2nd Meeting

of the Joint Working Group 2.1 - October 10-11, 2018 - Sèvres, France


S. Bize Progress in optical clocks at SYRTE
D. Calonico Geodesy with fibrelinks: update from Italy
P. Delva

Relativistic Corrections for Time and Frequency Transfer in Optical Fibres

J. Flury Integration of future clock networks into geodetic reference frames
G. Grosche Recent work on the connection PTB- MPQ Garching
Y-J. Huang Long-Baseline Frequency Comparison by a Two-Way Microwave Link
C. Lämmerzahl Theoretical aspects of relativistic geodesy
M-F. Lalancette What is at stake in ocean sciences?
J. Leute Worldwide 10-17 clock comparison with IPPP
G. Lion Determination of the geopotential at high spatial resolution with optical clocks
Ch. Lisdat Portable Sr Lattice Clock
F. Meynadier ACES-PHARAO and its two-way microwave link
J. Mueller Using optical clocks and quantum gradiometers onboard satellites for determining the Earth’s gravity field
G. Petit The SI second: present realization and path to a redefinition
P-E. Pottie From fiber links to fiber network: recent progresses
H. Wu Optical clock networks for height system unification
JWG 2.1 Data of Second Meeting
ZIP, 90 MB