JWG 2.1 Data of Second Meeting
90 MB
Name | Presentation |
S. Bize | Progress in optical clocks at SYRTE |
D. Calonico | Geodesy with fibrelinks: update from Italy |
P. Delva | Relativistic Corrections for Time and Frequency Transfer in Optical Fibres |
J. Flury | Integration of future clock networks into geodetic reference frames |
G. Grosche | Recent work on the connection PTB- MPQ Garching |
Y-J. Huang | Long-Baseline Frequency Comparison by a Two-Way Microwave Link |
C. Lämmerzahl | Theoretical aspects of relativistic geodesy |
M-F. Lalancette | What is at stake in ocean sciences? |
J. Leute | Worldwide 10-17 clock comparison with IPPP |
G. Lion | Determination of the geopotential at high spatial resolution with optical clocks |
Ch. Lisdat | Portable Sr Lattice Clock |
F. Meynadier | ACES-PHARAO and its two-way microwave link |
J. Mueller | Using optical clocks and quantum gradiometers onboard satellites for determining the Earth’s gravity field |
G. Petit | The SI second: present realization and path to a redefinition |
P-E. Pottie | From fiber links to fiber network: recent progresses |
H. Wu | Optical clock networks for height system unification |