Finished Research Projects
Disentangling gravitational signals and errors in global gravity field parameter estimation from satellite observations (SFB 1128, C01)Range-rate residuals from the estimation of global gravity field parameters from GRACE satellite-to-satellite tracking reveal a range of systematic effects that limit the accuracy of the estimated parameters. The project investigated the characteristics of time series of range-rate residuals. It addressed how drops in the K-band ranging signal-to-noise ratio at specific inter-satellite Doppler frequencies propagate to anomalies in range-rate residuals, as well as anomalies during penumbra transitions. A part of the project at TU Graz, in the group of Prof. Mayer-Gürr, studied options to use wavelet parameters in the SST gravity field parameter estimation.Led by: Prof. Jakob FluryTeam:Year: 2014Funding: DFGDuration: 2014-2018
Highly physical penumbra solar radiation pressure modeling with atmospheric effectsDuring penumbra transitions of an Earth orbiter, the solar radiation hitting the satellite is strongly influenced by refraction and absorption of light rays grazing the Earth’s atmosphere. The project implemented solar radiation pressure modeling including these effects. Model results were tested by comparing with measurements of the accelerometers of the GRACE low Earth orbiters.Led by: Prof. Jakob Flury, Tamara BandikovaTeam:Year: 2010Funding: RISE/QUESTDuration: 2010
In-Orbit System Analysis of the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) MissionPrecise determination and control of satellite attitude plays a key role for satellite geodesy in general, and for Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking in particular. The project provided the first in-depth characterization of GRACE pointing biases and pointing variations. Investigations addressed star camera inter-boresight angle variations, the weighted camera sensor head combination, as well as error propagation to inter-satellite ranging and accelerometer observations. Results led to significant improvements in the operational GRACE data processing.Led by: Prof. Jakob FluryTeam:Year: 2009Funding: Exzellenzcluster QUESTDuration: 2009-2015
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