutions. In this research, it has been investigated if CHAMP can serve as an indicator in the comparison of EGM2008 and GGM02s. The primary data source of CHAMP is its position and velocity measurements derived from GPS. They are based on purely kinematic orbits, which are independent of any a priori information and are provided by the Institute for Astronomical and Physical Geodesy at the Technical University Munich for the period of April 2002 to February 2004. The comparison is based on a global solution and a local refinement with Slepian functions in order to further improve the quality of the CHAMP solution. The latter is adopted because it can make better use of information in high-latitude areas where the data density is higher. However, the solutions are solely based on GPS measurements which have a poorer quality compared to the K-band ranging system of GRACE and thus prevents a real statement about the quality of the EGM2008.

Institut für Erdmessung
Externe Organisation(en)
Universität Stuttgart
Aufsatz in Konferenzband
Anzahl der Seiten
ASJC Scopus Sachgebiete
Computer in den Geowissenschaften, Geophysik
Elektronische Version(en)
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-10634-7_66 (Zugang: Unbekannt)

Details im Forschungsportal „Research@Leibniz University“