Peer reviewed journal articles, books, book chapters
Showing results 141 - 150 out of 190
Deng, Z., Bender, M., Zus, F., Ge, M., Dick, G., Ramatschi, M., Wickert, J., Lhnert, U., & Schön, S. (2011). Validation of tropospheric slant path delays derived from single and dual frequency GPS receivers. Radio science, 46(6), Article RS6007.
Hofmann, F., Müller, J., & Biskupek, L. (2010). Lunar laser ranging test of the Nordtvedt parameter and a possible variation in the gravitational constant. Astronomy and astrophysics, 522(3), Article L5.
Koch, C., Müller, J., Christensen, U. R., & Kallenbach, R. (2010). Bestimmung der Topographie und Lovezahl von Merkur aus simulierten Daten des BepiColombo-Laseraltimeters. Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement (online), 135(3), 173-178.
Merlet, S., Bodart, Q., Malossi, N., Landragin, A., Pereira Dos Santos, F., Gitlein, O., & Timmen, L. (2010). Comparison between two mobile absolute gravimeters: Optical versus atomic interferometers. METROLOGIA, 47(4), L9-L11.,
Müller, J., Naeimi, M., Gitlein, O., Timmen, L., & Denker, H. (2010). A land uplift model in Fennoscandia combining GRACE and absolute gravimetry data. Physics and chemistry of the earth, 53-54, 54-60.
Vennebusch, M., Schön, S., & Weinbach, U. (2010). Temporal and spatial stochastic behaviour of high-frequency slant tropospheric delays from simulations and real GPS data. Advances in space research, 47(10), 1681-1690.
Weinbach, U., & Schön, S. (2010). GNSS receiver clock modeling when using high-precision oscillators and its impact on PPP. Advances in space research, 47(2), 229-238.
Pettersen, B. R., & Müller, J. (2009). Small Instrument - Big Task: A Historical Account of how a Repsold Universal Instrument came to serve at the Arctic End of the Struve Geodetic Arc. Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement (online), 134(6), 348-356.
Schneider, M., & Müller, J. (2009). 1609-2009: 400 Jahre Keplersche Gesetze. Zeitschrift fur Geodasie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement (ZFV), 134(5), 306-313.
Schneider, M., & Müller, J. (2009). 1609-2009: 400 years of Kepler's laws,1609-2009: 400 Jahre keplersche gesetze. Zeitschrift fur Geodasie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement (ZFV).
Peer-reviewed conference papers
Showing results 141 - 150 out of 155
Müller, J., Neumann-Redlin, M., Jarecki, F., Denker, H., & Gitlein, O. (2007). Gravity changes in Northern Europe as observed by GRACE. In Dynamic Planet: Monitoring and Understanding a Dynamic Planet with Geodetic and Oceanographic Tools - lAG Symposium (pp. 523-527). (International Association of Geodesy Symposia; Vol. 130).
Müller, J., Williams, J. G., Turyshev, S. G., & Shelus, P. J. (2007). Potential Capabilities of Lunar Laser Ranging for Geodesy and Relativity. In Dynamic Planet: Monitoring and Understanding a Dynamic Planet with Geodetic and Oceanographic Tools - lAG Symposium (pp. 903-909). (International Association of Geodesy Symposia; Vol. 130).
Schön, S., & Dilßner, F. (2007). Challenges for GNSS-based high precision positioning - some geodetic aspects. In 4th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication 2007 (WPNC'07): Workshop Proceedings (pp. 229-237)
Abrikosov, O., Jarecki, F., Müller, J., Petrovic, S., & Schwintzer, P. (2006). The Impact of Temporal Gravity Variations on GOCE Gravity Field Recovery. In Observation of the Earth System from Space (pp. 255-269). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Jarecki, F., Wolf, K. I., Denker, H., & Müller, J. (2006). Quality Assessment of GOCE Gradients. In Observation of the Earth System from Space (pp. 271-285). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Timmen, L., Gitlein, O., Müller, J., Denker, H., Mäkinen, J., Bilker, M., Pettersen, B. R., Lysaker, D. I., Omang, O. C. D., Svendsen, J. G. G., Wilmes, H., Falk, R., Reinhold, A., Hoppe, W., Scherneck, H. G., Engen, B., Harsson, B. G., Engfeldt, A., Lilje, M., ... Forsberg, R. (2006). Observing Fennoscandian Gravity Change by Absolute Gravimetry. In Geodetic Deformation Monitoring: From Geophysical to Engineering Roles - IAG Symposium (pp. 193-199). (International Association of Geodesy Symposia; Vol. 131). Springer Verlag.
Bouman, J., Koop, R., Haagmans, R., Müller, J., Sneeuw, N., Tscherning, C. C., & Visser, P. (2005). Calibration and Validation of GOCE Gravity Gradients. In F. Sansò (Ed.), A Window on the Future of Geodesy - Proceedings of the International Association of Geodesy (pp. 265-270). (International Association of Geodesy Symposia; Vol. 128). Springer Verlag.
Denker, H., & Roland, M. (2005). Compilation and Evaluation of a Consistent Marine Gravity Data Set Surrounding Europe. In F. Sansò (Ed.), A Window on the Future of Geodesy : Proceedings of the International Association of Geodesy IAG General Assembly Sapporo, Japan June 30 – July 11, 2003 (pp. 248-253). (International Association of Geodesy Symposia; Vol. 128). Springer Verlag.
Denker, H. (2005). Evaluation of SRTM3 and GTOPO30 Terrain Data in Germany. In C. Jekeli, L. Bastos, & J. Fernandes (Eds.), Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions: GGSM 2004 IAG International Symposium Porto, Portugal August 30 – September 3, 2004 (pp. 218-223). (International Association of Geodesy Symposia; Vol. 129). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Denker, H., Barriot, J. P., Barzaghi, R., Forsberg, R., Ihde, J., Kenyeres, A., Marti, U., & Tziavos, I. N. (2005). Status of the European Gravity and Geoid Project EGGP. In Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions: GGSM 2004 IAG International Symposium Porto, Portugal August 30 – September 3, 2004 (pp. 125-130). (International Association of Geodesy Symposia; Vol. 129). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Conference contributions (papers, posters, presentations, abstracts)
Showing results 141 - 150 out of 310
Kersten, T., & Paffenholz, J.-A. (2018). Zur Bewertung von High Sensitivity GNSS-Empfängern bei der Kombination in Multi-Sensor-Systemen. Poster session presented at POSNAV ITS 2018. Advance online publication.
SIMULTAN Research Group, Dahm, T., Rivalta, E., Maghsoudi, S., Al-Halbouni, D., Gabriel, G., Polom, U., Tschache, S., Weise, A., Schön, S., Timmen, L., Kersten, T., Becker, D., Deghani, A., Zaksek, K., Börner, F., Rücker, C., Mai, F., Kaufmann, G., ... Liebsch-Dürschner, T. (2018). Joint project SIMULTAN - Sinkhole characterization and monitoring with supplementing geophysical methods. In NCKRI Symposium 7: Proceedings of the 15th Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst and the 3rd Appalachian Karst Symposium (pp. 315-322)
Olsson, P. A., Bilker-Koivula, M., Breili, K., Nielsen, E., Oja, T., Ophaug, V., Steffen, H., & Timmen, L. (2018). The secular, postglacial gravity change in Fennoscandia: observations and findings. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2020, online.
Ren, L., & Schön, S. (2018). Mitigation of ionospheric effects on Swarm GPS observations and kinematic orbits.
Schilling, M., Knabe, A., Timmen, L., Müller, J., Wodey, E., Meiners, C., Tell, D., Schubert, C., Ertmer, W., Schlippert, D., & Rasel, E. M. (2018). Establishing an Absolute Gravimetric Reference with a 10 m Atom Interferometer. Poster session presented at International Symposium Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems 2, Kopenhagen, Denmark.
Schön, S., Kermarrec, G., & Ren, L. (2018). Ionospheric Filtering: Improving Swarm Orbits and Studying Ionospheric Fluctuations.
Schön, S. (2018). Recovering undifferenced GNSS observations from double differences – use and limits. In Festschrift zur Verabschiedung von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Bernhard Heck (Schw)Ehre, wem (Schw)Ehre gebührt (pp. 245-253)
Tennstedt, B., & Schön, S. (2018). An Autonomous Transportation Vehicle For Algorithm And Sensor Testing. Paper presented at NAVITEC 2018, Noordwijk, Netherlands.
Weise, A., Gabriel, G., Kersten, T., Schön, S., Timmen, L., & Vogel, D. (2018). An integrative geodetic-gravimetrical approach to investigate subrosion in the sinkhole area of Hamburg Flottbek – surface deformation and mass redistribution. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2018, Wien, Austria.
Weise, A., Gabriel, G., Kersten, T., Schön, S., Timmen, L., & Vogel, D. (2018). Ein integrativer geodätisch-gravimetrischer Ansatz zur Erkundung von Subrosion im Erdfallgebiet Hamburg Flottbek – Oberfächendeformation und Massentransfer. In 78. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft gemeinsam mit der Austrian Geophysical Society 12. - 15. Februar 2018 (pp. 68)
Software, data, miscellaneous publications
(2022): Weak Equivalence Principle Test with Neutrons, Dataset: Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL)
DOI: 10.5291/ILL-DATA.3-14-415 -
(2022): Dataset: Earth Rotation Parameters from LLR with NPs for timespan 1970 - 2021, Research Data Repository of the Leibniz University of Hannover
DOI: 10.25835/3h1r07a7 -
(2020): Dataset: LUH-GRACE-FO-2020, Data Repository Leibniz University Hannover More info
DOI: 10.25835/0062546 -
(2020): International Combination Service for Time-variable Gravity Fields (COST-G) Monthly GRACE-FO Series. V. 01, GFZ Data Services More info
DOI: 10.5880/ICGEM.COST-G.002 -
(2019): Dataset: Urban GNSS campaigns from 2015-2017 in Hamburg Groß-Flottbek from SIMULTAN project, Data Repositorium Leibniz University Hannover and Leibniz University IT Service (LUIS)
DOI: 10.25835/0050677 -
(2019): Dataset: Urban GNSS campaigns from 2015-2017 in Bad Frankenhausen (Thuringia) from SIMULTAN project, Data Repositorium Leibniz University Hannover and Leibniz University IT Service (LUIS)
DOI: 10.25835/0084648 -
(2019): Dataset: LUH-GRACE2018, Data Repository Leibniz University Hannover More info
DOI: 10.25835/0022864 -
(2019): Robot based phase centre corrections for new GNSS signals, Data Repository Leibniz University Hannover and Leibniz University IT Service (LUIS)
DOI: 10.25835/0075279 -
(2018): Dataset: GNSS mass market and geodetic receiver benchmark study, Data Repository Leibniz University Hannover and Leibniz University IT Service (LUIS)
DOI: 10.25835/0034324 -
(2018): Dataset: GPS code phase variations (CPV) for GNSS receiver antennas, Data Repositorium Leibniz University Hannover and Leibniz Uiversity IT Service (LUIS)
DOI: 10.25835/0012492