Presentations, Talks and Posters

  • HosseiniArani A., Tennstedt B., Schilling M., Knabe A., Beaufils Q., Romeshkani M., Wu H., Kupriyanov A., Pereira Dos Santos F., Schön S, Müller J. (2022): Improved Modeling for Hybrid Accelerometers Onboard Future Satellite Gravity MissionsCOSPAR Scientific Assembly, 16-24 July 2022, Athens, Greece
  • Kupriyanov A., Reis A., Müller J.; Müller V., Schilling M. (2022): Project B01: New Measurement Concepts with Laser InterferometersTerraQ General Assembly, Jun. 1–2, Hannover, Germany
  • Kupriyanov A., Reis A., Schilling M., Müller V., Müller J. (2022): Sensor and Performance Modelling of an Optical Accelerometer for Future Gravity Field Missions44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, July 16-24, Abstract H0.5-0014-22, Athens, Greece
  • Kupriyanov A., Reis A., Schilling M., Müller V., Müller, J. (2022): Sensor and Performance Modelling of an Optical Accelerometer for Future Gravity Field MissionsEGU General Assembly, May 23–27, Vienna, Austria
    DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-2023
  • Kupriyanov A., Reis A., Schilling M., Müller V., Müller, J. (2022): Sensor and Performance Modelling of an Optical Accelerometer for Future Gravity Field MissionsQuantum sensors and tests of new physics (QSNP) conference, Oct. 5-7, poster, Hannover, Germany
  • Kupriyanov A., Reis A., Schilling M., Müller V., Müller, J. (2022): Sensor and Performance Modelling of an Optical Accelerometer for Future Gravity Field MissionsINTERGEO (Frontiers of Geodetic Science), Oct. 18-20, Essen, Germany
  • Kupriyanov A., Reis, A., Leipner A., Huckfeldt M., Ebadi S., Öhlinger F., Müller J., Müller V., Schilling M., List M., Rievers B., Weigelt M., Mayer-Gürr T. (2022): GRACE-FO & NGGMs (TerraQ B01, B02, C04)Quantum Frontiers Day, Jun. 24th, Hannover, Germany
  • Reis A., Kupriyanov A., Müller V. (2022): A Tool for  Accelerometer ModelingEGU General Assembly, May 23–27, Vienna, Austria
    DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-1168
  • Reis A., Kupriyanov A., Müller V. (2022): A Framework for Modelling and Simulating Accelerometers44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, July 16-24, Athens, Greece