Biskupek L., Hofmann F., Müller J., Zhang M
Benefit of new high-precision LLR data for the determination of relativistic parameters,
AGU General Assembly, December 9th-12th, San Francisco, USA
Biskupek L., Singh V.V., Müller J., Zhang, M.
Estimation of Earth Rotation Parameter UT1 from Lunar Laser Ranging Observations,
IAG 2021, Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy, June 28th - July 2nd, Beijing, China, online
Biskupek L., Zhang M., Müller J., Singh V.V.
Benefit of new high-precision LLR data for the determination of relativistic parameters,
European Physical Society Conference on Gravitation, July 5th - 7th, online
Singh V. V., Biskupek L., Müller J., Zhang M.
Estimation of Ephemeris from Lunar Laser Ranging,
EGU General Assembly, May 23–27, Abstract EGU22-2815, Vienna, Austria
Singh, V. V.; Biskupek, L.; Müller, J., Zhang, M.
Recent improvements to reference frames from LLR data analysis,
44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, July 16-24, Athens, Greece
Singh V. V., Biskupek L., Müller J., Zhang M.
Different approaches to determine uncertainty of ERP from LLR data analysis,
INTERGEO (Frontiers of Geodetic Science), Oct. 18-20, Essen, Germany
Singh V. V., Biskupek L., Müller J., Zhang M.
Uncertainty determination of ERPs from LLR by parameter variation during data analysis,
22nd International Laser Ranging Workshop, Nov. 7-11, Guadalajara, Spain
Biskupek L., Singh V. V., Müller J., Zhang M.
Estimation of Earth rotation parameters from Lunar Laser Ranging data,
EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-3377
Biskupek L., Müller J., Zhang M., Singh V.V.
Lunar Laser Ranging for relativity tests and reference frames,
Science Day of EXC2123 QuantumFrontiers, 24.06.2022, Hannover, Germany
Biskupek L., Singh V.V., Müller J., Zhang M.
Potential of Lunar Laser Ranging for the determination of Earth orientation parameters,
REFAG 2022, Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences, 17.-20. October 2022, Thessaloniki, Greece
Biskupek L., Singh V. V., Müller J., Zhang M.
Benefit of improved Lunar Laser Ranging data for the determination of Earth orientation parameters,
22nd International Workshop on Laser Ranging, 7.-11. November 2022, Guadalajara, Spain