Kersten T., Kröger J., Breva Y., Schön S.
Applying phase center corrections also to code observables? - A PPP case study,
In: 28th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, IUGG 2023, July 12-20, Berlin, Germany
Kersten T., Kröger J., Schön S.
Comparing GNSS receiver antenna patterns: methods and metrics,
EUREF 2023 Symposium, May 23-26, Gothenburg, Sweden
Brekenkamp M., Kröger J., Schön S.
Einfluss von Phasenzentrumskorrekturen auf die Positionsebene: ein simulativer Ansatz,
Frontiers of Geodetic Science, October 19-20, Essen, Germany
HosseiniArani A., Tennstedt B., Schilling M., Knabe A., Beaufils Q., Romeshkani M., Wu H., Kupriyanov A., Pereira Dos Santos F., Schön S, Müller J.
Improved Modeling for Hybrid Accelerometers Onboard Future Satellite Gravity Missions,
COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 16-24 July 2022, Athens, Greece
Kersten T., Dawidowicz K., Krzan G., Kröger J., and Schön S.
On the design of robust and consistent metrics for the stability of receiver antenna calibration sets,
2nd Symposium of IAG Commission 4 “Positioning and Applications”, Potsdam, Germany, 5–8 Sep 2022
Kersten T., Schön S., Kröger J, Breva Y.
Antenna Calibration Values as Bottleneck for Reliable Atmospheric Parameters,
iPoster, AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Dec. 12.-16., Chicago, USA (Online)
More info
Kröger J., Kersten T., Breva Y., and Schön S.
How Do Different Phase Center Correction Values Impact GNSS Reference Frame Stations?,
IAG International Symposium on Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences (REFAG 2022), October 17-20, Thessaloniki, Greece
More info
Kröger J., Kersten T., Breva Y., Brekenkamp M., Schön S.
Impact of Different Phase Center Correction Values on Geodetic Parameters: A Standardized Simulation Approach,
EGU General Assembly 2022, hybrid, May 23-27, EGU22-1146, Vienna, Austria
Ruwisch F., Ren L., Skupin Ch., Kersten T., O'Connor M., Schön S., Wübbena T.
Intelligent Database Architecture for High-Integrity Urban Navigation,
33rd IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IV2022, June 5th - 9th, Poster, Aachen, Germany
Schön, S., Su J.
An investigation of interval and set-based uncertainty representation for GNSS navigation,
In: 13th Summer Workshop on Interval Methods, July 19-21, Hannover, Germany
Su J., Jiang Y., Schön S., Wagner B.
How to determine uncertainty interval: Practice in GNSS and LiDAR localization,
In: 13th Summer Workshop on Interval Methods, July 19-21, Hannover, Germany
Su J., Schön S.
Deterministic approaches for bounding GNSS uncertainty: A comparative analysis,
In:10th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies and European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing (NAVITEC), April 6-7, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Su J., Schön S.
Intervals in Fault-Free Error Modeling for GNSS Applications,
In: International Online Seminar on Interval Methods in Control Engineering, Oct 28, 2022, Online
Tennstedt B., Rajagopalan A., Rasel E.M., Schön S.
An Alternative Hybridisation Scheme for Atom Interferometers used in Navigation,
Frontiers of Matter-Wave Optics, Sept. 19-23, Poster, Trieste, Italy
Breva Y., Kröger J., Kersen T., Schön S.
Estimation and Validation of Codephase Center Correction using the Empirical Mode Decomposition,
IAG 2021 - Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy, June 28 - July 2, Beijing, China
HosseiniArani, A., Tennstedt, B., Schilling, M., Knabe, A., Wu, H., Schön, S., Müller, J.
Kalman-filter Based Hybridization of Classic and Cold Atom Interferometry Accelerometers for Future Satellite Gravity Missions,
Poster, Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG), June 28 - July 2, 2021, Beijing, China (online)
Icking L., Ruwisch F., Schön, S.
Multipath Characterization using Ray-Tracing in Urban Trenches,
IAG 2021, Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy, June 28th - July 2nd, Beijing, China, online
Kermarrec G., Schön S.
Estimation of the scale lengths of turbulence from GPS single difference phase observations,
EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-58
More info
Kersten T., Breva Y., Kröger J., Schön S.
The receiver antenna as a bottleneck in GNSS - assessing effects on geodetic parameters,
Geo-monitoring with low-cost, mass-market, and consumer-grade sensors, Online seminar, June 17-18, Virtual meeting
Kersten T., Kröger J., Breva Y., Schön S.
On the Role of GNSS Receivers for Antenna Patterns and Parameter Estimations,
EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3029
More info
Kersten T., Krzan G., Dawidowicz K., Schön S.
On the impact of individual PCC errors on regional networks using different processing strategies,
IAG 2021 - Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy, June 28- July 2, Beijing China
Kersten T., Paffenholz J.-A.
Assessment of performance parameters for high-sensitivity receivers for use in multi-sensor integration applications,
Geo-monitoring with low-cost, mass-market, and consumer-grade sensors, Online seminar, June 17-18, Virtual meeting
Kröger J., Kersten T., Breva Y., Schön S.
On the Potential of Image Similarity Metrics for Comparing Phase Center Corrections,
IAG 2021 - Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy, June 28 - July 2, Beijing, China
Kröger J., Kersten T., Breva Y., Schön, S.
Impact of Multi-GNSS Antenna-Receiver Calibrations in the Coordinate Domain,
EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8507,
Schaper A., Lin Q., Janecki K. S., Mussgnug D., Heiken M., Chawda V., Icking L., Kröger J., Schön S.
Improving Multi-GNSS Solutions with 3D Building Model and Tree Information,
FIG e-Working Week 2021, Smart Surveyors for Land and Water Management, Virtual, June 21–25, online, Paper No. 11028
Schön S.
Vernetzte dynamische Sensorplattformen: Mehr Fahrzeuge -bessere Performance?,
Münchner GI-Runde, March 24, online (invited)
Schön S.
GNSS: A universal tool for navigation and remote sensing,
Guest lecture University Bremen, May 21st
Schön S.
Bausteine für die Navigation mit Cold Atom Interferometers,
Synergietreffen der DLR Explorer-Initiativen 2021, Bremen (invited)
Schön S., Icking L., Kermarrec G.
Monitoring Water Vapour Distribution Over Cities Using Galileo Signals From Connected Vehicles: A Feasibility Study,
EARSeL 2021, Joint Virtual Workshop, March 30 - April 1, Liège, Belgium
Schön S., Kermarrec G.
Studying tropospheric turbulence with GNSS,
EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts Vol. 18, EMS2021-486, 2021
Su J., Schön S.
Bounding the residual tropospheric error by interval analysis,
IAG 2021 - Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy, June 28 - July 2, 2021, Beijing, China
Su J., Schön S.
Improved Observation Interval Bounding for Multi-GNSS Integrity Monitoring in Urban Navigation,
ION GNSS+ 2021, Sept. 20-24, 2021, St. Louis, MO, US
Su J., Schön S.
On the Geometrical Constraints for Interval-based GNSS Positioning, Frontiers of Geodetic Science 2021, Sept. 22-23, 2021, Hannover, Germany
Tennstedt B., Weddig N., Schön S.
A hybrid CAI/IMU solution for higher navigation performance,
EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9776
More info
Breva, Y., Kröger, J., Kersten, T., Schön, S.
Codephase center corrections for multi GNSS signals and the impact of misoriented antennas,
Geophysical Research Abstracts 22 (2020), EGU2020-9846
Kröger J., Breva Y., Kersten T., Schön S.
Robot-based Calibration of Multi-GNSS Receiver Antennas Using Real Satellite Signals,
In: 14th European Conference on Antenna and Propagation (EuCAP), March 15-20, Poster, Virtual Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark
Kulemann, D., Jain A., Schön S.
Evaluation verschiedener Bewegungsmodelle für die Flugnavigation,
Frontiers of Geodetic Science Digital, 13 - 15 Oktober 2020, Berlin, Germany
Schön S.
Vergleich intervallmathematischer und stochastischer Unsicherheitsbeschreibung am Beispiel der Positionierung,
DGK – IG & GKGM Joint Workshop 21.-23.9.2020 Freudenstadt
Breva Y., Kröger J., Kersten T., Schön S.
Validation of Phase Center Corrections for new GNSS-Signals obtained with absolute antenna calibration in the field,
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, Poster, EGU2019-14143
Breva Y., Kröger J., Kersten T., Schön S.
Estimation and validation of receiver antenna codephase variations for multi GNSS signals,
In: 7th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS, September 4-6, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Breva Y., Kröger J., Kersten T., Schön S.
Konzept und Analyse von Codephasenvariationen für Multi-GNSS-Signale,
Frontiers of Geodetic Science (ehem. Geodätische Woche), September 17-19, Stuttgart, Germany
Dbouk H. und Schön S.
Interval based Fault Detection and Exclusion for GNSS,
Book of Abstracts of the 12th Summer Workshop on Interval Methods (SWIM 2019). Palaiseau, France.
Dbouk H., Schön S.
Reliability and Integrity Measures of GPS Positioning via Geometrical Constraints,
Proceedings of the 2019 International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation, Reston, Virginia, January 2019
Jain A., Schön S.
Simulation studies to evaluate the impact of receiver clock modelling in flight navigation,
Frontiers of Geodetic Science, 17-19 September, Poster, Stuttgart, Germany
Kersten T., Kröger J., Breva Y., Schön S.
Deficiencies of Phase Centre Models: Assessing the impact on geodetic parameters,
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, Poster, EGU2019-10153-1
Kersten T., Kröger J., Breva, Y., Schön S.
Consistency and impact of mixed receiver antenna phase centre models in regional GNSS networks,
EUREF Symposium 2019, Presentation, May 22-24, Tallinn, Estonia
Kersten T., Weise A., Timmen L., Gabriel G., Schön S., Vogel, D.
Urbanes Monitoring erdfallinduzierter Deformationen: Grenzen und Chancen bei der Kombination von GNSS, Nivellement und Gravimetrie,
Tagungsband Geomonitoring 2019, Presentation, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Deutschland
Krawinkel T., Schön S.
Improved Carrier Phase-based GNSS Position and Velocity Determination Using a Transportable Passive Hydrogen Maser,
7th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS, September 4-6, Zurich, Switzerland
Kröger J., Breva Y., Kersten T. Schön S.
Bestimmung und Validierung von Phasenzentrumskorrektionen für Multi-GNSS-Signale,
Frontiers of Geodetic Science, 17-19 September, Poster, Stuttgart, Germany
Kröger J., Breva Y., Kersten T., Schön S.
Phase Center Corrections for new GNSS-Signals,
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, Presentation, EGU2019-14173
Kröger J., Breva Y., Kersten T., Schön S.
Determination of Phase Center corrections for Galileo Signals,
In: 7th International colloquium on scientific and fundamental aspects of GNSS, September 4-6, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Lück C., Ren L., Kusche J., Schön S., Rietbroek R.
Influence of orbit filtering strategies on Swarm time-variable gravity fields,
EGU General Assembly 2019, April 7.-12., Vienna, Austria
Ren L., Lück C., Schön S., Rietbroek R., Kusche J.
Mitigation of ionospheric effects on Swarm GPS observations and kinematic orbits,
Poster, EGU General Assembly 2019, April 7.-12., Vienna, Austria
Schön S.
GNSS in Urban Areas - Benefits and Limits of Collaborative Positioning,
ISPRS Working Week, Enschede 13.06.2019 (i)
Schön S.
GNSS et horloges atomiques ---Concepts - Experiences et Visions pour améliorer le
positionnement et la navigation collaborative,
16.07.2019 Universite de Laval Quebec (i)
Schön S.
I.C.Sens: lntegrity and Collaboration in Dynamic Sensor Networks,
I.C.Sens Workshop, Aachen 24.09.2019 (i)
Schön S.
I.C.Sens: lntegrity and Collaboration in Dynamic Sensor Networks,
6th mobilEM Colloquium Aachen 05.11.2019 (i)
Tennstedt B. and Schön S.
Ein automatisches Flurfahrzeug für Algorithmen- und Sensortests,
In: Proceedings of POSNAV ITS 2018, Presentation, November 15.-17., Berlin, Germany
Tennstedt B. and Schön S.
Some practical considerations of quantum inertial sensors in navigation,
DPG Fall Meeting, Freiburg, 23.-27. September 2019
Tennstedt B. and Schön S.
From inertial sensing to inertial navigation – A comparison of CAI to conventional INS,
Quantum Metrology Beyond the Standard Model, Hannover, 11.-14. Juni 2019
Dbouk H. and Schön S.
Comparison of Different Bounding Methods for Providing GPS Integrity Information,
Proceedings of IEEE/ION PLANS 2018
Dbouk H. und Schön S.
Guaranteed Bounding Zones for GNSS Positioning by Geometrical Constraints,
Book of Abstracts of the 11th Summer Workshop on Interval Methods (SWIM 2018), Rostock, Germany
Garcia Fernandez N. and Schön S.
Evaluating a LKF simulation tool for collaborative navigation systems,
IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS)
Kersten T.
Wegweisend!? Mein Smartphone weiß, wo ich bin!,
Lange Nacht die Wissen schafft! 2018, Presentation, November 10, Hannover, Germany
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Kersten T., Paffenholz J.A.
Zur Bewertung von High Sensitivity GNSS-Empfängern bei der Kombination in Multi-Sensor-Systemen,
In: Proceeding of Positionierung und Navigation für Intelligente Verkehrssysteme: POSNAV ITS 2018, November 15.-16., Poster
Kersten T., Ren L., Schön S.
A Virtual Receiver Concept for Continuous GNSS based Navigation of Inland Vessels,
Proceedings of Navitec 2018, ESA/ESTEC, December 5.-7., Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Kersten T., Ren L., Schön S.
Continuous Navigation of an Inland Vessel with a Synthetic GNSS Antenna,
Proceedings of POSNAV ITS 2018, presentation, November 15.-17., Berlin, Germany
Kersten T., Schön S.
GNSS im urbanen Raum: Grenzen und Chancen der Überwachung erdfallinduzierter Deformationen,
Austauschsitzung LIAG 2018, 7.-8. November, Leibniz Institut für Angewandte Geophysik, Hannover, Germany
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Kersten T., Schön, S.
The Joint Research Project SIMULTAN - WP3.1: GNSS Campaigns and Research,
Verbundtreffen (Schlusskolloquium) zum BMBF-Statusseminar Geotechnologien - Frühwarnsysteme, Mai 08-09, Hannover, Germany
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Ren, L., Schön, S.
Mitigation of ionospheric effects on Swarm GPS observations and kinematic orbits,
Swarm 8th data quality workshop, Frascati, Italy, 08-12.10.2018
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Schön S., Kermarrec G., Ren L.
Ionospheric Filtering: Improving Swarm Orbits and Studying Ionospheric Fluctuations,
Poster, EGU General Assembly 2018, April 8.-13., Vienna, Austria
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Schön, S.
High accuracy GNSS positioning,
Treasure Workshop Rom, 18.4.2018 (i)
Schön, S.
Forschungsthemen in Positionierung und Navigation am Institut für Erdmessung,
Synergietreffen DLR Explorer-Initiativen STE2018-I Stuttgart Hohenheim 2.-4.7.2018
Schön, S.
Strengthening GNSS Navigation with Clocks,
Autumn Colloquium DFG-GRK Models of Gravity, ZARM Bremen 11.9.2018 (i)
Schön, S.
i.c.sens - Integrität und Kollaboration in dynamischen Sensor-Netzwerken,
Präsentation während der Jahressitzung der Deutschen Geodätischen Kommission, München
8.11.2018 (i)
Schön, S.
Von GPS zu Multi-GNSS: neue Horizonte und innovative Anwendungen,
Festvortrag zum 150 Jubiläum des Geodätischen Instituts Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe 30.11.2018
Schön, S., Schlippert, D., Schubert, C., Rasel, E.
Synergietreffen DLR Explorer-Initiativen STE2018-I Stuttgart Hohenheim 2.-4.7.2018
Tennstedt B. and Schön S.
An Autonomous Transportation Vehicle for Algorithm and Sensor Testing,
Proceedings of Navitec 2018, Poster, December 5.-7., Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Weise A., Gabriel G., Kersten T., Schön S., Timmen L., Vogel D.
An integrative geodetic-gravimetrical approach to investigate subrosion in the sinkhole area of Hamburg Flottbek – surface deformation and mass redistribution,
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2018. April 8-13, Vienna, Austria
Weise A., Gabriel G., Kersten T., Schön S., Timmen L., Vogel D.
Ein integrativer geodätisch-gravimetrischer Ansatz zur Erkundung von Subrosion im Erdfallgebiet Hamburg-Flottbek - Oberflächendeformation und Massentransfer,
In: 78. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikal. Ges. (DGG), Leoben, 12.-15.02.
Aghajani V., Brakemeier S., Icking L., Khami A., Ruwisch F., Kersten T., Kube F., Ren L., Schön S.
Navigation and Position Integrity for Inland Marine Transport Vessels,
Geodetic Week 2017, September 26-28, Berlin, Germany
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Alpers P., Schön S., Wallat C.
Simulation von Virtuellen Empfängern auf einem Low Earth Orbiter,
Poster, Geodätische Woche, 26.-28.09.2017, Berlin
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Bochkati M., Schön S.
Einfluss des Farbigen Rauschens auf die Genauigkeit der Strapdown Inertialnavigationssysteme- Simulationsergebnisse,
Geodätische Woche, 26.-28. September, Berlin
Breva Y., Kersten T., Schön S., Ren L.
Analyse von GPS-Mehrwegeeffekten bei LEO Satelliten,
Geodetic Week 2017, September 26-28, Berlin, Germany
Gabriel G., Weise A., Schön S. Timmen L., Kersten T., Schuck A.
Workpackage 3: surface deformation and mass dislocation,
3. Statusseminar des Themenschwerpunktes 'Weiterentwicklung von Methoden zur Früherkennung von Naturgefahren in Deutschland durch innovative Sensor- und Informationstechnologien' (Sonderprogramm GEOTECHNOLOGIEN), 08.-09.05.2018; Hannover.
Gabriel G., Weise A., Schön S. Timmen L., Kersten T., Schuck, A
Workpackage 3: surface deformation and mass dislocation,
2. Statusseminar des Themenschwerpunktes 'Weiterentwicklung von Methoden zur Früherkennung von Naturgefahren in Deutschland durch innovative Sensor- und Informationstechnologien' (Sonderprogramm GEOTECHNOLOGIEN), 27.-28.09.2017; Dresden
Garcia Fernandez, N. and Schön, S.
Multi-Vehicle Trajectory and Visibility Simulation for Collaborative Sensor Network,
Klausurtagung I.C.sens, Presentation, September 14-15. Harz
Garcia Fernandez, N. and Schön, S.
Development of a simulation tool for collaborative navigation systems,
14th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communications (WPNC), Bremen, Germany, Oktober 2017
Kersten T., Weise A., Gabriel G., Timmen L., Schön S., Vogel D.
Geodetic-geophysical Monitoring of Sinkhole Instabilities - Results of SIMULTAN Campaigns from 2015 to 2017,
Geodetic Week 2017, September 26-28, Berlin, Germany
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Kersten T., Schön S.
The Joint Research Project SIMULTAN - WP3.1: GNSS Campaigns and Research,
Verbundtreffen zum BMBF-Statusseminar Geotechnologien - Frühwarnsysteme, September 27-28, Dresden, Germany
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Kersten T., Schön S.
Determining GNSS Phase Biases by Common Clock Approaches,
In: IGS Analysis Workshop, July 3.-7., Paris, France
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More info
Kersten T., Schön S.
GNSS Monitoring of Surface Displacements in Urban Environments,
Proceedings of Ingenieurgeodäsie 17 - 18 Internationaler Ingenieurvermessungskurs, April 25.-29., Graz, Austria
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Kersten T., Schön S.
Galileo for GNSS-Monitoring Networks in Urban Environments,
Proceedings of Ingenieurgeodäsie 17 - 18 Internationaler Ingenieurvermessungskurs, April 25.-29., Graz, Austria
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Krawinkel T., Schön S.
Zum Potenzial der Empfängeruhrmodellierung bei kinematischem Precise Point Positioning,
Geodätische Woche, 26.-28. September 2017, Berlin.
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Kröger J., Kersten T., Schön S.
GPS/GNSS Low-Cost Permanent-Stationen,
Geodetic Week 2017, September 26-28, Berlin, Germany
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Kube F., Schön, S.
Analysis of tropospheric structure from multi-station PPP-analysis,
IGS Workshop 2017, Paris, France, July 3rd-7th 2017
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Ren L., Schön S.
Relative kinematic orbit determination for Swarm satellites,
Poster, EGU General Assembly 2017, April 23.-28., Vienna, Austria
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Ren L., Schön S.
GPS-based Kinematic Orbit Determination of Swarm Satellites,
Fourth Swarm Science Meeting and Geodetic Missions Workshop (SWARM), March 20.-24, Banff, Canada
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Ren L., Schön S.
IfE contributions to Swarm GPS data analysis,
Swarm 7th data quality workshop, Delft, Netherlands, 24-27.10.2017
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Sun L., Dbouk H., Neumann I., Schön S. and Kreinovich V.
Taking into Account Interval (and Fuzzy) Uncertainty Can Lead to More Adequate Statistical Estimates,
Fuzzy Logic in Intelligent System Design. NAFIPS 2017
Weise A., Gabriel G., Kersten T., Schön S., Timmen L., Vogel D.
Deformationsüberwachung mit Gravimetrie? Ein Experiment im Erdfallgebiet in Hamburg-Flottbek,
Proceedings of 77. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, Poster: S3.B-036, March 27.-30., Potsdam
Bischof, C., Kube, F., Schön, S.
Verbesserung der Richtigkeit im Virtuellen Empfänger durch Geschwindigkeitsschätzung,
Geodätische Woche 2016 in Hamburg, Poster
Breva, Y., Klasen, F., Knabe, A., Krishnamurthy, K., Kröger, J., Schumann, R., Flury, J., Shabanloui, A., Naeimi, M., Wallat, C.
Bestimmung eines Erdschwerefeldes mit High-Low Satellite-to-Satellite-Tracking,
Poster, Geodätische Woche, 11.-13.10.2016, Hamburg
Gabriel G., Weise A., Schön S. Timmen L., Kersten T., Schuck A.
Workpackage 3: surface deformation and mass dislocation,
1. Statusseminar des Themenschwerpunktes 'Weiterentwicklung von Methoden zur Früherkennung von Naturgefahren in Deutschland durch innovative Sensor- und Informationstechnologien' (Sonderprogramm GEOTECHNOLOGIEN), 19.-20.10.2016; Bonn
Icking L., Kersten T., Schön S.
Dynamische und adaptive Elevationsmasken zur Optimierung von GNSS-Netzen,
Geodätische Woche 2016, 11.-13. Oktober, Hamburg
Kersten T.
Satelliten zeigen uns nicht nur den Weg – Einblicke in Geodäsie und Geoinformatik,
Tag der Naturwissenschaften am Carl Bechstein Gymnasium, 19. Februar, Erkner, Deutschland
Kersten T., Kobe M., Timmen L., Gabriel G., Schön, S., Vogel D.
On Integrated Geodetic Monitoring for Sinkhole-Induced Surface Deformation and Mass Dislocation,
In: Proceedings of the 3rd Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring (JISDM 2016), March 30 - April 01, Vienna, Austria
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Kersten T., Paffenholz J.-A.
Noise Analysis of High Sensitivity GNSS-Receivers for Direct Geo-Referencing of Multi-Sensor Systems,
IAG Commission 4 Symposium, September 04.-07., 2016, Wroclaw, Poland
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More info
Kersten T., Schön S.
Bestimmung von auswaschungsinduzierten Oberflächendeformationen mit GNSS in Multi-Sensornetzen und
innerstädtischen Bereichen,
Geodätische Woche 2016, 11.-13. Oktober, Hamburg
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Krawczyk C., Dahm T., Gabriel G., Polom, U., Becker D., Schön S., Timmen L., Werban U., Kaufmann G., Börner F., Al-Halbouni D., Weise A., Tschache S., Zaksek K., Kersten T., Mai F., Vienken T., Tippelt T., Romanov D., Schuck A., Grube A., Katzschmann L., Taugs R., Kirsch R.
Sinkhole Instability: integrated Multi-scale Monitoring and analysis,
BMBF-Statusseminar “Frühwarnsysteme” (Projektnummer 03G0843) - innovative Sensor- und Informationstechnologien (Sonderprogramm GEOTECHNOLOGIEN), 19.-20. Oktober, Bonn, Deutschland
Krawinkel T., Schön S.
Anwendung von Chip Scale Atomic Clocks in der GNSS-Navigation,
Proceedings Positionierung und Navigation für intelligente Verkehrssysteme (POSNAV), 5.-6. Juli, Berlin
Ren L., Schön S.
Absolute and Relative Kinematic Orbit determination for Swarm Satellites,
Poster, Geodätische Woche, 11.-13.10.2016, Hamburg
Ren L., Schön S.
GPS-based Kinematic Orbit Determination of Swarm Satellites under the Influence of Ionospheric Scintillation,
Vortrag, SPP 1788 “DynamicEarth” First Colloquium, 27-29.06.2016, Bonn
Ren L., Schön S.
Swarm GPS Receiver Performance under the Influence of Ionospheric Scintillation,
Poster, EGU General Assembly 2016, 17-22.04.2016 Vienna
Ruwisch F., Kersten T., Schön S.
GNSS-Doppeldifferenzanalyse für urbane Monitoring-Ansätze,
Geodätische Woche 2016, 11.-13. Oktober, Hamburg
Wallat C., Schön S.
On the feasibility of phase only PPP for kinematic LEO orbits,
Poster, EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-16142, 2016
Wallat C., Schön S.
Trägerphasenbasierte kinematische Orbitbestimmung erdnaher Satelliten,
Poster, Geodätische Woche, 11.-13.10.2016, Hamburg
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Weise A., Kersten T., Gabriel G., Schön S., Timmen L.
Workpackage 3: surface deformation and mass dislocation,
Projekttreffen SIMULTAN, Oktober 12., Potsdam, Deutschland
Hiemer L., Kersten T., Schön, S.
On the Impact of GPS phase centre corrections on geodetic parameters: analytical formulation and empirical evaluation by PPP,
Poster, EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-12973, 2015
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Icking L., Ruwisch F., Altemeier B., Kersten T., Krawinkel T., Schön S.
Evaluierung der Qualität realer Galileo- und Beidou-Signale,
Geodätische Woche 2015, 15.-17. September, Stuttgart
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Kersten T., Hiemer L., Schön S.
Impact of Antenna Phase Center Models: From Observation to Parameter Domain,
26th General Assembly of International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), June 22nd - July 2nd, Prague, Czech Republic
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Kersten T., Schön S.
An alternative method for determining GPS receiver biases,
Poster, EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-12042, 2015
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Krawczyk C., Dahm T., Gabriel G., Polom, U., Becker D., Schön S., Timmen L., Werban U., Kaufmann G., Börner F., Al-Halbouni D., Weise A., Tschache S., Zaksek K., Kersten T., Mai F., Vienken T., Tippelt T., Romanov D., Schuck A., Grube A., Katzschmann L., Taugs R., Kirsch R.
SIMULTAN: Subrosion und Instabilität von Erdfällen: integrierte multi-skalige Überwachung und Analyse,
GEOTECHNOLOGIEN Kick-Off Seminar des Themenschwerpunktes 'Früherkennung von Naturgefahren in Deutschland', Oktober 19., Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover
Krawinkel T., Schön S.
Benefits of Receiver Clock Modeling in GNSS Navigation,
26th General Assembly of International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), June 22 - July 2, Prague, Czech Republic
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Krawinkel T., Schön S.
On the Benefits of Atomic Clocks in Autonomous GNSS Navigation,
Proceedings of the 5th Galileo Science Colloquium, October 27-29, Braunschweig, Germany
More info
Kube F., Schön S.
PPP carrier phase residual stacking for turbulence investigations,
26th General Assembly of International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), June 22nd - July 2nd, Prague, Czech Republic
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Pham H. K., Krawinkel T., Schön S.
Removing Discrepancies Between Local Ties and GPS-Based Coordinates,
26th General Assembly of International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), June 22 - July 2, Prague, Czech Republic
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Ren L., Schön S
Can Receiver Clock Modeling Influence Carrier Phase Residuals from Precise Point Position Solutions?,
Vortrag, Geodätische Woche, 15.-17.09.2015, Stuttgart
Schön S., Kersten T.
Impact of PCV corrections on bias determination for multi GNSS,
IGS Bias Workshop Bern 5.11-6.11.2015
Schön S., Kersten T.
Determination of Phase Biases with zero-baseline common clock setups,
IGS Bias Workshop Bern 5.11-6.11.2015
Wallat C., Schön S.
Simulationsstudien zur präzisen Bestimmung kinematischer Satellitenorbits unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Empfängeruhrmodellierung,
Vortrag, Geodätische Woche, 15.-17.09.2015, Stuttgart
Wallat C., Schön S.
Benefits from GNSS receiver clock modeling for Low Earth Orbiters,
Poster, 5th International Colloquium Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme, 27.-29.10.2015, Braunschweig
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Alpers P., Smyrnaios M., Schön S.
Analyse der Pseudolite-Daten der SEA GATE Infrastruktur,
Geodätische Woche 2014, 7.-9. Oktober, Berlin, Deutschland
Beckheinrich J., Hirrle, A., Schön, S., Beyerle, G., Semmling, M., Apel, H., Wickert, J.
GNSS Reflectometry, an Innovative Remote Sensing Tool for the Mekong Delta.,
Geodätische Woche 2014, Berlin 7.10-9.10.2014 (Poster).
Beckheinrich, J., Schön, S., Beyerle, G., Apel, H., Semmling, M., Wickert, J.
GNSS-Reflectometry based water level monitoring.,
EGU Vienna (Vortrag).
Bischof C., Schön S.
Klassifizierung des kurzzeitigen Beobachtungsrauschens von 100 Hz GPS-Empfängern unter statischen und kinematischen Szenarien,
Geodätische Woche 2014, Berlin 7.10-9.10.2014
Bischof C., Schön S.
Precise Velocity and Acceleration Determination
from High-Rate GPS under Various Dynamic Stress Scenarios,
7th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies and European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing, 3-5 December 2014, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Kersten T., Schön S.
Zur Erweiterung und Bestimmung des geometrisch-mechanischen Parametermodells des IfE-Kalibrierroboters MP2 (rev. 2.0),
Inbtergeo und Geodätische Woche 2014, Berlin, Vortrag
Kersten T., Schön S.
Antenna Code Phase Variations (GDVs) and the Impact on Ambiguity Resolution,
In: IGS Analysis Workshop, June 23.-27., Pasadena, California, USA
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Krawinkel T., Schön S., Bauch A.
Application of Miniaturized Atomic Clocks in Kinematic GNSS Single Point Position,
European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), June 23-26, Neuchatel, Switzerland
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Krawinkel T., Schön S., Kersten T.
On the influence of the troposphere on GNSS based distance metrology: modeling and experiments,
First Workshop on Metrology for Long Distance Surveying, Caparica Portugal, November 21, IPQ (Institute for Quality), Lisbon, Portugal
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Lengsfeld A.,
Hamm J.,
Smyrnaios M.,
Schön S.
Indoor-Positionierung im statischen und kinematischen Fall mit
hochsensitiven GPS-Empfängern unter der Verwendung von
rechts- und linkszirkulär-polarisierter Antennen,
Geodätische Woche. Berlin October 2014.
Müller, J., Flury, J., Schön, S.
Exploiting SWARM sensor data for non-standard effects.,
Swarm Workshop, Potsdam 3./4.7.2014.
Müller, J., Flury, J., Schön, S.
Exploiting SWARM sensor data for non-standard effects,
Swarm Workshop, Potsdam.
Pollinger F., Astua M., Bauch A., Bergstrand S., Bhattacharya N., Bosnjakovic A., Eusebio L., Filipe E., Francese C. Görres B., Guillory J., Hieta T., Homann C. Jokela J., Kallio U., Kersten T., Koivula H., Krawinkel T. Kuhlmann H., Kupko V., Lesundak A., Leita J., Marques F., Meiners-Hagen K., Merimaa M., Milder J., Niemeier W., Neyezhhmakov P., Pellegrino O., Pires C., Poutanen M., Saravia F., Schön S., Tengen D., van den Berg S.A., Wallerand J.-P., Zimmermann F. und Zucco M.
Introduction to EMRP JRP SIB60 "Metrology for long distance surveying",
First Workshop on Metrology for Long Distance Surveying, Caparica Portugal, November 21, IPQ (Institute for Quality), Lisbon, Portugal
Schön S., Kersten T.
Comparing antenna phase center corrections: challlenges, concepts and perspectives,
In: IGS Analysis Workshop, June 23.-27., Pasadena, California, USA
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Schön S., Krawinkel T., Weinbach U.
Benefits from receiver clock modeling: from PPP based GPS seismology to Navigation in harsh environment,
IGS Analysis Workshop, June 23-27, Pasadena CA, USA
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Schön, S.
Clocks, antennas and analysis concepts - new insights from GPS experiments at IfE,
Geokolloquium ETH Zürich 25.09.2014
Schön, S.
Zeit und Uhren - von GPS zu relativistischer Geodäsie,
Geodätisches Kolloquium TU Darmstadt 6.11.2014
Schön, S.
Aktuelle Fragestellungen und Aufgaben im Spannungsfeld Forschung-Lehre-Praxis,
Dienstbesprechung mit den Führungskräften der Niedersächsischen Vermessungs- und Katasterverwaltung, Bad Nenndorf 12.05.2014.
Schön, S.
Strengthening the GNSS based kinematic positioning of low Earth orbiters for gravity field determination,
SFB Begehung Hannover 05.-06.03.2014.
Schön, S.
SIB60 Surveying GNSS-based distance mesurement REG (LUH),
2. Progress Meeting EMRP Program Paris, 11.-13.06.2014.
Schön, S., Kermarrec, G.
On taking correlations into account in least-squares adjustment with a diagonal covariance matrix,
Geodätiscshe Woche Berlin (Poster)
Smyrnaios M.; Schön S.
BERTA Project - Final Presentation,
Hannover 22.07.2014
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Beckheinrich, J., Beyerle, G., Schön, S., Apel, H., Semmling, M., Wickert, J., Schuh, H.
GNSS GNSS Reflectometry based water level monitoring of the Mekong Delta Preliminary results.,
IAG Scientific Assembly 2013, September 01.-06., Potsdam, (Poster).
Beckheinrich, J., Schön, S., Beyerle, G., Apel, H., Semmling, M., Wickert, J., Schuh, H.
GNSS Reflectometry, an Innovative Remote Sensing Tool.,
(Vortrag) SPACE REFLECTO 2013 3rd Conference on passive reflectometry using radiocom space signals 4-5 November 2013 Brest, France.
Beckheinrich, J., Schön, S.,Beyerle, G., Apel, H., Semmling, M., Wickert, J., Schuh, H.
GNSS Reflectometry, Innovative Remote Sensing.,
(Poster) Geodätische Woche 2013. Essen
Bergstrand, S., Görres, B., Kallio, U., Kuhlmann, H., Schön, S., Niemeier, W.
Local tie metrology at geodetic fundamental stations (WP5 of EMRP JRP SIB60 Surveying),
Vortrag. IERS Workshop 2013 Workshop on Local Surveys and Co-locations, Paris 21-22.5.2013.
Bischof C., Schön S.
Evaluierung verschiedener GPS-Empfänger mit hoher Messrate bei unterschiedlich starken Beschleunigungen,
Geodätische Woche 2013 in Essen, Poster
Bischof C., Schön S.
Performance Evaluation of Different High-Rate GPS Receivers under Various Dynamic Stress Scenarios,
Proceedings of the European Navigation Conference (ENC) 2013, Presentation, April 23-25, Vienna, Austria
Bischof C., Schön S.
Precise Position and Velocity Determination from High-Rate GPS under Various Dynamic Stress Scenarios,
Proceedings of International Association of Geodesy (IAG) Scientific Assembly 2013, Presentation, September 1-6, Potsdam, Germany
Bischof, C., Kube, F., Schön, S., Feuerle, T.
Integrierte GNSS-Lagewinkelbestimmung im Virtuellen Empfänger für gekurvte Anflüge,
Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress (DLRK) 2013, Vortrag, 10.-12. September, Stuttgart, Deutschland
Kersten T.
Geodäsie? Studieren in Hannover!,
Fachrichtung Geodäsie und Geoinformatik, Vortrag, Informationstag zum Studium der Geodäsie an der Leibniz Universität Hannover, 15. Juni 2013
Kersten T., Albert L.
GPS im Fluss - oder präzise Fließgeschwindigkeiten mit low-cost GNSS,
Herbstuni 2013, Einblicke in den Studiengang Geodäsie und Geoinformatik an der Leibniz Universität Hannover, Vortrag, 25. Oktober 2013
Kersten T., Albert, L.
GPS im Fluss - oder präzise Fließgeschwindigkeiten mit low-cost GNSS,
DAAD Schnupperstudium, Einblicke in den Studiengang Geodäsie und Geoinformatik an der Leibniz Universität Hannover, Vortrag, 24. Oktober 2013
Kersten T., Schön S.
Analysis of IfE-Robot based Group Delay Variations for the Positioning and Navigation of Mobile Platforms,
In: Proceedings of the European Navigation Conference 2013 (ENC2013), 23-25. April, Presentation, Vienna, Austria
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Kersten T., Schön S.
Impact of individual Receiver Antenna Code Phase Variations on the Ambiguity Resolution,
Abstract #G53b-0920, AGU Fall Meeting, December 09.-13., San Francisco, California
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Kersten T., Schön S.
IGS Antex update - Kalibrierung einer ASH701073.1 Antenne am IfE,
Geodätische Woche 2013 in Essen, Poster
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Kersten T., Schön S.
The Impact of Group Delay Variations on Wide- and Narrowlane Linear Combinations,
Proceedings of IAG Scientific Assembly 2013, 150 years International Association of Geodesy (IAG), September 01.-06., GfZ - Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany
More info
Kersten, T., Grönefeld T.
Studiengang Geodäsie und Geoinformatik - Einblicke in den Studiengang der Fachrichtung Geodäsie und Geoinformatik (GuG),
Winteruni 2013: Der Ball ist Rund - die Erde auch?, Informationsveranstaltung zum Studium der Geodäsie an der Leibniz Universität Hannover,
Krawinkel T., Lindenthal N., Schön S.
Apparent coordinate changes in GPS networks: impact from different analysis strategies and antenna changes,
Poster, IAG Scientific Assembly 2013, September 1-6, Potsdam
Kube, F. Schön, S.
Characterisation of high-rate GNSS carrier phase residuals from PPP for turbulence investigations,
Proceedings of IAG Scientific Assembly 2013, 150 years International Association of Geodesy (IAG), September 01.-06., Potsdam, Germany
Kube, F., Schön, S., Halsig, S., Nothnagel, A.
Turbulence Investigations and Improved Modelling of Atmospheric Refraction,
Proceedings of IAG Scientific Assembly 2013, 150 years International Association of Geodesy (IAG), September 01.-06., Potsdam, Germany
Lindenthal, N., Schön S.
On the reliability in active GNSS reference station networks,
Poster, IAG Scientific Assembly 2013, Potsdam, September 1-6, 2013.
Liso, M., Smyrnaios, M., Schön, S., Kurner, T.
Ray Tracing Multipath Modelling in GNSS with a Single Reflector,
Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), 2013 7th European Conference. April 2013, Gothenburg, Sweden
Schön S., Kersten T.
On adequate Comparisons of Antenna Phase Center Variations,
Abstract #G13B-0950, AGU Fall Meeting, December 09.-13., San Francisco, California
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Schön, S.
Rückführungsstrategien für lange Distanzen mit GNSS: Nutzen von Atomuhren zur verbesserten Charakterisierung des GNSS Unsicherheitsbudgets.,
Gesellschaft zur Kalibrierung geodätischer Messmittel. Frühjahrstagung 10.4.2013 Graz.
Schön, S.
GNSS und Uhren: Konzepte zur verbesserten Positionierung und zum Zeittransfer.,
Geodätisches Kolloquium KIT Karlsruhe. 21.1.2013.
Schön, S.
Zum Potenzial von modernen Atomuhren für die kinematische Positionierung mit GNSS DVW Seminar GNSS 2013 – Schneller, Genauer, Effizienter.,
KIT Karlsruhe 15.3.2013.
Schön, S.
Zur Unsicherheit von Flächen.,
DGK Ingenieurgeodäsie - 26.-28.9.2013 Haussen/Rhön (Vortrag).
Schön, S.
Aus eins mach vier: Zur Rücktransformation von Doppeldifferenzen auf undifferenzierte Beobachtungen.,
Geodätische Woche 2013. Essen (Vortrag).
Schön, S.
Theoria cum praxi: ausgewählte GNSS Experimente am IfE.,
Geodätisches Kolloquium Leibniz Universität Hannover 19.11.2013.
Schön, S.
SIB60 Surveying GNSS‑based distance measurement REG (LUH).,
EMRP-J09 Status Meeting. Turin. 17.-18.12.2013 (Vortrag).
Schön, S., Weinbach, U.
Receiver Clock Modeling for PPP-based GPS Seismology.,
IAG Scientific Assembly 2013, September 01.-06., Potsdam, (Poster).
Semmling, M., Beyerle, G., Schön, S., Beckheinrich, J., Wickert, J., Scheinert M.
A GNSS Reflectometry Experiment aboard GEOHALO Mission for Sea Surface Height Estimation.,
IAG Scientific Assembly 2013, September 01.-06., Potsdam, (Vortrag).
Smyrnaios M., Schön S.
Multipath effects on GNSS carrier-phase and signal amplitude due to different reflectors,
Proceedings of IAG Scientific Assembly 2013, 150 years International Association of Geodesy (IAG), September 01.-06., GfZ - Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany
Smyrnaios M., Schön S., Kersten T.
Epoch-Wise Modeling of GNSS Multipath Effects,
Abtract #G53B-0919, AGU Fall Meeting, December 09.-13. San Francisco, California
Beckheinrich J., Beyerle, G., Semmling, M., Schön, S., Wickert, J., Apel, H.
WISDOM: GNSS-R based flood monitoring.,
Kolloquium SatellitennavigationTU München.
Deng Z., Bender, M., Zus, F., Ge, M., Dick, G., Wickert, J., Schön, S.
GPS Meteorology with single frequency receivers.,
In: IGS Workshop 2012, Olsztyn, Poland, July 23-27, 2012.
Deng Z., Schön, S., Zhang, H., Bender, M., Wickert, J.
Medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTID) modeling using a dense.,
GPS network Compass Meeting China.
Kersten, T.
The GNSS error budget from the antenna’s point of view – challenges and approaches,
Presentation, structured doctoral colloquia in the field of Geodesy and Geoinformatic, Leibniz University Hannover
Kersten, T. Schön, S.
Zur Bestimmung von Code-Phasenvariationen (GDV) bei GPS Antennen,
Geodätische Woche Hannover, Vortrag, 2012
Kersten, T. Schön, S.
ACA_IfE - Ein Matlab Post-Prozessor zur Bestimmung von Antennenspezifischen GPS Code-Phasen Variationen (GDV),
Entwicklerforum Geodäsie und Geoinformationstechnik, 27.-28.09,2012, Technische Universität Berlin
Kersten, T. Schön, S.
Current Research Activities at the IfE Antenna Calibration Facility,
In: IGS Workshop 2012, Olsztyn, Poland, July 23-27, 2012
Kersten, T. Schön, S. Weinbach, U.
On the Impact of Group Delay Variations on GNSS Time and Frequency Transfer,
Presentation at the 26th European Frequency and Time Forum, Gothenborg, Sweden, 24.-26. April 2012
Kube, F., Schön S., Feuerle T.
GNSS-based Curved Landing Approaches with a Virtual Receiver,
Proceedings of 2012 IEEE/ION Position Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS), Myrtle Beach, SC, USA, 24. April 2012
Kube, F., Schön, S.
Gekurvte Landeanflüge mit GNSS - Untersuchungen zur Navigationsleistung,
Poster, Geodätische Woche, Hannover 09.10-11.10.2012
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Lindenthal, N., Schön, S.
Präzise Relativpositionierung mittels GPS: Untersuchungen und Projekte am IfE,
Vortrag, Herbsttagung Arbeitskreis Geodäsie/Geophysik 2012, Kloster Drübeck, 19.11.-22.11.2012.
Lindenthal, N., Schön, S.
Qualitätsuntersuchungen in GNSS-Referenzstationsnetzen am Beispiel der Troposphärenkorrekturmodellierung,
Vortrag, Geodätische Woche 2012, Hannover, 9.10.-11.10.2012.
Lindenthal, N., Schön, S.
On the reliability and estimability of correction models from CORS networks, Poster,
IGS Workshop 2012, Olsztyn, Poland, July 23-27, 2012.
Liso M., Smyrnaios M., Schon S., Kurner, T.
Investigation of diffraction effects in GNSS using ray tracing channel modelling: Preliminary results,
Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), 2012 6th European Conference. March 2012, Prague, Czech Republic
Orliac, E., Jäggi, A., Dach, R., Weinbach, U., Schön, S.
Receiver Clock Modelling for GPS-only Gravity Field Recovery from GRACE.,
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Poster.
Schön S., Kube F., Feuerle T.
Improved Navigation Performance for Curved Approaches with a Virtual Receiver,
6th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies and European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing, 5-7 December 2012, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Schön, S.
The Virtual GNSS Receiver: A concept for improved GNSS-based navigation.,
Kolloquium Satellitennavigation TU München.
Schön, S.
Clocks in and for Geodesy - Achievements and Perspectives.,
Vortrag QUEST Conventions Juli 2012 Hannover.
Schön, S., Kersten, T., Lindenthal, N., Smyrnaios, M., Weinbach, U.
Station specific Biases in PPP and Reference Station Networks: Investigations at the Institut für Erdmessung,
Poster, PPP-RTK & Open Standards Symposium, Frankfurt am Main, 12.03.-13.03.2012.
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Semmling, M., Beyerle, G., Ge, M., Dick, G., Wickert, J., Schön, S.
An Inverse Method for Ocean Altimetry based on Specular GNSS Reflections, Poster.,
Workshop on Reflectometry using GNSS and Other Signals of Opportunity (GNSS+R) Perdue University.
Smyrnaios M., Liso M., Schön S., Kürner T.
Ray-Tracing Approach for Multipath Characterization - Including Multiple Rays,
Poster, IGS Workshop, Olsztyn, Poland, July 23-27, 2012
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Smyrnaios M., Liso M., Schön S., Kürner T.
Ray-Tracing Approach versus Double Difference, Multipath Characterization in a Multiple Ray Scenario,
6th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies & European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing, ESA ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands 05.-07.12.2012
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Smyrnaios M., Schön S., Liso M., Kürner T.
On the Relative Amplitude of Multipath. A Simulation Analysis,
Geodätische Woche Hannover 09.-12.09.2012
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Vennebusch M., Albert L., Schön S., Kube F., Goseberg N., Zorndt A., Schlurmann T., Wurpts A.
Precise Determination of Sediment Dynamics Using Low-cost GPS-floaters,
IEEE/ION PLANS 2012, April 24-26, Myrtle Beach
Weinbach, U., Schön, S.
Improved GPS Receiver Clock Modeling for Kinematic Orbit Determination of the GRACE Satellites,
In: Proceedings of the 26th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), Gothenburg, Sweden, April 24.-26. 2012
Kersten, T., Schön, S.
GNSS Group Delay Variations - Potential for Improving GNSS based Time and Frequency Transfer?,
Presentation, 43rd Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Meeting, Long Beach, CA
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Kersten, T., Schön, S.
On the Determination of Antenna Phase Center Corrections in a Multi-GNSS Multi-Frequency Approach,
Poster, EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-3678, 2011
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Kersten, T., Schön, S.
GNSS PCC und GDV Korrekturen mit high performance / low cost Equipment,
Geodätische Woche Nürnberg, 2011
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Kube, F., Schön, S., Feuerle, T.
Virtual Receiver to Enhance GNSS-based Curved Landing Approaches,
Proceedings of the 24th International Technical Meeting of the Institute of Navigation ION GNSS 2011, Portland, OR, USA, 21. September 2011
Lindenthal, N., Schön, S.
Aktuelle Qualitätsuntersuchungen zu GNSS-Referenzstationen,
Poster, Geodätische Woche 2011, Nürnberg, 27.09.-29.09.2011.
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Liso M., Jacob M., Smyrnaios M., Schön S., Kürner T.
Basic Concepts for the Modeling and Correction of GNSS Multipath Effects using Ray Tracing and Software Receivers,
EEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications, pp. 890-893, 12-16 Sept. 2011, Torino, Italy
Paffenholz, J.-A., Kersten, T., Schön, S., Kutterer, H.
Analysis of the Imact of Rotating GNSS Antennae in Kinematic Terrestrial Applications,
Presentation, FIG Working Week 2011 - Bridging the Gap between Cultures, Marrakech, Morocco, 18-22. May 2011
Schön S., Fang X., Weinbach U
Can line-of-sight information be recovered from GPS double-differences?- Alber’s approach revisited,
Poster EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-2592, 2011
Schön, S.
Nutzen moderner Atomuhren für kinematische Positionierung und Atmosphärenforschung mit GNSS,
Geodätisches Kolloquium Universität Stuttgart, 11.11.2011. Stuttgart
Semmling, M., Beyerle, G., Ge, M., Stosius, R., Wickert, J., Fabra, F., Cardellach, E., Ribó, S., Rius, A., Schön, S., D'Addio, S.
Interfermetric Carrier Observations and the Potential for GNNS-R Altimetry,
Space Reflecto 2011, 27.-28.10.11, Calais, Frankreich
Smyrnaios M., Schön S., Liso M., Kürner T.
On multipath characterization through
software receivers and ray-tracing,
Geodätische Woche Nürnberg, 2011
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Smyrnaios M., Schön S., Liso M., Kürner T.
C/N0 as a multipath indicator: Investigation with software receivers and ray-tracing,
International workshop GNSS Remote Sensing for Future Missions and Science Shanghai, 2011
Söhne W., Vennebusch M., Schön S., Stürze A.
TropMon-a new Analysis Tool for BKG’s Troposphere Parameter Databases,
Report on the Symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF), Chisinau, Moldova, 25-28 May 2011.
Vennebusch M., Schön S. Nothnagel A.
Characterisation of Atmospheric Turbulence with Space-Geodetic Observation Techniques,
Poster EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-4044, 2011
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Vennebusch M., Schön S., Weinbach U.
Determination of Refractivity Variations with GNSS and Ultra-stable Frequency Standards,
Presentation at International Workshop on GNSS Remote Sensing for Future Missions and Sciences, August 7-9, 2011, Shanghai
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Vennebusch M., Schön S., Weinbach U.
Determination of Atmospheric Turbulence Using Dedicated GPS-networks and Ultra-stable Frequency Standards,
Poster, IUGG 2011, Melbourne,
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Vennebusch, M., Schön, S., Weinbach, U.
PPP-derived High-frequency Tropospheric Delays as a Measure of Atmospheric Turbulence,
Poster, EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-4046, 2011
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Weinbach, U., Schön, S.
Receiver clock modeling in PPP: Analysis of impact and feasibility for ground-based and LEO GPS receivers,
Poster EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-8027, 2011
Weinbach, U., Schön, S.
Improved GRACE kinematic orbit determination using GPS receiver clock modeling,
Poster EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-8193, 2011
Weinbach, U., Schön, S.
Impact and Feasibility of High-Precision Clock Modelling for Ground-Based and LEO GPS Receivers,
Vortrag, IUGG 2011, Melbourne
Albert, L., Vennebusch, M., Schön, S., Wurpts, A., Hegemann, C.
Präzise Bestimmung von Fliessgeschwindigkeiten mit low-cost GNSS- Empfängern,
Vortrag, Geodätische Woche 2010, Köln, 6. Oktober 2010
Albert, L., Vennebusch, M., Schön, S., Wurpts, A., Hegemann, C.
Analyse und Validierung eines GPS-basierten Fliessgeschwindigkeits- Messsystems,
Poster, DVW-Seminar "GNSS-2010 - Vermessung und Navigation im 21. Jahrhundert", Köln, 4.-5. Oktober 2010
Kakkar A., Shetty P., Weinbach U., Schön S.
Experimental Analysis of New GNSS Signal Strengths,
Poster, Geodätische Woche 2010, 5.-7. Oktober 2010, Messe Köln
Kersten T., Schön, S.
Untersuchung des funktionalen Modells der PCV Schätzung,
Geodätische Woche 2010, Köln, 06.10.2010
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Kersten T., Schön, S.
PCV Estimation of Receiver Antennae Revisited,
Poster, IGS Workshop 2010, Newcastle
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Kersten T., Schön, S.
On the Receiver’s Impact on Phase Center Variations,
Poster, IGS Antenna Workshop 2010, Newcastle
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Kersten, T.
Estimatibility and Correlation Analysis for GNSS Antenna Phase Center Variations,
Presentation, structered doctoral colloquia in the field of Geodesy and Geoinformatic, Hannover
Kersten, T., Schön, S.
Towards Modeling Phase Center Variations for Multi-Frequency and Multi-GNSS,
5th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies and European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing
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More info
Kube, F., Schön, S.
Untersuchungen zur Kontinuität des Signalempfangs bei GNSS-gestützten gekurvten Landeanflügen,
Geodätische Woche, Köln 05.10-07.10.2010
Lindenthal, N., Schön, S., Neuner, H., Kutterer, H., Jahn, C.-H.
On The Monitoring Of Selected Permanent GNSS Reference Stations with Independent Geodetic Techniques,
Poster, IGS Workshop, Newcastle upon Tyne, 28.06.-01.07.2010
Paffenholz, J.-A., Kersten, T., Schön, S., Kutterer, H.
Analyse rotierender GNSS Antennen in kinematischen terrestrischen Anwendungen,
Geodätische Woche 2010 - Köln
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Schön, S
Differentielle GNSS Systeme - Code- und Phasenlösungen,
Präsentation, DVW-Seminar "GNSS-2010 - Vermessung und Navigation im 21. Jahrhundert", Köln, 4.-5. Oktober 2010
Schön, S.
Nutzen moderner Atomuhren für die GNSS-Positionierung und Troposphärenmodellierung,
GEO-Kolloquium – 27.10.2010 TU Graz Österreich
Shetty P., Kakkar A., Weinbach U., Schön S.
Experimental Analysis of Multipath Linear Combination of GPS and Galileo Signals,
Poster, Geodätische Woche 2010, 5.-7. Oktober 2010, Messe Köln
Vennebusch, M., Schön, S. , Weinbach, U.
Correlations in GPS High Rate Data due to Atmospheric Turbulence,
IGS Analysis Workshop, June 28, 2010 - July 1, 2010, Newcastle.
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Weinbach U., Schön S.
GNSS Receiver Clock Modeling in PPP: Analysis of Impact and Feasibility,
Poster, IGS Workshop 2010, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, 28 June - 2 July, 2010
Weinbach, U., Schön S.
Empfängeruhrmodellierung in GNSS: Auswirkungen und Realisierbarkeit,
Präsentation, Geodätische Woche 2010, 5.-7. Oktober 2010, Messe Köln
Weinbach, U., Schön, S.
On the Correlation of Tropospheric Zenith Path Delay and Station Clock Estimates in Geodetic GNSS Frequency Transfer,
Presentation, 24th European Frequency and Time Forum, 13-16 April, 2010, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Feldmann, T., Esteban, H., Gotoh, T., Weinbach, U., Bauch, A., Piester, D., Palacio, J., Maeno, H., Schön, S.
Examinations on the current uncertainly of time scale comparisons using GPS carrier phase and precise point positioning.,
Vortrag, 23rd European Frequency and Time Forum, Besancon, France, 20-24 April 2009
Jacob, M., Schön, S., Weinbach, U., Kürner, T.
Ray Tracing Supported Precision Evaluation for GPS Indoor Positioning,
Vortrag, 5th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication 2009 (WPNC09), Hannover, 19.3.2009
Kersten T., Schön, S.
Zum Einfluss von Nahfeldeffekten des Unterbaus FG ANA 100B,
Geodätische Woche 2009 - Karlsruhe
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Lindenthal, N., Schön, S. Neuner, H., Kutterer, H., Jahn, C.-H.
Zum Monitoring von GNSS-Stationen mit unabhängigen geodätischen Methoden,
Vortrag, Geodätische Woche 2009, Karlsruhe, 22.09.-24.09.2009
Lindenthal, N., Schön, S., Neuner, H., Kutterer, H., Jahn, C.-H.
On the Monitoring of GNSS Reference Stations With Independent Geodetic Techniques.,
Vortrag, 2nd International Colloquium - Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme, Padua, Italy, 14.10.-16.10.2009 (CD-ROM)
Schön, S., Weinbach, U.
Aktuelle Arbeiten zur Antennenkalibrierung am Institut für Erdmessung,
Vortrag, Antennenworkshop TU Dresden, 20.3.2009
Vennebusch, M., Schön, S.
Generation of slant tropospheric delay time series based on turbulence theory,
Geodesy for Planet Earth - IAG 2009, Buenos Aires, 01.09.2009
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Vennebusch, M., Schön, S.
Sensing atmospheric turbulence by GNSS phase observations,
Poster, 4th European Workshop on GNSS-Signals and Signal Processing, 2009, December 10, 2009 - December 10./11, 2009, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
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Vennebusch, M., Schön, S.
Sensitivity analyses of turbulence theory- based variance-covariance matrices of tropospheric slant delays,
Poster, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU Wien, 24.04.2009
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Weinbach, U., Schön, S., Feldmann, T.
Evaluation of state-of-the-art geodetic GPS receivers of frequency comparisons.,
Vortrag, 23rd European Frequency and Time Forum, Besancon,France, 20-24 April 2009
Kersten, Tobias
ObjectARX Erweiterung von AutoCAD mit C++,
Entwicklerforum Geoinformationstechnik, 24.07.2008, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin 2008