Present state and future developments of the European geoid

authored by
Heiner Denker, Wolfgang Torge

Regional geoid resp. quasigeoid determinations are nowadays required with an accuracy of ±1 to 10 cm over distances from 100 to some 1000 km in order to meet the demands of geodesy, geophysics, oceanography and engineering. Especially the combination of GPS heighting with classical leveling is one of the primary drivers for precise geoid computations. As a consequence, the IAG International Geoid Commission recognized at its meeting in Milano, 1990, that there is an urgent need for a new European geoid computation. This solution should be significantly improved in spatial resolution and accuracy as compared to presently available models. This led to the decision to form a Subcommission for the Geoid in Europe, and the Institut für Erdmessung (IfE) was asked to serve as a computing center in this project. In the first part of this paper early geoid/quasigeoid computations for the area of Europe as well as more recent results obtained at IfE are summarized. The latter solutions include a gravimetric and an astrogravimetric quasigeoid, which have a spatial resolution of about 20 km and a relative accuracy of some dm. Then the possibilities for an improved European quasigeoid calculation are outlined, considering the availability of new and better global and regional data sets. An overview is given on the procedures currently under study at IfE and on the work performed at IfE since 1990. This work includes the collection and screening of new point gravity and terrain data, some investigations on the use of topographic information available at present, and the calculation of a preliminary quasigeoid solution for central, northern and western Europe including a GPS/leveling control. The paper closes with a survey on future activities at IfE within the European geoid project.

Institute of Geodesy
Surveys in geophysics
No. of pages
Publication date
Publication status
Peer reviewed
ASJC Scopus subject areas
Geophysics, Geochemistry and Petrology
Electronic version(s) (Access: Unknown)

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